Mind Transformation 233

Paul Johnson, Gym: e25/3, str – 60, S, R – 20, p, g, c, m, s – 2, i – 2, w – 8km.
There is no better way to shift from learning to workout rather than writing about the latter. Yesterday, I complained about the stupid stuff I wrote and tried to convince myself that it’s going to be better in the future. Yes, it will. I think it will be better even without learning. I mean, I actually don’t need to learn so much to become better. I can simply use my language and develop it by writing, speaking, and thinking. Going on and improving each skill for 10-30 minutes daily, I’ll have got inevitable progress without any intention. Seeking new information and immediately absorbing it by writing, speaking, and thinking, I can switch to any kind of activity that isn’t directly connected with the language. I can start with learning MMA and gather all the information about it by writing down everything I’ll learn. This is going to be very useful for increasing my vocabulary and understanding different ways of communication. Obviously, linguists don’t use the same language as fighters do. Maybe, it will be boring to scratch the surface at the beginning, but when I dive in and get the access to real deep knowledge it will be as fascinating as working on mind development. Roughly speaking, it also can be counted like mind development. Strengthening my body, I strengthen my mind and vise versa.
So let’s make a strong focus on power and go to this direction. Well, I think it’s a good idea to give a name to the direction and count days to see how far I can go. I call it “Seeking Personal Power.” (SPP) Now I want to make a plan for next 10 days and follow that plan. What’s the plan? Here it is: 35 pushups, 10 pullups, and noticeable progress in stretching.

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2019/01/28/1861       
