The Monologue on sanctions and diplomatic recognit

The Monologue on sanctions and diplomatic recognition

The possible  transition of a state power in Venezuela from Nicolas Maduro to Juan Guaido is accompanied by such events as (1) the application of sanctions, (2) the diplomatic recognition of the new person as head of state, (3) the granting of financial rights and resources to the (newly) recognized head of state.

Publications and discussions, in which all these actions receive ironical and negative or obviously derisive and hostile assessment, meet.

For example, well-known historical facts are the events in some former socialist countries. During these events there was a change of leaders.
However, the complex use of such methods as sanctions, diplomatic recognition, redistribution of financial rights and resources - is not come to a memory.

The question naturally arises: have conflicts of interests between States and groups of States disappeared? The answer is clear - No.

Has violence disappeared in this world? The answer, again, - No.

In that case, how adequate is the ironic-negative or obviously derisive-hostile attitude to the complex application of sanctions, diplomatic recognition, financial redistribution?

Events a sophisticated are. A lot of water will flow away, and disputes around application of these methods will continue.

However, if to mean, for example, the humanitarian and environmental aspects, "sanctions - diplomatic recognition - financial redistribution" have a clear advantage both over violence in general and over such a form of violence as armed conflict.

Probably, it is possible to emphasize not only the relative "peacefulness" of the above-mentioned political methods, but also their relative a publicity.

We can assume that we are witnessing new political practices, relatively new political methods, and perhaps great events.

January 29, 2019 19:54

Translation from Russian into English: January 29, 2019 20:34.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Монолог о санкциях и о дипломатическом признании”.
