Методичка по английскому. Тема Медицина

ФГАОУ ВО «Крымский федеральный университет
имени В. И. Вернадского»
Институт иностранной филологии
Кафедра Теории языка, литературы и социолингвистики

Куделина Ирина


Методическое пособие

Unit 1 Parts of body………………………………………………...4
Module 1……………………………………………………………12
Unit 2 Visit to Doctor……………………………………………..16
Module 2…………………………………………………………...24
Unit 3 Mind illness or God’s gift?................................................27
Module 3……………………………………………………………35
Module 1-3…………………………………………………………39
Список использованных источников……………………………43

Цель данного методического пособия в том, чтобы оказать помощь студентам в освоении и закреплении темы «Медицина». Цель данного методического пособия является его основной задачей.
Данное методическое пособие основано на следующих материалах:
; Аракин,В. Д.. Практический курс Английского языка 2 курс./ В. Д. Аракин. – 7-е изд, доп. и испр. — М.: Гуманитар. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2005. – 516 с.
; Tim Falla. Solutions Intermediate. 2nd edition./ Tim Falla, Oxford exam support.
; Richard Sidaway. Parts of Body / Richard Sidaway. British Council. Learn English. [Электронныйадрес]

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.
Parts of the body
By Richard Sidaway
There are 50 trillion cells in the human body, 206 bones, 32 teeth, and more than five and a half liters of blood. There is also at least one part of the body for every letter of the English alphabet. Here are 25 of them. Can you guess what they are?
A: This is a 10cm long piece of the intestines and nobody can really work out what it isfor. Probably, it’s a leftover from the days when our ancestors were vegetarian. Many people have it removed when it becomes infected.
B: A muscular bag which expands to collects urine from the kidneys. It can hold as much as half a liter before you have to go to the toilet. They used to be kicked around as footballs and played as musical instruments, although only after the animals had finished using them…
C: Some people have clefts in theirs, others let hair grow on them…You keep it up to recover from a misfortune, and use the word twice to toast someone.
D: The little depression which appears each side of your mouth when you smile is, like the ability to make a u-shape with your tongue, genetic. You’ve either got it, or you haven’t…
E: That most perfect of organs, the biologist’s best argument for natural selection, the window to the soul. In sleep, it is covered by a lid. Close one and you wink, close two and you blink. The third is a symbol of enlightenment.
F: People paint the nails to make themselves more attractive and put rings on them to signify alliance. They help us read if we cannot see, and help us speak when we cannot hear. They wrote these words…
G: I’ve always thought that this sounds like the name of a distinguished Roman Emperor, but it is in fact the most powerful muscle in the human body. There are two of them and chances are you’re probably sitting on them right now.
H: The size of a fist, it beats 70 times a minute without stopping for more than 60 years. So much more than just a pump for the blood, it symbolizes love and the center of our being. It can be followed, broken, even worn on your sleeve!
I: It opens and closes in reaction to light and gives color to the eye. It is now scanned to check people’s identity. The word comes from the woman in Greek mythology who personified the rainbow.
J: The bone that opens and closes the mouth and holds your teeth. It drops if you are shocked or surprised. Snakes can unlock theirs if they’re having a particularly big lunch.
K: Bend it and you get shorter, get down on it and you show respect. Footballers and skiers put it under great stress. Children and ventriloquists’ dummies tend to use it as a seat. It should jerk if you hit it with a small hammer.
L: Some people fill theirs with smoke, although they are supposed to be used for getting oxygen to the blood and removing carbon dioxide. The right one is bigger than the left one. They have enough airways to cover a tennis court.
M: There are 650 of these and we move when they get shorter. They often work in pairs. Some you can’t control at all. One you can, supposedly, is the tongue. It takes 17 of them to make a smile.
N: The ‘wires’ which pass messages to and from the brain to all parts of the body by using electrical pulses and chemical changes. If the blood to them gets cut off, they get irritated and the result is ‘pins and needles’. There are over 70km of them in the skin alone.
O: About the size of a nut, there are two of these organs which produce an unfertilized human egg every month or so for about thirty years. They also release the hormones which change girls into women.
P: This is the part of the body that can be moved sensually while dancing and led to the invention of Hawaiian grass skirts, rock ’n’ roll and the hula-hoop. It is larger in women for the purposes of childbirth only because humans insist on having such big heads. 
R: Twelve pairs in both men and women form a cage to protect various vital organs inside. Some of them ‘float’ because they don’t meet in the middle. If you crack one, you just have to wait until it heals.
S: This is our surface covering. It takes a month for each new cell to move through the three layers to the top, after which it drops off. You lose about 50 kilos of it by the time you are 70. It comes in a variety of colors to protect us from the sun, and gets more wrinkled as we get older.
T: 60,000 liters of water pass down it in the average lifetime and sometimes you get a frog in it. It contains one pipe for food and one for air. Pressure on the outside can lead to strangulation, a blockage inside can cause suffocation.
U: The thing that hangs down at the back of your mouth. This is what you see when you yawn, and can sometimes cause people to snore when they are asleep.
V: This makes your blood look blue. Medical professionals use them if they need to extract a specimen for testing. They can become inflamed or varicose if you spend too much time in one position.
W: A joint that links fifteen separate bones. It is used to hang an accessory for telling the time, or one to persuade you to accompany the police to the station.   
X: A long continuous piece of DNA, containing around 1,000 genes, this is one of the 23 pairs that are found in human cells. Women have two of them, men one.
Y: A long continuous piece of DNA, containing between 70 and 300 genes. Its sequence has now been mapped by the Human Genome Project. It is found only inside the cells of the male of the species.
Z: If you’ve never heard of this, then you’re probably not the only one. Nor had I until I found out it’s another name for the cheekbone.
Vocabulary. Translate and learn by heart.
Gluteus maximus

Exercise 2. In the first table are the letters of the alphabet. In the second table are the parts of the body described in the text above, with the first letter missing from each. Can you match the rest of the word to the first letter in each case?
A  …elvis
B  …aw
C …hroat
D …ung
E …inger
F …nee
G …ein
H …ladder
I  …kin
J  …ib
K …uscle
L  …ppendix
M …vula
N  …ye
O  …ris
P   …ygoma
R   …erves
S   …chromosome
T   …hin
U   …chromosome
V   …luteus maximus
W  …rist
X   …Imple
Y   …eart
Z    …var

Exercise 3. Fill in the words and complete sentences. Find and translate three idioms.
Arm, eyelid, head, hand, leg, neck
1. He was pulling your ___________
He was…. A) angry with you. B) joking. C) embarrassed.
2. Did you give him a __________?
Did you…. A) help him? B) lie to him? C) make him happy?
3. You've twisted my _________.
You've…. A) upset me. B) told me everything. C) persuaded me.
4. I'll stick my__________ out.
I'll…. A) take a risk. B) think about it. C) look.
5. She didn't bat an _________.
She wasn't…. A) awake. B) crying. C) surprised.
6. You need to keep your _________.
You need to…. A) be silent. B) work hard. C) stay calm.

Exercise 4. Make up dialogue using new words and three idioms from exercise 3.

Exercise 5. Translate sentences from English to Russian. 
1. She had to rack her head a lot to solve this problem.
2. Her fingers are long and it is to her advantage because she plays piano every day.
3. Leo plays football everyday that’s why his legs are very strong.
4. One day Maria hurt her finger while making salad.
5. She was sitting all day long that’s why she decided to stretch her neck a little.
6. Mike’s grandfather is very old and sometimes he holds his back.
7. – Rose, think a little before you do something. Look, your palms are very dirty. Go and wash them.
8. She does lot of work, but sometimes you think that her main purpose in life to talk every minute possible. How does her tongue cope with it?
9. I ate a lot of food yesterday and now I have a terrible stomachache.
10. She was sleepy that’s why she couldn’t help but blink a lot.

Exercise 6. Translate sentences from Russian to English.
1. Кейт привыкла думать головой перед тем, как что-то сказать.
2. Он ранил ногу и больше не может играть.
3. У нее хороший слух, она с самого детства играет на скрипке.
4. У моей бабушки слабое сердце поэтому она старается больше отдыхать.
5. Ее жизненно важное правило, вставать с пастели с правой ноги.
6. У нее шикарные волосы потому что она часто бывает на улице и придерживается здорового образа жизни.
7. Джейн замерзла поэтому обхватила себя руками.
8. Ее руки были заняты поэтому она указала мужу на нужную вещь подбородком. Он не блещет интеллектом, но все равно понял ее.
9. Сэм смотрела мыльную оперу и почувствовала, как по щекам потекли теплые слезы.
10. Ее мама только удивляется, как у ее дочки не болят уши, ведь она так громко любит слушать музыку.

Exercise 7. Solve the following crossword.
Рис. 1. Кроссворд к упражнению 7.

1. These are used to move the body around. Runners have very strong _____.
2. These are used for balance. They are part of the feet.
3. These are used to see.
4. These are used to touch. They are part of the hands.
5. These are used to grab or hold onto things.
1. The _______ are on the outer part of the mouth. You use them to kiss.
2. These are used to chew. You lose them when you are young.
3. This part of the body contains the brain, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.
4. These are used to hear.
5. This is used to support the head.
Exercise 8. Answer the questions.
1. What substance are nails made of?
2. What is the human body’s biggest organ?
3. The innermost part of bones contains what?
4. The shape of DNA is known as? 
5. The bones around your chest that protect organs such as the heart are called what?
6. What is the name of the long pipe that shifts food from the back of your throat down to your stomach?
7. What are the most useful parts of our body?
8. How would you describe the human body to an alien?
9. What part of your body would you like to change?
10. Would you rather have the perfect body or be super intelligent?

Exercise 9. Give your opinion to the following questions.
1. Shakespeare said: "Our bodies are our gardens - our wills are our gardeners." What does this mean? Do you agree with him?
2. Hermann M. Biggs said: "The human body is the only machine for which there are no spare parts." Is this true? Should there be lots of spare parts?
3. Why do you think body language is important?
4. How do you use body language in your daily life?
5. How does body language help you to communicate?
6. Do you try to use body language when you communicate in English?

Exercise 10. Find equivalents to the following idioms.
1. (have) eggonyourface
2. (your) handsaretied
3. (your) heart goes out to (someone)
4. (your) heartisn'tinit
5. a badhairday
6. a gutfeeling
7. a skeleton in the cupboard | closet
8. a slipofthetongue
9. a weightoffyourshoulders
10. behindsomeone'sback

Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps.
Stomach, finger, nose, head, eyes, feet, teeth, neck, mouth, back
1. If your ________ hurt, you should go to the dentist.
2. If you open your __________, you will see better!
3. A wedding ring is worn on the __________.
4. Pinocchio got a very big _________ because he told too many lies.
5. If you are very cold, put a woolen scarf around your ________.
6. Eating is very easy. You just put food into your __________!
7. If you drink too much beer, your _________ will hurt the next day.
8. Be careful and don’t injure your __________ when you lift something heavy.
9. Men who drink a lot of beer often have a large __________.
10. You put socks on your ___________.

Exercise 2. Translate from English to Russian.
1. I have an eyes but it’s very hard for me to tell their color. They are always different. They are grey in the morning and blue at night.
2. I have nose. I have got a small nose.
3. Something is wrong with my legs: all my joints ache and when I bend my knee it hurts me.
4. Have you taken anything for your headache?
5. He was so tired and his eyelids were so heavy that he was ready fall asleep any second.
6. Her waist was so tiny that she looked like a doll.
7. Jack felt acute pain in his back and left shoulder and decided to take a day off.
8. Her cheeks became red and hot, she was very embarrassed.
9. Her red ears gave her away.She was so embarrassed that wanted to disappear. 
10. She has round chin, full lips and big eyes, but even though she does not consider herself a beauty.
11. She has long and thick eyelashes and when she applies make-up her eyes express all her honest feelings.
12. Amanda has big forehead and it was very hard for her to find the right hairstyle.

Exercise 3. Translate from Russian to English.
1. У каждого человек по две ноги, однако не многие знают что они не пропорциональные. Одна короче другой. 
2. Сердце обладает рядом функций и самая главная – разгонять кровь по телу. Это «двигатель» нашего тела.
3. У нее большие глаза и когда смотришь в них, то создается впечатление, что в них видно ее душу.
4. Голова нужна для того чтобы думать, и лучше не забивать ее всяким мусором, потому что именно от глупых мыслей избавиться тяжелее всего.
5. Какой орган наиболее важен для человека? Конечно же сердце, потому что без него человек не сможет жить.
6. Зачем человеку нужна печень и в каких функциях нашего организма она принимает самое прямое участие?
7. Печень обладает свойством само восстанавливаться. Однако эти клетки восстанавливаются очень медленно, поэтому лучше следить за здоровьем с молодости.
8. Сердце может заболеть в любую минуту. Чтобы этого не случилось лучше соблюдать режим дня и поддерживать организм в тонусе.
9. Мой нос очень большой поэтому меня в детстве дразнили, та что мой нос – больная тема для меня.
10. Я пишу правой рукой. Значит, левое полушарие моего мозга работает лучше правого.
11. Я не могу читать вслух, у меня слишком тихий голос.
12. У него большой лоб, поэтому у него вошло в привычку носить что-то на голове, чтобы спрятать этот изъян.
Exercise 4. Choose the right meaning.
1. (have) egg on your face
Silvio had egg on his face after saying he was much better than all the other drivers, and then
a. winning the race
b. coming last in the race
c. coming second in the race
2. (your) hands are tied
The guy in the bank who approves loans said his hands were tied and he
a. can'tuntiethem
b. would be happy to give us the loan
c. couldn'tapproveourloan
3. (your) heart goes out to (someone)
The president said his heart went out to
a. alltheearthquakevictims
b. allhisoldgirlfriends
c. allthemoneyhelost
4. (your) heart is in the right place
Linda's heart is in the right place and she always tries to
a. do things to help people
b. make a goodliving
c. takeadvantageofpeople
5. (your) heartisn'tinit
She's doing the photo shoot to promote her book, but her heart isn't in it. Shelooks
a. quitehappy
b. reallybored
c. veryfunny
6. a badhairday
If you're having a bad hair day
a. you've had a terrible haircut
b. nothing'sgoingrightforyou
c. you don't care what people think about you
7. a gut feeling
Beth said she had a gut feeling that her husband was cheating on her, but she
a. couldn'tproveit
b. couldproveit
c. hadproveditalready

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.
From "Three Men in a Boat" by Jerome K. Jerome
I remember going to the British Museum one day to read up the
treatment for some slight ailment. I got down the book and read all I came to read; and then, in an unthinking moment, I idly turned the leaves and began to study diseases, generally. I forgot which was the first, and before I had glanced half down the list of "premonitory symptoms", I was sure that I had got it.
I sat for a while frozen with horror; and then in despair I again turned over the pages. I came to typhoid fever — read the symptoms — discovered that I had typhoid fever— began to get interested in my case, and so started alphabetically.
Cholera I had, with severe complications; and diphtheria I seemed to have been born with. I looked through the twenty-six letters, and the only disease I had not got was housemaid's knee.
I sat and thought what an interesting case I must be from a medical point of view. Students would have no need to "walk the hospitals" if they had me. I was a hospital in myself. All they need do would be to walk round me, and, after that, take their diploma.
Then I wondered how long I had to live. I tried to examine myself. I felt my pulse. I could not at first feel any pulse at all. Then, all of a sudden, it seemed to start off. I pulled out my watch and timed it. I made it a hundred and forty-seven to the minute. I tried to feel my heart. I could not feel my heart. It had stopped beating. I patted myself all over my front, from what I call my waist up to my head but I could not feel or hear anything. I tried to look at my tongue. I stuck it out as far as ever it would go, and I shut one eye and tried to examine it with the other. I could only see the tip, but I felt more certain than before that I had scarlet fever.
I had walked into the reading-room a happy, healthy man. I crawled out a miserable wreck.
I went to my medical man. He is an old chum of mine, and feels my pulse, and looks at my tongue, and talks about the weather, all for nothing, when I fancy I'm ill. So I went straight up and saw him, and he said:
"Well, what's the matter with you?"
I said:
"I will not take up your time, dear boy, with telling you what is the matter with me. Life is short and you might pass away before I had finished. But 1 will tell you what is not the matter with me. Everything else, however, I have got."
And I told him how I came to discover it all,
Then he opened me and looked down me, and took hold of my wrist, and then he hit me over the chest when I wasn't expecting it — a cowardly thing to do, I call it After that, he sat down and wrote out a prescription, and folded it up and gave it me, and I put it in my pocket and went out.
I did not open it, I took it to the nearest chemist's, and handed it in. The man read it, and then handed it back. He said he didn't keep it.
I said:
"You are a chemist?"
He said:
"1 am a chemist. If I was a co-operative stores and family hotel combined, 1 might be able to oblige you."
I read the prescription. It ran:
"1 lb.16 beefsteak, with
1 pt. bitter beer
every six hours.
1 ten-mile walk every morning.
1 bed at 11 sharp every night.
And don't stuff up your head with things you don't understand."
I followed the directions with the happy result that my life was preserved and is still going on.

Vocabulary. Learn by heart.
appendicitis n
insomnia n
attack (of smth.) n
prescription n
case (of a disease) n
recover (from a disease) ;
cholera n
remedy n
complication n
scarlet fever n
cough ;, n
sneeze о
cure of ;
sore (throat, eye, finger, etc.) adj
cure for n
surgery n
die of ;
symptom n
diphtheria n
tonic n
disease n
treat ; (smb. for a disease)
indigestion n treatment (for smth.) n
injection n typhoid fever n
Word Combinations
to feel smb.'s (one's) pulse
to write out a prescription (for pills, etc.)
to go to a chemist's (drugstore)
to follow the doctor's directions
to catch (a) cold
to have an accident
to be short of breath
to examine a patient (smb.'s throat etc.)
to breathe in deeply
to consult (see) a doctor
to have a nervous breakdown
to keep to a diet (of ...);
to be on (go on), follow a diet
to have a prescription (medicine, mixture, tonic, etc.) made up
to take medicine (a spoonful of, etc.)
to be wrong with (one's heart, lungs, etc.);
to have smth. wrong with
to be taken ill (to fall ill) with
to be laid up with
to feel sick (and giddy)
to fill smb.'s tooth
to have one's tooth filled,
to have a filling
to pull (take) out a tooth = to have an extraction
to have one's tooth pulled out (taken out), extracted
to be (have one's teeth, chest, heart, etc.) X-rayed
to test smb.'s blood
to have one's blood tested
to test smb.'s blood pressure
to have one's blood pressure tested
to have, get (give) an injection (a needle)
to have a heart attack to check smb.'s heart, lungs, etc.;
to sound smb.'s heart, lungs, etc.
to be on sick leave;
to get sick leave
to make an appointment with a doctor

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the words below.
Symptoms, blacked up, dizzy, itchy, rash, sore, stiff, swollen, temperature.
1. If a part of your body is ____________it has got bigger.
2. If you're _____________you feel as if you might fall over.
3. If a part of your body is _____________you can't move it easily.
4. If you've got a ______________your body is hotter than usual.
5. If a part of your body is ___________you want to scratch it.
6. If you've got a__________ nose, you can't breathe through it.
7. If you've got a ____________an area of skin is red.
8. If part of your body is ________________that part hurts.
9. Runny nose, watery eyes and sore throat are cold’s___________.
Exercise 3. Choose the correct answer.
1. He's got a temperature I dizzy.
2. Kate's rash is stiff / itchy.
3. My nose is blocked up / sick.
4. My sister's feeling swollen / sick.
5. I've got a headache / sick.
6. My ankle is stiff / blocked up.
7. My arm's dizzy / sore.
Exercise 4. Work in pairs. Prepare a role• play between a patient and a doctor. Decide:
• how long the patient has been feeling unwell.
• what the patient's symptoms are (see Vocabulary Builder 4.4: Page 132).
 • what the doctor's advice is.
Exercise 5. Translate from English to Russian.
1.He was taken to hospital and operated on (underwent an operation) for appendicitis.
2.After I've had some injections of tonic I feel quite cured of all my ailments.
3.The child is ill (laid up) with chicken pox (ветрянка). He'll soon recover if no complications set in.
4.Smallpox (оспа) is a catching (заразная) disease marked by fever and small red spots on the body and often leaves permanent marks.
5. I've been on sick leave for a fortnight already, but I don't feel any better so far.
6. The doctor diagnosed the illness as tuberculosis (t. b.).
7.A doctor who performs (carries out) operations is called a surgeon. Nowadays operations may be performed almost on any part of the body.
8. When people have pain in their teeth they go to a dentist to have the holes in their teeth filled (stopped).
9. When necessary they may have their teeth taken (pulled) out.
10. People who are treated in health centres (policlinics) are called out-patients, those who stay in hospital are called inpatients.
11.Something is wrong with my legs: all my joints ache and when I bend my knee it hurts me.
12.The old man's sight is getting dim (слабеет), his eyes are sore, swollen and itching.

Exercise 6. Translate from Russian to English.
1.Я страдаю от бессонницы. Именно из-за этого я решился купить себе снотворное.
2.  Я все время чихаю и кашляю. Я долго колебался потому что не знал наверняка: простуда это или простая аллергия.
3.У меня болит горло. Однако этого мало чтобы отлынивать от работы и бежать к врачу. Можно спокойно обойтись подручными лекарствами.
4.В довершение ко всему я простудился и мне пришлось-таки идти к врачу.
5.Я задыхаюсь. Я все-таки много пробежал, хотя мне бегать противопоказано, потому что я страдаю от астмы. 
6.С легкими у вас все в порядке. Однако это не значит, что вы должны расслабиться и перестать следить за здоровьем.
7.Глубоко вдохните через нос. Внимательно слушайте, что говорит вам ваш лечащий врач. 
8.У вас может быть нервное расстройство. Вам лучше обратиться за помощью к психологу.
9.Регулярно питайтесь и придерживайтесь овощной диеты. Тогда ваш организм будет в тонусе и ваше здоровье наладиться.
10.Принимайте это лекарство по столовой ложке три раза в день.
11.Обещаю полное выздоровление в течение трех месяцев.
12. Я это обдумаю. Стоит ли мне ложиться под нож или нет. Я не думаю, что если мне вырезать больной орган, то это решит проблему.
13.Я рада, что застала тебя дома. Меня наконец выписали из больницы. Я теперь абсолютно здоровый человек.
14.У меня уйма новостей. Во-первых, Мария родила здорового ребенка, а во-вторых, их было целые три младенца и все мальчики с черными волосами.
Exercise 7. Solvethecrossword.

3. 2.

  4. 4.


Рис. 2. Кроссворд к упражнению 7.
1. A medical problem which requires immediate attention.
2. An institution in which sick or injured persons are given medical or surgical treatment.
3. A small round piece of medicinal material that is to be swallowed whole.
4. _________ are people who are trained to provide care to the sick or injured.
5. A person licensed to practice medicine as a physician, surgeon, dentist, or veterinarian.
1. To restore to health.
2. The practice of treating diseases, injuries, or deformities by manual or operative procedures. 3. Physical or mental suffering.
4. If you are ____, you have a physical or mental illness.

Exercise 8. Answer the questions.
1. Do you know the first symptoms of this disease?
2. Did you know that cancer is a disease from which you can die?
3. How do you think what is better: to immediately contact a doctor for help or self-medication?
4. Our life’s in our hands. And how do you think? Explain your answer.
5. When you go to the dentisthe tore you teeth?
6. Do you have any problems with heart? Why you don’t go to the doctor?
7. Health is not joking. You're getting to the hospital to be tested?
8. Do you feel pain in your back?  Can you go to the doctor?
Exercise 9.Discuss this in class.
1. Do you think the boy would have worried about his temperature if he had known the difference between the Fahrenheit and the Centigrade thermometers?
2. Why, do you think, the medicines were in different coloured capsules?
3. The greatest wealth is health. What do you think about it?
4. Eat well, drink in moderation, and sleep sound, in these three good health abound. Why so? Do you agree with this opinion?
5. Health is not simply the absence of sickness. What is meant here? What is your opinion?
Exercise 10. Find equivalents to the following idioms.
1. alive and kicking
2. alive and well
3. as fit as a fiddle
4. as pale as a ghost
5. as pale as death
6. at death's door
7. back on one's feet
8. bitter pill to swallow
9. black-and-blue
10. black out
11. Biteone’snails
12. Bitesomeone’sheadoff
Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
Eye, Eyelid, Leg, Necks, Wrist.
1 Kevin can't write because he's sprained his ___________
2 The teacher didn't bat an _________when one of the students left the room.
3 We kept quiet in the meeting because we didn't want to stick our_________ out.
4 You can 't believe anything my uncle says because he's always pulling your ____________.
5 Have you been fighting? You've got a black _____________.

Exercise 2.Translate from English to Russian.
1. If you have these symptoms should go to the doctor immediately.
2. The doctor said that I need full and duty treatment.
3. If you follow the doctor's orders, you get better; if you disobey the doctor, you may get worse, and even die.
4. Modern medicine has brought various vaccines and antibiotics.
5. Of all things, people probably have diseases most.
6. If your teeth need attention, filling or extracting, or if you need false teeth, then you go to the dentist.
7. Taking medicines is an unpleasant thing, of course, and if you want to avoid it, you should keep yourself fit.
8. Have plenty of fruits and vegetables all the year round "An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
9. If you are running a temperature, have a splitting headache feel dizzy or cough you go and see a doctor or send for him at once.
10. She or he will come and feel your pulse, take your temperature, listen to your heart, tested your lungs, measure your blood pressure.
11. Certainly, he or she will prescribe some medicine that you can get made up at chemists.
12. At chemist's shop, you can get different kinds of medicines: pulls, tablets, ointments and many other things.

Exercise 3. Translate from Russian to English.
1. Слово медицина имеет латинское происхождение и означает "искусство исцеления".
2. Будучи древней наукой, медицина всегда помогала лечить людей от опасных заболеваний.
3. В современной медицине есть также много направление и высококлассных специалистов в области здравоохранения.
4. Бронхит — заболевание дыхательной системы, при котором в воспалительный процесс вовлекаются бронхи.
5. Лечение бронхита зависит от провоцирующего фактора, типа течения и формы заболевания.
6. Как мне принимать эти лекарства, доктор?Вы должны принимать их два раза в день.
7. К какому специалисту мне обратиться?Вы должны сходить к хирургу.
8. Я, должно быть, подхватил простуду. Я все время чихаю и кашляю, и, в довершение всего, мне трудно глотать.
9. У вас ничего серьезного, просто избегайте сквозняков, оставайтесь в постели несколько дней и принимайте лекарство, которое я вам выпишу.
10. Вы должны сходить к терапевту.
11. В теории мы хорошо знаем, что мы должны сделать, чтобы быть здоровыми, но на практике существует едва ли человек, который не имеет никаких проблем с его здоровьем.
12. Я следовал инструкциям врача и через неделю я был здоров.

Exercise 4. Choose the right meaning.
1. Alive and kicking.
Katy has been ill untill ricently but now she is alive and kicking.
a) She is feeling better.
b) She has complitely recovered.
c) She wants to go outside to get a breather.

2. As pale as Death.
She suddenly felt dizzy when she was watching horror movie and her face became as pale as Death.
a) She was feeling ill
b) She just had a pale complection.
c) She was so fritened that she could’n help it.

3. Black out
Her head began spining and she blacked out.
a) She fell asleep.
b) She didn’t pay attention to her surroundigs.
c) She fainted.

4. Biteone’snails
Her husband was running late so she began biting her nails.
a) She was lazy and couldn’t cut her nails.
b) She was hungry.
c) She was anxious.

5. Bite someone’s head off
He was red and ready to bite her head off.
a) He was angry.
b) He was surprised and accidently slapped her.
c) He was embarrassed for shouting loudly.   

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.
Is ESP Real? Harvard Scientists Say They Have Settled The Debate
Psychologists at Harvard University using neuroimaging say they have resolved the century-old debate over the existence of Extra-Sensory Perception(ESP) – and it doesn't exist.
The research was led by Samuel Moulton, a graduate student in the department of psychology in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Harvard University with Stephen Kosslyn, John Lindsley Professor of Psychology at Harvard and was published in the Jan. 2008 issue of the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. The scientists used brain scanning to test whether individuals have knowledge that cannot be explained through normal perceptual processing.
"If any ESP processes exist, then participants' brains should respond differently to ESP and non-ESP stimuli," explains Moulton. “Instead, results showed that participants’ brains responded identically to ESP and non-ESP stimuli, despite reacting strongly to differences in how emotional the stimuli were and showing subtle, stimulus-related effects.”
Nearly half of the adults in the United States believe in the existence of ESP, which includes telepathy (direct knowledge of another person's thoughts), clairvoyance (direct knowledge of remote events), and precognition (direct knowledge of the future). People commonly report unexplained knowledge of a loved one's death or a telephone caller's identity, for example, and attribute this knowledge to paranormal mental processing.
The U.S. government lent credence to such claims when it revealed that it had spent millions of dollars recruiting and training psychic spies during the Cold War. Furthermore, research studies have been reported that appear to support the existence of ESP, including an influential series of experiments analyzed by psychologist Daryl Bem of Cornell University. These studies, however, gave little insight into the mechanisms – normal or paranormal – that produced the anomalous results. Perhaps more telling, others failed to replicate these results.
To develop a better test of ESP, the authors decided to develop a new method, which directly addressed the presumed source of ESP: namely, the brain. They argue that because the brain enables perception and stores information – even events people don't consciously perceive or information they can't consciously remember –It can offer a much more comprehensive test for ESP than self-report or behavior.
"The brain shows a suppressed response to stimuli that a person has seen before, even when those stimuli were presented subliminally, so the person wasn't consciously aware of having seen them; furthermore, it shows an enhanced response to stimuli that a person is expecting," says Moulton. "Because knowledge and expectation bias brain activation, neuroimaging offers us a uniquely powerful test of subtle perceptual or cognitive processes."
To study whether or not ESP exists, Moulton and Kosslyn presented participants with two types of visual stimuli: ESP stimuli and non-ESP stimuli. These two types of stimuli were identical with one exception: ESP stimuli were not only presented visually, but also were presented telepathically, clairvoyantly, and precognitive to participants.
To present stimuli telepathically, the researchers showed the photographs to the participants' identical twin, relative, romantic partner, or friend, who was seated in another room. To present stimuli clairvoyantly, the researchers displayed the photographs on a distant computer screen. And to present stimuli precognitive, the researchers showed participants the photographs again in the future.
Does this conclusively prove that ESP does not exist" "No," says Moulton. "You cannot affirm the null hypothesis. But at the same time, some null results are stronger than others. This is the best evidence to date against the existence of ESP. Perhaps most important, this study offers scientists a new way to study ESP that avoids the pitfalls of past approaches."
This research was supported by the Bial Foundation and the Richard Hodgson Memorial Fund.
Vocabulary. Learn by heart.
Second sight
Psychic phenomena
Fire walking
Fire walking
Optical illusions
Lightness constancy
Amplitude (intensity)
Size constancy
Perceptual constancy

Exercise 3. Fill in the words and complete sentences.
Sense, psychology, mind, perceptive, second sight, optical illusion.
1. Do you_________ if I go to the psychologist?I’m very tired and feel that I want someone to listen to me.
2. Where do you think you are going? You do not have someone to guard you all the time. You are not gifted as you think though you have no___________ of direction may be this your special trait in a way.
3. She knows everything that is why everyone says that she has_________________.
4. ______________ is the science that studies mind. However, someone might disagree and say that it deals with conscious. 
5. They often say that I am a _____________ person.
6. Mediums call deceased souls to their body and each time something it happening with light and electricity, but I think that It is just______________.
Exercise 4. Make up a dialogue using the following words and expressions.
Psychologist, conscious, sense, perceptive.
To set you mind on something, be on one’s conscious, have a nervous breakdown. 
Exercise 5. Translate sentences from English to Russian.
1. 'Extrasensory perception' (ESP) is a term coined by Dr. J. B. Rhine of Duke University.
2. ESP is usually said to have three varieties: 'telepathy,' in which the knowledge is of events in another person's mind, 'clairvoyance,' in which the knowledge is of physical objects or states of affairs; and 'precognition' (telepathic or clairvoyant), where the knowledge relates to happenings still in the future.
3. The word 'knowledge' is, however, not entirely appropriate, for there may be telepathic or clairvoyant 'interaction,' in which a person's mental state or actions may be influenced by an external state of affairs, though he does not 'know' or 'cognize' it.
4. Another American term is 'psychokinesis' (PK), the direct influence of mental events on physical events external to the agent's body.
5. Psi' (from the Greek letter) is a general term to identify personal factors or processes in nature which transcend accepted laws. It is sometimes used to cover both ESP and PK.
6. Psychokinesis has now largely displaced "telekinesis," formerly used by psychical researchers and Spiritualists.
7. The term "psychokinesis" or "PK" was proposed by psychologist J. B. Rhine and his associates at the Psychology Department, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, in 1934 in relation to experiments with influencing the fall of dice by mental concentration.
8. Special terms have developed as the study of PK has expanded, such as: "PK-MT", "PK-LT" and "PK-ST".
9. PK-ST is the ability to affect static targets (ST). The best example is the ability to bend spoons.
10. PK-MT is the ability to affect moving targets (MT), such as rolling dices to get a specific number. A "PK Placement Test" denotes a PK-MT experiment in which the subject attempts to influence falling objects to land in a designated area.
11. PK-LT The ability to affect living targets (LT), such as plants, healing, influencing of animals. Itistherarestformof PK.

Exercise 6. Translate sentences from Russian to English.
1. ESP – это сверхчувственное восприятие, возможность, позволяющая узнавать то, что обычному человеку узнать практически невозможно. Ясновидение и телепатия – яркие тому примеры.
2. PK – это сила мысли. Это управление вещами с помощью рассудка, воздействие на материальные объекты.
3. PK делится на PK-MT, PK-ST и PK-LT:
1) PK-ST – это способность воздействовать на неподвижные предметы
2) PK-MT – это способность воздействовать на движущиеся предметы
3) PK-LT – это способность воздействовать на живых существ.
4. Экстрасенсы в первую очередь хорошие психологи, а потом уже люди, обладающие чем-то из ряда вон выходящим.
5. Во время гипноза у людей зрачки не могут сфокусироваться на одной точке.
6. Ходить по раскаленным камням больно всем, но у некоторых хорошая выдержка и сила воли.
7. Как бы сильно не хотелось верить в людей с пара нормальными способностями, но это, к сожалению, просто восприимчивые люди с обостренной чувствительностью к переменам.
8. Полтергейст — паранормальный феномен, не имеющий точного природного подтверждения, выражающийся в ряде действий, подчёркивающих присутствие некоей невидимой и неосязаемой сущности (звуки шагов, самопроизвольное движение и т. п.).
9. Часто «полтергейстом» именуют не явление, а скорее саму сущность.Хотя есть и версия, что полтергейст появляется из-за пси-способностей детей.
10. Изучением полтергейста занимается парапсихология, к которой представители науки относятся скептически.
Exercise 7. Solve the following Crossword.


3. 4.


Рис. 3. Кроссворд к упражнению 7.
1. How can you call a person who feels any change in the weather and reacts to magnetism?
2. What studies psychologist when he asks you to answer his questions?
3. People with special abilities have good ….
4. To have a God-like ability is to possess....

1. The ability to tell something beforehand.
2. A science that studies everything that is connected with mind.
3. What does medium call during his rituals?
4. Synonym to the word “Spirit”. 
Exercise 8. Answer the questions.
1. The human soul is immortal,isn't it?
2. A psychologist studies the condition of the human soul. Do you agree with this statement?
3. What do you think about people with special abilities?
4. Do you think that you have special abilities?
5. Who is the psychologist?
6. Do you believe in life after death?
7. What is telepathy? Explain in your own words.
8. Psychology is an important science or not? What is the importance?
9. Do you believe in ghosts? What is the difference between ghost and poltergeist?
Exercise 9. Give your opinions to the following questions.
1. What do you think about people who consider themselves spiritualists?
2. There are psychologists and there are people with extrasensory power. Do you think they are the same or there are some differences between them?
3. Have you ever thought that the dreams you have every night have deep meaning? Do you believe in dream precognition?
4. Do you believe your senses? Have you ever thought that you see or feel something that others do not?
5. What do you think about telepathy? Is it real or some trick?

Exercise 10. Find equivalents to the following idioms.
1. Conscience does make cowards of us all.
2. A guilty conscience needs no accuser
3. have a clear conscience (about someone or something)
4. in (all) goodconscience
5. prick somebody's conscience
6. in (allgood) conscience
7. on (one's) conscience

Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps.
Meditation, spirit, soul, parapsychology, ritual, senses.
1. My sister’s psychologist said that she has to do____________ at least once every day.
2. In order to call deceased person from Underworld medium has to do______________.
3. _____________ is substance that is believed to be the untouchable part of human body.
4. The phenomena of Poltergeised is studied by________________.
5. Psychologists areconsideredESP because they have special_____________ to feel human’s core and conscious.
6. Most of the people go to the Psychologist because they are in depression and want their help in order to cure their_____________.
Exercise 2. Translate from English to Russian.
1. In 2002. 30 managers from the KFC fast food chain went ona team-building trip which included firewalking. Twenty of themhad to go to hospital in order to get medical treatment for burnt soles. They used red hot wood instead of coal.
2. These dayshypnosis still has medical uses, but most peopleare familiar with it because of stage hypnotists.
3. Hypnotists use special rituals to make a person do what they want. The hypnotist seems to have control over their minds. Although the main purpose is entertainment. Some people find the idea of mind control worrying.
4. American James Hydrick became famous overnight after appearing on a TV show. Millions watched him as he made the pages of a book turn without touching them.
5. Extrasensory perception or ESP, also called sixth sense, includes reception of information not gained through the recognized physical senses but sensed with the mind.
6. Skeptics claim that there is a lack of a viable theory of the mechanism behind ESP, and that there are historical cases in which flaws have been discovered in the experimental design of parapsychological studies.
7. The term clairvoyance is the alleged ability to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through extrasensory perception.
8. Skeptics say that if clairvoyance were a reality it would have become abundantly clear. They also contend that those who believe in paranormal phenomena do so for merely psychological reasons.
9. An out-of-body experience is an experience that typically involves a feeling of floating outside one's body and, in some cases, the feeling of perceiving one's physical body as if from a place outside one's body.
10. The term out-of-body experience was introduced in 1943 by G. N. M. Tyrrell in his book Apparitions, and was adopted by researchers such as Celia Green and Robert Monroe as an alternative to belief-centric labels such as "astral projection", "soul travel", or "spirit walking".

Exercise 3. Translate from Russian to English.
1. Парапсихолог НандорФодор считает, что прямое отношение к феномену полтергейста имеют индейские легенды о «демонах мрака», нападающих на людей и разрушающих жилища.
2. Одно из первых сообщений о происшествиях, которые по внешним признакам могли бы быть классифицированы как полтергейст, относится к 1666 году, когда в московской богадельне близ Иванова монастыря «нечистая сила» стала издавать шумы и сбрасывать постояльцев с постелей.
3. В 30-х годах XX века психолог и парапсихолог НандорФодор выдвинул теорию, согласно которой полтергейст вызван не «духами», а человеческой психикой, в которой сконцентрированы подавленные чувства (гнев, раздражение, озлобленность).
4. Исследователи Центра парапсихологии в институте им. Дж. Б. Райна (RhineResearchCenterInstituteforParapsychology) университета Дюк в Северной Каролине также пришли к выводу о том, что деятельность полтергейста — физическое выражение психологической травмы.
5. Согласно определению Джеймса Максвелла медиум — «человек, в присутствии которого могут наблюдаться психические явления».
6. У человека, больного шизофренией, могут отмечаться дезорганизация мышления и речи, их необычность, слуховые галлюцинации, бредовые идеи. Однако, люди, страдающие шизофренией, не редко бывают гениями.
7. Исследовательница пара нормальных явлений Джилейн Шервуд выделяет пять последовательных стадий «вызревания» полтергейста: сенсорный (на уровне ощущений и запахов), коммуникативный (стоны, голоса, дуновения в помещениях), физический (прикосновения, включение и выключение электроприборов, движение окон, дверей и отдельных предметов), осмысленный (швыряние предметов, умышленные действия, направленные на то, чтобы вызвать испуг), агрессивный (укусы, удары, появление крови на стенах, угрожающие надписи, возникновение у жертвы непонятных болезненных состояний).
8. Самое главное отличие духа от полтергейста – это температура. Парапсихологи доказали, что когда появляются души неуспокоенных людей, то температура резко падает, а предметы, которые трогает полтергейст – теплые.
9. Не каждого человека с обостренными чувствами можно назвать эспером.
10. Во время гипноза у людей зрачки не могут сфокусироваться на одной точке.

Exercise 4. Find the right meaning.
1. Conscience does make cowards of us all.
Alan: I really want to go to the ball game with you guys this afternoon, but it justdoesn't seem right to skip work to do it.
Fred: Conscience does make cowards of us all, right, Alan?
a) He is afraid to do what he wants.
b) He is busy that is why he just makes up any reason.
c) It is his way to refuse to do something; he does not want to do.

2. A guilty conscience needs no accuser
Therefore, Grace decided to apologize because guilty conscious needs no accuser.
a) Someone made her apologize for her wrong doings.
b) She was feeling guilty and went to do it on her own free will.
c) She did not like to be seen in different light.

3. Have a clear conscience (about someone or something)
I did everything possible in this situation so I have a clear conscious.
a) He did everything so he does not blame himself for the results he got.
b) He is making excuses to make himself feel better.
c) He did not do everything he could and he knows that.

4. on (one's) conscience
His family business went bankrupt and it was on his conscience.
a) He was thinking about it constantly.
b) His family was blaming him for their fail.
c) He was the cause that their business went bankrupt.

Exercise 1. Match words 1- 5 with the correct part of the body (a - e).
1  nostril a hand
2  palm b foot
3  waist c leg
4  sole d body
5  thigh e nose
Exercise 2. Translate sentences from Russian to English.
1. В чем заключается работа психолога? Что именно он исследует? Человеческое сознание или это простой врач, задача которого работать с психически неуравновешенными людьми? 
2. Иметь необычные способности хорошо. Таким образом, ты уникален, и не похож на других. Однако, это не всегда хорошо, потому что такие люди очень часто чувствуют себя одинокими.
3. Душу человека нельзя увидеть, но можно почувствовать.
4. Скажите, а вы верите в переселение душ? Возможно, ли после смерти жить в чужом теле?
5. Парапсихология — научная дисциплина, изучающая взаимодействия человека с окружающим миром, не вписывающиеся в общепринятую картину мира.
6. Анатомическое строение руки достаточно простое.
7. Основная функция печени – очищение крови. Печень выступает в роли губки, которая пропускает через себя все, что в наш организм попало.
8. Человеческий мозг – один из самых загадочных органов человеческого организма. Учёные до сих пор не могут до конца понять механизма мыслительной деятельности, функционирования сознания и подсознания.
9. Иногда ты задаешься вопросом. Душа и сознание есть, но их нельзя увидеть и пощупать, но все же они часть человеческого тела или нет?
10. Основной функцией почек является выведение из организма воды и водорастворимых веществ.
11. После посещения стоматолога, мне сразу стало легче. Боль прошла.
12. Со здоровьем не шутят! Немедленно пойди в поликлинику.
13. Как она себя чувствует? Я слышала она лежит в больнице после сердечного приступа.
14. Врач выписал мне много лекарств. Сейчас пойду в аптеку.
15. Тебе даже врач сказал избегать стресса.  Так как неизвестно чем может закончиться.
16. Парапсихологи изучают все, что связанно с нашим мышлением и сознанием. Они изучают даже нетрадиционные проявления нашего сознания, такие как сверх восприимчивость, интуиция и различные сверхъестественные способности.   
Exercise3. Translate sentences from English to Russian.
1. Walking across burning coals or red-hot stone's has a longtradition.
2. They believed that firewalking was good for their mind andbody and might even give them mystical powers.
3. In 1770s, a doctor Fraoz Mesmer started totreat his patients in Paris with a strange new technique: he held their thumbs, pressed their stomachs, and thenplayed music on an instrument made of glass.
5. The British Government even passed a law in 1952 in order to protect the public from irresponsible hypnotists!
6. In the nineteenth century, scientists became interested in the possibility that some people had the power to move a physical object without touching it.
4. When he complimented her cheeks blushed and she did not know where to look. Her pupils were running from one object to another.
7. He was happy. I saw it in his eyes. They were glittering and it was so obvious that one wouldn’t want ESP’s help.
8. She had big, beautiful lips. That was what attracted him.
9. Despite advancing age his mind was still as sharp as ever.
10. He was one of history’s greatest minds. It was not connected to something out of the ordinary at all, because he was just a clever person.
11. The disease did not give her any chance to hope.
12. As the doctor said these pills would help her.
13. I have a problem with my eyes. No matter where I go I “see” something that others don’t.
14. I got some eye drops from the chemist's, but they didn't do anything.
15. We go to the doctor. We go to the doctor. Hecanhelpus.
Exercise4. Choose one of the following themes and write an essay (10-15 sentences).
1. Imagine that you have extra ordinary abilities. What would those abilities be? Please describe them and think about how you are going to use them.
2. Imagine that you work as a doctor. What kind of doctor would you like to be? Describe how you will help your patients.
3. What part of the body for a person is the most important? Describe.
Exercise5.Fill in the gaps. In sentences that have A and B must be put the same word.
Matter, mind, object, show, state, treat, trip,turn, arm, eyelid, hand, head, leg, neck, soul, ritual
1. a We're studying the properties of __________
b It doesn't______________ to me what you do.
2. Don't be upset – I'm only pulling your________________.
3. a I bought myself a new dress as a __________
b My doctor doesn't know how to________________ this disease.
4. a We went out for dinner after the ____________
b Can you__________________ me your holiday photos?
5. She stuck her__________ out and said what she reallythought at the meeting.
6. aWhose_______________ is it?
b The wheels of the car began to _____________
7. a The murder weapon was a strange ___________
b A lot of local people_____________ to the plans for the new airport.
8. How did you keep your_______________ in such a difficultsituation?
9. a He was in a __________ of shock after theaccident.
b Please ___________ clearly how many tickets you require.
10. I twisted Anne's________________ and she lent me the money.
11. He didn't bat______________ an when I said I was leaving.
12. Can you give me_______________ a clearing the table?
13. a Did you have a good ___________ ?
b Be careful you don't _____________over that cable on the floor.
14. a Einstein had a brilliant ______________
b I don't_______________ where we have lunch.
15. In order to call deceased person from Underworld medium has to do______________.
16. _____________ is substance that is believed to be the untouchable part of human body.

Exercise6. Translate, explain and make up at least one more sentence to complete the idea or give your own variant of coping with situation.
1. How to cope with stress? Meditate and practice yoga.
2. To stay healthy, we should sleep well and give up smoking.
3. I try to lead a healthy lifestyle.
4. I am giving you a prescription for the pharmacy.
5. To keep an eye on something.
6. To have eyes in the back of your head.
7. His eyes are bigger than his stomach.
8. I shot myself in the foot.
9. I let my hair down.
10. Keep your hair on.
11. Having special abilities is good.
12. Psychology is an important science for the people.
13. Often people do not know what to do with such abilities.
14. Telepathy — mental communication between transmitter and receiver.
1. Tim Falla. Solutions Intermediate. 2nd edition. / Tim Falla, Oxford exam support.
2. Аракин,В. Д.. Практический курс Английского языка 2 курс./ В. Д. Аракин. – 7-е изд, доп. и испр. — М.: Гуманитар. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2005. – 516 с.
Ресурсы удаленного доступа
1. Richard Sidaway. Parts of Body / Richard Sidaway. British Council. Learn English. [Электронныйресурс] Режимдоступа: 2. Benjamin Radford Telekinesis: facts about mind over matter. / Benjamin Radford  Live Science Contributor, March 22, 2013 [Электронныйресурс] Режимдоступа: http://www.livescience.com/28119-telekinesis.html
3. Esl-loungestudent. [Электронный ресурс] Режим доступа:http://www.esl-lounge.com
4. EnglishMaven.orgLearnEnglish / 2008. [Электронныйресурс] Режим доступа: http://www.englishmaven.org
5. HumanBodyQuiz. / [Электронный ресурс] Режим доступа: http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/quizzes/humanbody.html
6. Esl-Discussions. HumanBody / [Электронный ресурс] Режим доступа: http://www.esldiscussions.com/b/body.html
7. Conversationquestions. / [Электронный ресурс] Режим доступа: http://iteslj.org/questions/bodylanguage.html
8. Quizlet. Sensation and perception vocabulary / [Электронныйресурс]Режимдоступа: 9. Сайт для учителей английского языка. Кроссворды. / [Электронный адрес] Режим доступа: http://like2teach.tmweb.ru
10. EnglishClub. Idioms. / [Электронный режим] Режим доступа: https://www.englishclub.com/ref/Idioms/Body/
11. Thefreedictionary. / [Электронныйресурс] Режим доступа: http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/conscience
12. WhatareESP, PKandPsi? / [Электронныйресурс] Режим доступа: http://www.psywww.com/asc/obe/faq/obe03.html
13. Электронный справочник ВИКИ / [Электронный ресурс] Режим доступа: http://ghost-hunt.wikia.com/wiki/PK_(Psychokinesis)
14. Электронная энциклопедия Википедия. / [Электронный ресурс] Режим доступа: https://en.wikipedia.org
