Queen Elizabeth the Second

I’ve got a letter from Great Britain,
And though on the stamps no words are written,
I think they are a real record
Of Queen Elizabeth the Second.

The Queen is crowned, and she seems so proud
Of her Commonwealth, praises it loud.
But she does feel responsibility behind it, sure.
For her citizens, whom she must love, secure.

And such were all her predecessors, I know,
Who once began the monarchy a thousand years ago…
The wheels of history brought both blood and glory,
There were errors, crimes for which she’s sorry.

In spite of this the monarchy survived its ups and downs,
It is approved by the majority in villages and towns,
It helps the Queen, supports her in tough days,
The people honour what she does and says.

And when I read or hear doubts, hesitations,
I don’t think the country needs some innovations,
For at the top there stands the Lady Number One
Who cares for the nation as well as can be done.

In sunny April she was born
When spring burst into the world just to adorn
With pretty flowers, songs of a nightingale,
And put her later on the highest scale.

At Windsor, Buckingham she celebrated her birth,
They witnessed much already on the earth,
And stepping forward up the Grand Staircase
She’ll be again so full of charm and grace.

But I do feel – if there’s no mistake –
That her private house is the estate,
Which lies in Sandringham in Wales,
Attracts her as in childhood fairytales…

How quickly passed the days of youth,
When riding was so marvellous, to tell the truth,
Among the hills and valleys, under the smiling sun,
With Anne and boys just nearby.

And may be looking at her horses, pines,
She’ll recollect those younger times,
And for the moment she will forget the troubles
And her care for the country so increases.

The jubilee is over. Anyway
Let her every birthday be a holy ray.
Royalty’s a burden, with rises, falls,
Though many think it’s only routs and balls.

Her portrait, drawn by Leonard, is smart,
It thrills me and excites so deep in heart.
I wish the Queen prosperity, good health.
Long live Elisabeth II and her Commonwealth.
