And one and two

And one and two…
Today, I’ll tell you about sports equipment, not an animal. I still have vivid memories of physical education (PE) and other sports at school.
School No. 94, our secondary school in Kharkov, was built a long time ago; for some reason, the architects did not think it through, and did not design a gym—apparently thinking that PE classes would be held outdoors, in the schoolyard or in the nearby Artem Park. Our teachers did so when the weather was fine. But when it rained, we went in one of the empty classrooms, we changed into athletic clothes, and then would line up against the wall. I was a tall girl, and since they lined us up by height, I always stood towards the beginning—until the ninth grade I was about the third- or fourth-tallest. And then the boys in our class grew up over the summer, and I moved back a bit.

                But when finally was built the large gym, and I grew even more, the boys invited me to play on their basketball team. And once I was even taken to the competition between schools, because the players in our team did not have enough members! I was proud of it and tried not to hurt the other boys!
But my most vivid memory of my physical education class is from when I came into contact with a piece of gymnastics equipment, nicknamed “the goat!”
I had (and still have!) long legs. While running on rough terrain, I would do well fine—I even managed to outrun some of my classmates and get good scores... but my arch nemesis—especially when PE class was held indoors—was (and still is!) this damn “goat!”
First, the physical education would choose the most flexible of us, and that person would show us how to jump right through this despicable obstacle. And here is where my torment began!
I thought I’d understood everything, so I got a running start… and found myself seated on the “goat,” and classmates, laughing at the ridiculous sight! I must confesss, I never did master this skill before I graduated!
