The Monologue about the new-old United Europe

The Monologue about the new-old United Europe

Russia has been trying to play a new role in the world and in Europe for about 150-100 years. What are the reasons for such intentions? Perhaps the reasons were those territorial acquisitions that Russia received while being part of Europe. These territorial acquisitions have created some new ideas.

But the attempt to forget the centuries of European politics led to new phenomena – to the territorial losses of Russia.

With the possible return of Russia to the United Europe, the balance of power in the world is changing.

The balance of power in the most United Europe is also changing.

The twenties-thirties – forties (and other periods) of the 20th century showed that Russia can live friendly-in relations with the United States.

So, a new continental Europe and a new Russia need a new Great Britain.

The new Great Britain and the new continental Europe need a new Russia.

The new Great Britain and new Russia (which are in process of creation)  need a new continental Europe (which, perhaps, is already created).

New-old Europe (Great Britain, continental Europe and Russia) needs harmonious relations with the United States.

The way of life of Europeans during the 500 year period showed the attractiveness. In any case, for the Europeans. Thanks for this way of life of Great Britain (thanks for practicality), of continental Europe (special thanks for an idealism) … … and of Russia (thanks for patience and diligence) …

Thanks of the USA for vigor and personal involvement.

It remains to find a new harmonious state. A prospects are good.

All is very simple.

March 27, 2019 01:51

Translation from Russian into English: March 27, 2019 02:12.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский «Монолог о новой-старой единой Европе».
