The Insight. June begins in April

The Insight. June begins in April

"The submarine sank in minutes": the survived seamen told about death of the nuclear submarine "Komsomolets" …
"The submarine sank very quickly, minutes for 15-20" … "The sailor in the seventh did not even manage to report about the beginning of the fire" …

"… the former member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Mikhail Gorbachev's colleague Vadim Medvedev told the following: "… the made decisions were not documentary recorded …""; "… no documents existed." … (Wikipedia. "Tbilisi events (1989)")

"… On April 18 — the Collapse of the USSR: The Supreme Council of the Lithuanian SSR proclaimed the state sovereignty of the republic.


On April 21 — about 100 thousand students in connection with death of the leader of the Chinese reforms Hu Yaoban gathered in Beijing in Tiananmen Square. ["The main performances took place in Tiananmen Square in Beijing from April 27 to June 4, 1989." Wikipedia. "Events in Tiananmen Square (1989)"]

April 25
Shifts in the leadership of the USSR. On a plenum 74 members of the Central Committee and 24 candidates for members of the Central Committee were excluded from the Central Committee of the CPSU. The critisism of a course M.S. Gorbachev by conservatives. (…)" (Wikipedia. "1989")

The falling of the Berlin wall — prospect of 1989.

1989: Key events in Europe’s revolution (англ.)

Midshipman Victor Slyusarenko: "I emerged from the depth of 1000 meters..." "I was often asked whether it was terrible. Well, maybe, several seconds. When I was hanging on a hand-rail, water from above flew and I understood that it is a finishing point … And then events were changing so quickly that I was not afraid. It was necessary to work." ""In an icy water, people die in 15-20 minutes. I lasted 40...»

"Volleys of a salute"...

We are VKontakte
#подлодки #катастрофы of #герои #моряки

April 7, 2019 13:57

Translation from Russian into English: April 7, 2019 14:27.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Инсайт. Июнь начинается в апреле”.
