Mind Transformation 305

Morning. I’ve already done my set of exercises, and now I’m waiting for breakfast. However, before the breakfast, I decided to write this note. I know that it’s not good to eat immediately after several hours of gymnastics, so I can use this time to work on my thoughts. Although, frankly speaking, I can’t say if this type of activity has to do a lot with “real” thoughts, I’m going to use this notion anyway, because all written words contribute to thoughts in one way or another. Sometimes, there are silly thoughts or dumb thoughts or superficial thoughts—but still thoughts.
My handwriting has become worse while I haven’t been practicing. It’s a little bit strange because I didn’t quit handwriting completely and used it for lots of different exercises such as rewriting the last WBW article, for example. I almost finished it. Maybe 10-15 pages have remained. Damn, it took me the whole year to rewrite 100 pages. It’s less than one page per three days. I love this exercise, but it’s still difficult to maintain doing it every day even if I totally mesmerized by the content.
Okay, let’s make a blue print.
1) To finish reading Peterson’s “Twelve Rules for Life”
2) To finish rewriting WBW article “Neuralink and Brain’s Magical Future”
3) To set writing on daily basis
4) To set running on weekly basis
5) To achieve a great fit (7.6)
6) To increase the sequence of daily talks to 5 days in a row.

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2019/04/11/1190
