Mind Transformation 308

Peterson “Personality and Its Transformation: L 1”, Jung “Two Essays on Analytical Psychology.”
S 1
i - 6, s - 2, M, w - 7km
A new day. I will improve my health. I’m already doing it, but this previous sentence is going to be a kind of a mantra—I’m going to start writing every page with something like that. Perhaps I’ll use the same words: I will improve my health; but, maybe, later I’ll change them. Yesterday, I was in the forest where I was doing exercises on parallel bars. I’ve discovered that I’m able to do 20 reps even now. It’s actually pretty easy. I did 5 sets of 8 reps and 2 sets of 10 reps; that means tomorrow I’ll probably achieve one of the set goals by performing 20 reps. And, by the way, I’ll certainly achieve another goal tomorrow by doing my other exercises. Today is the second day of the "i"-sequence. Yesterday, I did 6 of them. Today, I’ve already done 3. It definitely makes me feel awesome, and I’m not going to stop the sequence after 3 days. I want to repeat the 2015 experience and see how it feels after two weeks of the unstoppable sequence of 6 daily "i".
Then, running. I want to run more. No once a week. More! Today I’m going to run in the forest and work on stretching. I think it’s a good idea to do power exercises on one day and stretching on another.
Well, let’s write a few words about other stuff. Yesterday, I’ve finished reading J.B. Peterson’s book “Twelve Rules for Life.” and started Jung’s “Two Essay on Analytical Psychology.” J.B. Peterson is a nice guy, roughly speaking, but his writing is awful. The problems he is focusing on are so small and mostly superficial, that while I was reading the book I thought mostly about finishing and forgetting it.

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2019/04/14/1871
