The Monologue about April 21 and about normal peop

The Monologue about April 21 and about normal people

April 21, as on other days, one way or another you get acquainted with the news.

What news in the front place? It is clear, the elections in Ukraine. Then, there is a wave of news about the events in Sri Lanka... Etc. And so on...

At some point you get acquainted with the news on the Internet.

From the depths of memory emerge the words "We do not get tired..." "To us it is pleasant to work in hospitals …" Who said those words?... Now, you can't remember the details... The words remained…

You watch photos …

And once again you understand: in this world there are normal people and there is a normal life…

There is such a position – to be a normal human, to make  life of other people the normal…

April 21, 2019 17:19

Translation from Russian into English: April 21, 2019 17:37.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Монолог о 21 апреля и о нормальных людях”.
