The Story about interest in the Novaya Zemlya and

The Story about interest in the Novaya Zemlya and to polar bears on May 12, 2019

1. Environmental, legal and financial context.

May 8 [2019], 10:28

In St. Petersburg hosted a rally in support of the Izhevsk rally #netdelivery

... It is still unclear, despite the results of the Cousteau team's trip to Russia, who and how will make a control measures of the release of killer whales and Beluga whales from the whale prison in Nakhodka,  when, finally, a complete ban on mobile dolphinariums in Russia will be introduced - this questions remains open despite the law adopted in December last year"..."

Chronicles of "whale prison"

All you need to know about the fate of orcas and belugas, which can not be released even by Putin, DiCaprio and Cousteau

Victoria Feofanova



The cost of one killer whale in customs documents reaches a million dollars, Beluga whales — 15 thousand dollars. Chinese aquariums on their websites indicate that they buy killer whales at a price of about 6-7 million dollars per animal. One can only guess the difference goes into whose pockets . (...)"

May 12, 2019 01:00

Translation from Russian into English: May 12, 2019 01:24.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский «Рассказ об интересе к Новой Земле и к белым медведям 12 мая 2019 г.».
