Mind Transformation 332

There are always lots of thoughts in the mind, though it’s not always easy to bring them outside. Yesterday, when I pointed out that I had no desire to write, actually I just didn’t have enough energy to concentrate on thinking. From there, I can define thinking as the ability to concentrate on an inner talk in order to bring it outside in any suitable form.
I always think about something, though if I don’t pay attention to my thoughts it becomes harder and harder to express them. Perhaps the most important thing for developing thoughts is to stop identifying yourself with your thoughts. It may sound as Tolle’s “You are not your mind.” However, it’s not the same thing. By stopping to identify yourself with your thoughts I rather mean writing and talking about everything that comes up without any judgment or fear. It’s crucial to grasp that this exercise in many cases will provide an unpleasant realization of your own stupidity, but in the same time it will lead to elimination of the stupidity as well. It’s a kind of shadow work. There is no better way to throw all this trifling content out of your head than bringing it outside through writing and self-talk. That’s okay to write silly stuff; much better than hold them inside. Writing makes your consciousness clean.

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2019/05/18/945
