Mind Transformation 333

Finished writing notes to Tolle’s book. At the end of the day I came up with four pages—two of them written in English and another two, in Russian. As far as I can tell, it turned out quite sharp. There were many ridiculous expressions, and, frankly speaking, sometimes I was unjust. Of course this book is not as awful as I tried to make it looking, though it still may affect innocent minds in a bad way, so there is nothing wrong with attacking this book vehemently. I guess I could do it even harder if I had devoted more time to the task working on the review till it turns out really profound, but I found myself being tired, and to prevent a complete exhaustion, decided to quit. And probably this book doesn’t deserve a lot of attention, therefore, four days is more than enough.
Thinking about all of that, I would say that it’s quite interesting to work with literature in this way—I mean writing in two languages shifting from one to another at every new approach. I can use this method to write reviews to all books I’m reading and improve my critical thinking through this practice. The bilingual reviews aren’t a trivial thing in literature. Perhaps there were few people who wrote in several languages like Heine, for example, but no one did it simultaneously so that the text could be properly grasped only if a reader knows these two languages.
Well, what’s about physical work? I haven’t been doing my exercises so long! Maybe it’s time to recover "i" I have enough time, and there is nothing that stands between me and it, but laziness. When did I become so lazy? 

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2019/05/19/1705   
