The Fairy Tale of a working meeting of conspiracy

The Fairy Tale of a working meeting of conspiracy theorists on December 30, 2018 concerning the Bureya events

- So, we assembled. – The chairman of scientific committee of conspiracy theorists looked at two colleagues. – Who wishes to speak on the today's situation?

- I believe, what "somewhere", - the conspiracy theorist - the optimist began discussion  … He made the significant face and repeated with value and separately: "Somewhere!", - and so, the decision "somewhere" is made: "not to hurry".

- Not to hurry, - the chairman repeated.

- Not to hurry, - the conspiracy theorist optimist confirmed. – The reservoir behind a natural dam on the Bureya River is filling. If everything "is smooth", then river water will find  the road for itself. Naturally, it will be the accident-free [the not-accident] route of the movement of water. News will be announced. It will be the merit of a saving of time, efforts and money - of persons, involved in a situation. Such succession of events will become confirmation of wisdom!

The conspiracy theorist optimist at a word "wisdom!" made especially considerable face again. Then, he added:

- If there are flooded territories, this subject will be removed from discussion – as not considerable.

- Confirmation of wisdom! – the chairman repeated.

- Yes! Such is my opinion on a situation - today, - the conspiracy theorist optimist summed up the own speech.

The chairman looked at the conspiracy theorist - the pessimist.

The conspiracy theorist  - the pessimist declared:

- I also are optimistic.

Colleagues with curiosity waited for continuation.

- If events go according to the adverse scenario, then there will be regional political changes.

The conspiracy theorist - the pessimist tenderly looked at colleagues:

- A lot of things will occur!

Then, he added:

- Along with political changes, an additional power plant can be built, and not necessarily using the energy of any river…

Colleagues looked at the speaker with interest.

- That is my opinion on the situation - today!

- I thank, colleagues! The expressed opinions are very useful! – the chairman stated. – I cannot claim that we still will gather before 2019. Therefore I wish you a Happy New Year and I wish success.

Conspiracy theorists went to develop the new conspiracy ideas.

December 30, 2018 20:23

Translation from Russian into English: May 19, 2019 16:07.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Сказка о рабочем совещании конспирологов 30 декабря 2018 года по поводу Бурейских событий”.
