Never will I break

by Alex Sheridan

Three months before the fire

Kate had never been a lacrosse fan. So when her friend invited her to watch the game that day she agreed reluctantly. Why not? This small town was too far boring, too calm to her liking. She liked living on the edge, and even though her father had promised her something exciting here, nothing was happening so far. 
When they arrived at the stadium the game had not yet begun. The teams were warming up. She cast a lazy glance around the field and that's when it happened. She spotted HIM. When she tried to analyze her feelings later she still was not able to figure out what exactly was the trigger that made her attracted to him. There were too many things. His handsome severe face, his strong body, his fluent movements. Once she laid her eyes on him she never could take them off. He moved across the   field with a truly superhuman effectiveness and grace. He easily avoided competent players as if he could foresee their moves. Every time he shot the ball he scored. He was good, oh so good. Kate had a feeling that her lonely days of boredom were over.
- Who's he? – she asked Julie, who was fidgeting on the bench restlessly next to her. She pointed at that amazing young man.
- That's Derek Hale. – Julie answered absently. She had a crush on another team member, a Mark Fletcher. She must have been his biggest fan. The rest of the world was of no importance to her when she was around Mark. But Kate's words made her dive out of her whirlpool of adoration for Mark. She even took her eyes off the field. She turned to Kate and literally spat with contempt. – You don't stand a chance with him. He is always alone. No girls in his life.
- Why then, boys? –Kate smirked. – Is he gay?
- Oh, god, no! – Julie rolled her eyes. – He is a hundred percent perfect male. And he has a way with girls. But he never establishes relationships. Chatting, dancing, flirting – that's it. No pairing. Ever.
- I guess I'll take my chance with him. – Purred Kate. It felt like a challenge. She's going to take it on.    
- And die trying. – Julie stood her ground.
- Watch me! – Kate flashed a daring smile at her friend. She got up and headed to the parking lot. The game was over, home team had won, and she had a plan to put into reality.

- Hey handsome! – Kate calls out to Derek. She stands leaning against her car. He turns to her. God, he is even more beautiful at close range. His black hair makes a striking contrast with his gorgeous grey green eyes. His cold stare's penetrating to the very depth of her soul, right into her essence, boring into her core, turning her inside out. He's watching her expectantly, appraisingly, waiting for her next move. And she's just standing there, lost in those extraordinary mesmerizing eyes, unable to say let alone do something. She can clearly feel his satisfaction – that's the kind of reaction he is used to. And she can feel her overpowering desire. Desire to possess him, make him hers, touch him, make love to him. And she is angry. Angry with herself. This is the first time in her life that she lost her self-control. No one ever had produced such effect on her. And that makes her angry with him as well. She shakes herself inwardly and finally manages,
- Care for a drink? To celebrate your victory?
His face is unreadable. Second after second clicks away. Is it electricity cracking between them or is it her imagination?
- Sure, why not? – he smiles at her and she lets out a relieved breath that she did not know she was holding. His smile is completely irresistible. Can be described like feral but who cared for descriptions?
- Get in. I know a place nearby. We'll have real fun there tonight. Ready to get lost?
- Yeah. But on one condition. – Her heart misses a beat. – I'll drive. – She gives him a long look. She never allows any living being drive her car. But Derek is not the one who takes no for an answer. And there she's sitting next to him in her own car as he's starting her car.
- Where to?
- What if I said to the end of the world?
- As long as you are by my side it's never too far.
- You really do have a way with girls.
- Natural talent. – He pulls out of the parking lot smoothly.


That was the night to remember. They dropped into her favorite club and hung out there well into the night. They danced and drank and laughed and kissed. He turned out to be a very nice companion, she felt at ease around him, as if they had known each other for an eternity. He was a great dancer and a breathtaking kisser. He drank as much as she did, but seemed to stay sober. How? Well, she was too drunk to think it over. His sense of humor was a bit harsh but that was exactly to her liking. It was well after midnight already when he felt her overwhelming desire for him and without saying a word he took her hand gently, but firmly and led his way to her car. There was no time or reason to wait any longer and they surrendered to their passion.
She would never have thought that sex with an inexperienced teenager could be so fantastic. Not that he was inexperienced nor was he a teenager. As she had found out he was eighteen and his body was mature enough to give credit to an older man.  His skin felt like silk and it was hot as he pressed against her naked body. His rippling muscles were driving her crazy. She felt like she was losing the grip of reality. Whereas he stayed in complete control. He completed her every wish, he seemed to read her mind. He felt her like no one else had.
They reached their climax simultaneously. She cried out his name and dissolved in the ocean of pure overwhelming pleasure. He uttered a hoarse groan, more like a growl and squeezed his eyes tightly. And of course, it was him who returned to the conscious world first.

Six weeks before the fire

Their relationship develops rapidly. They spend more and more time together. But despite of this she has to admit that he remains a mystery to her. She knows nothing about him except for his name, age and sexual skills. And the latter are ultimately admirable. He is a quick learner. If there were an academy of sex he would be a professor. He knows every inch of her body and he takes her to the limits of heavenly pleasure and beyond. His stamina is indeed superhuman. He is always so gentle, so caring, but every time in a different way. He is unpredictable.  Each of their sexual practice feels like the first time. He has captured her imagination completely. She tries to figure out when and how she allowed that to happen but it doesn't work out. She has always been a user. What the hell is different this time? It is like an obsession. His name has become something disturbing to her. Derek Hale. Sounds like Dark Hell in her troubled mind. She is haunted. She is addicted to him. She depends on him. Dependence is weakness. Weakness is death. She must put an end to it. And she will. And meanwhile… just one more night with him. Just one. The last one. And again and again she makes promises she will break…

Three weeks before the fire

- So, are you gonna tell me what all that is about?
- I don’t know what you are talking about Pa.
- Oh, come on I'm not blind or stupid. I see how you've been acting lately. You are not yourself. Who are you and what you did to my daughter?
- …
- And don't roll your eyes on me Kate. I will find it out anyway. You know me. Start talking.
- Have you ever been in love Pa?
- Get to the point.
- I think I'm in love. He is so sweet. And gentle. And he is such an outstanding lover… - She closed her eyes dreamingly. Gerard waits patiently for her to continue. – But… Why does it always have to be a but? He makes me feel deficient.
- How so?
- No matter what he does he always is superior. Even if I am on top of him. Always in control. So arrogant. So cocky. So smug. God damn you Derek Hale! – she screams out.
- Is that his name? – Gerard is struck with terror.
- Yes!
- Oh god. No. – Gerard's legs feel suddenly weak and he lowers himself into a chair.
- Pa? What's wrong?
- Everything. Do you have any idea what your Derek Hale is?
- I-I don’t understand. – Kate is gazing at her father intently.
- He's a werewolf!
- No. No-no-no-no. No way. – Kate is staring her father in disbelief.
- But he is.
It takes a while until the news sink in with Kate. Derek is a werewolf. That explains much. Everything, in fact. Time has come to remember who you are Kate. You come from the family of werewolf hunters. Hale almost succeeded in ruining your life. You will ruin his in return.
- I want to destroy him. I want him to suffer. Where do I start Pa?
- That's my girl. – Gerard and Kate spend another couple of hours creating their master plan of revenge.
Her father would be proud. She completed her mission flawlessly. She found the bar, she picked the man and drew all the necessary information out of him. That was real fun! The pathetic chemistry teacher was so glad to have a grateful listener. He spilt beans for her. Now she knew exactly how to complete her plan. She had only to find the executors.

Eleven days before the fire

They always chose to stay at some cheep small hotels in the outskirts of the town. This one was not an exception. The room was shabby and dim lit, but they could not care less. They needed no light. Derek and Kate knew each other's bodies by heart so illumination would be redundant.  They drew the curtains, put the Do not disturb sign on the door and enjoyed each other's proximity. They had already had several rounds of their wild crazy sex and now they were laying in the bed, their bodies wrapped around each other.
- I know what you are Derek.
- Meaning?
- Meaning that you are a werewolf.
She owes him credit. He stays perfectly calm. Damn you Derek with you absolute self-control.
- So? What are you gonna do with that?
- Nothing. – Kate shifts her position. Now she is hovering above him. – It does not matter any more.
She stares into his eyes intensely. He is unreadable as usual. He listens to her heartbeat. No skips. Her breathing is even and deep. She leans to him and starts kissing his muscular chest going down to his gorgeous abs and further down … and he gives in to sensations, forgetting about everything else.
They are on the point of leaving when Kate turns around and stands facing Derek. She moves closer.
- And one more thing… - She kisses him deeply, passionately. Delicious. 
Suddenly he feels a sharp pain in his left side. He breaks contact, gasping. Looks down in disbelief. Kate stabbed him. She is still holding the knife pushing it further into his body.
- Why? – he manages hoarsely.
- Because you exist. – She looks at him. His eyes are clouded with pain. He returns her stare. In her eyes there is a mixture of emotions – hatred, contempt, fury. But no regret. – You are monsters. You do not deserve living. – She twists the knife in the wound, tearing through his flesh. The pain is agonizing. Derek's eyes turn bright blue. – See! That's what I'm talking about! Blood lusting monsters!
Collecting his last strength Derek launches out at Kate. But his reflexes are too low. She is not there any more. He ends up on his hands and knees on the floor. The blade must have been poisoned. Derek feels weaker and weaker with every second. His body is burning and feels numb at the same time. Apparently, Kate has not had enough yet. The lands a vicious kick on his ribs sending his body flying across the room. He crushes into the wall and falls limply to the dusty floor.   
- So much for your superhuman might. – Kate comes closer. Her words come from the distance but he can surely hear mocking intonations. – So much for your claws and fangs. No beast will withstand a human! That's how it used to be for centuries, why change anything now? – she kicks him again hoping to pick at least a small sound of pain. But the only sound she hears is his hoarse erratic labored breathing.  – Goodbye Derek. Hope you will burn in hell.
- After you bitch.
- How rude. Oh, I forget what else to expect form a pathetic monster. – She turns on her heels and leaves.
- Hey, Pa. He is at the Road House motel. I attached a tracker to his clothes. And I slowed him down. This time the elusive bastard won't get away. He will lead us to the rest of the pack.

Life is so changeable. Some split seconds ago you were on the top of the world. And look at you now. Laying on the worn carpet of motel room torn literally apart, bleeding out, broken. Broken? Never. You are a survivor. A natural werewolf. You will not let the hunters take you down. Not now. Not like that.
The knife is still inside him. Derek collects his strength and courage and grasps the handle. It's slippery with his own blood. Now. He drags the blade out almost blacking out with unbearable pain. His further actions are driven purely by instincts. Slowly Derek manages to his feet and takes the first painful step towards the door. He has to get out of here. Away form the people. To the woods. Find some place safe enough and call his family for his rescue. He must warn them. And he will.


That what does not kill you makes you stronger. Kate did not succeed in eliminating Derek. He did nor die that day. Rescue came just in time. The blade was indeed poisoned. Wolf bane is lethal for werewolves. But not when there is an antidote. The healing process was longer and more painful than usual. Eventually the wound healed. Derek perfectly recovered physically. Not mentally. He had changed. He spent even more time alone avoiding even his family members, let alone going to school. Until the day his father insisted on him attending the classes. The Hale family could not afford the luxury of attracting unnecessary attention to themselves.
- Laura will be looking out for you. Don't worry son, nothing's gonna happen. The hunters honor the code. We did not kill anyone. They will not touch us.

The day of the fire

His father was deadly wrong. The hunters had no honor. At least some of them. Especially Kate.
Here they are standing in front of their house, to be more precise what's left of it. The fire unit is already gone. Derek watches the smoking ruins with a blank stare. Lora sobs softly by his side. He has nothing left to feel. The fire burned the very essence out of him. After Kate's betrayal he was sure that that was the worst thing that could ever happen to him. Life proved him wrong dramatically. He was too stupid, too self-assured, too blind to see the truth. Now it crushed on him ruthlessly. He is lost, devastated, hollow.
As time lapses his feelings slowly come back to him. He wishes they haven't ever. Guilt. All-consuming guilt. Grief. Sadness. Anger. Overpowering desire for revenge. That has to wait. Laura is the Alfa now. She prohibited any activity aimed at the hunters. She says the time has not come yet. He has to obey. And there is fear. He would not confess it even to himself, but he is afraid. Afraid of another failure. He is afraid to trust, afraid to love, afraid to live.


They are leaving Beacon Hills. Laura's driving. Derek sits next to her. His stare is fixed on something nowhere. She lays an encouraging hand on his shoulder. Turns on the radio.
… This road I'm walking is paved with the broken
Promises I made
At least a million times I've fallen
But never will I break…*
Precisely. It's not over yet.
He manages a feral smile. Laura smiles back at him.

* Three Doors Down


He's watching her expectantly, appraisingly, waiting for her next move. And she's just standing there, lost in those extraordinary mesmerizing eyes, unable to say let alone do something. She can clearly feel his satisfaction – that's the kind of reaction he is used to. And she can feel her overpowering desire. Desire to possess him, make him hers, touch him, make love to him.

Юрий Казаков   20.09.2019 06:51     Заявить о нарушении
Значит, желание? Это точно то, что ты хотел сказать?

Луиза Мессеро   20.09.2019 13:47   Заявить о нарушении
So wrote the Shadow of Louise!

Юрий Казаков   20.09.2019 14:39   Заявить о нарушении
так написал Alex Sheridan.
Я лишь опуюликовала его работы.
видимо, не зря)))

Луиза Мессеро   20.09.2019 15:17   Заявить о нарушении
Who is this Alex Sheridan?

Юрий Казаков   21.09.2019 06:37   Заявить о нарушении
Who is he for you?

Юрий Казаков   21.09.2019 06:42   Заявить о нарушении
Alex мой учитель и соавтор. Все стихи и сказки написаны для Alex.

Луиза Мессеро   21.09.2019 09:51   Заявить о нарушении