The Good, The Bad, and... Uh, That s It

** I write reviews for payment for almost two years, so there are far too many books in both categories - especially when I think of all the ones I ever read for pleasure - so I'll take both books of the last 24 months, and to post excerpts from the reviews I've done for them... ** ====================================================== My author died, what if our heroes knew that they are heroes? What if they held a bunch of “rules”, hoping to “good characters” that are ever to meet their author? What if one of them rebelled, saying there is no author? Michael Bruno explores these questions in his delightful tales, the author of my dead . My author died is the story of a boy living in the “village morons” inhabited Authorists who undergo a rigorous set of silly rules. Once, hiding from a perfectionist by the name of Cassandra, he meets a little girl and quickly took. Unbeknownst to him, June is actually Kafkaist, and T...
