Mind Transformation 348

I missed one day. It happened due to the damn sickness, which became much stronger when I came home. I haven’t been doing anything, but watching two seasons of “Westworld.” It was so fascinating that I literally couldn’t stop watching it—not because of the script or characters, though some of them like the man in black, for instance, deserved a lot of respect; but mostly my attention was captured by an outstanding underlying idea and its beautiful manifestation. As far as I can tell after watching two seasons, robots in Westworld are represented as something superior to human beings not only by their physical strength but also by the so called virtue as well. If there is no free well, there is also no difference between humans and robots in terms of consciousness. There is simply no consciousness at all. Another thing is suffering which by no means automatically gives robots the same rights. That implies the conclusion as follows: If you want to create consciousness, you have to create suffering. If an organism suffers it’s alive; therefore, life is suffering and should be eliminated completely out of being. Well, seems like old religious questions set by a kind of new form of life pretending to suffer from existence as much as humans and simultaneously being superior to the latter physically and mentally were introduced in Westworld with great enthusiasm. I liked it even more than Black Mirror, though they both are not exactly about the same thing.
Now I need to say a few words about my health. It became much worse, and yesterday I felt really awful. Today it’s a little bit better; tomorrow, I hope, it will be okay. Thus I have to stop watching whatever I watch (today I spent the entire day watching Rick and Morty) and start focusing on exercises and working on writing, speaking, and thinking.

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2019/06/09/865 
