Sonic Hints to the Future

The young man, delve deeper into the metropolis stops mental stratification, “ then what?” | Techno-euphoric | | monadic fluid flows and present| | transnational sublime | cybernetic Infinity| | Deleuzian hills | quantitative neurosis | Eden of the master narratives | |Neo-eclectic philosophical history | Autonomous teleological poetics | aboriginal claims may be subordinated in such a transcultural ecstasy “ all that is solid melts into air, tradition, region and local identity patted down...” | conflicting Cosmopolitanisms | global spectacle | | syncretic transformation | | multicultural synthesis | Cyborgian Technoscape | he reigns from space, time, capital, and body synoptically chain employees | Pacific rim postmodern| late capitalist Chinatown | techno-identity | | Tropologically Reimplementation | space-time compression | | (de)Oedipolizing choir | mixed-blood quantum | | Intra-digital | post-industrial devastation | | anomie | dear child, you are tol...
