The New sugary small Story about Cossacks

The New sugary small Story about Cossacks

Would you like to hear another story about the Cossacks?

Let's start with the Don Cossacks.

The Rostov Oblast is not just a transit region. This is an area where you can enjoy the Cossack culture.

Sholokhov – is he a Cossack or not a Cossack? In Moscow he had an apartment but all his life he lived on the Don land.

The Don land is impregnated with the literary spirit. For example, the writers of the "Sholokhov circle".

Kalinin – remember what (about whom) he wrote? (If you do not remember, then especially be not upset …).


Cossacks knew where to create stanitsas [villages]…

2019 announced ... (by whom?)

In the city of Azov, these days, the festival devoted to events of 1641 takes place…

How lovely!

Only in this story is not mentioned the “centenary anniversary” of the famous Directive of the Central Committee of the Orgbureau [24.01.1919], which launched the genocide of the Don Cossacks. (Why not officially recognize this genocide to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation – in Assembly may be representatives of the Rostov Oblast?).

The deportation of the population from the Don territories - in connection with overflooding of the area for the Tsimlyansk Reservoir - is not mentioned.

The Novocherkassk events, why to mention them – everybody already know everything about them.

And in General it is strange, one of the state formations of the Russian Empire with the democratic device (Don Host Oblast) – why it at the Soviet power didn't receive the status of the Republic – how many republics arose where they never existed?

A pleasant small story with indistinct compliments and with a vague memories of the heroic events of 1641.

Apparently,  a public money for a "culture" do a "work".

Everything is clear.

On August 3, 2019 23:07

Translation from Russian into English: August 4, 2019 23:06.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Очередной слащавый рассказик о казаках”.
