Day of the Imagination

We need to enter a special day in the calendar: day of the dropping of the Imagination beyond the horizons of vision, understanding, feelings, sense of touch, in this World

Imagination too needs to be walking. The Horizon line for the Imagination is the most decent place line, the limit, where nobody and nothing will prevent to defecate new fuks.

On this day all cause people travel with their Pets, we Imagined that in the place where the visible horizon, the line of this, there is a detachable leash, freed from the shackles run in Laboratorium, free Maze, Labyrinth.

Go ahead, you are free, my Imagination, to imagine and invent all the most absurd and unimaginable.

Stop looking at it, this Horizon, let it give my Imagination, the Imagination of Man-Humanity, joy.

Need a day of Imagination to make a universal holiday. Let people think more about the imaginary circumstances even on this day, peering into the Horizon of events

It's funny and naive all childish, but somehow really want to.
