The Express Sketch about a concept an internationa

The Express Sketch about a concept "an international fact-checking"

The more Sergei Sergeyevich learned about fact-checking, the more he understood that a fact-checking is not a simple matter.

Need fact-checking! It's vital!!!

But how to provide it?!!

Let's say, after reading materials of journalistic investigation "Bad good Governor.(...) Report By Ilya Azar. 09:25, October 2, 2015. Source: Meduza" can arise doubt about "versions of the journalist Sorokin".

How to check these versions, especially the most "stupid" version of the journalist Sorokin"?

It's a question... a big question.…

And how will you carry out the fact-checking of the circumstances set out in the TASS message?

"KYIV, August 5. /TASS./ The national anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) confirmed that it opened a criminal case in connection with the statement of the head of the office of President Andrei Bogdan that he was offered a bribe of $20 million for Vitali Klitschko to remain as the mayor of the capital."
"This is a theoretical question – an international fact-checking exist, or does not exist", - Sergei Sergeyevich concluded. – "If it would be possible ... please set, identify a priority in the creation of the notion of "international fact-checking"!

On August 5, 2019 19:08

Translation from Russian into English: August 5, 2019 11:19.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Экспресс-скетч о понятии международного факт-чекинга”.
