Shower reincornation

To be born twice is no more surprising than once: everything in nature is subject to the law of rebirth." Voltaire
   From the pit on the top of the hill he saw stars. He fell into an open ancient grave, and horror swept him. Everything around became hostile: the slippery walls of the pit, the animals in the forest and the fish in the river who wanted his flesh,
the people he owed. Only the stars always stayed with him, even hidden by clouds.
 “Is it really souls,” thought Alexander, seeing a piece of the starry sky from the pit, “the souls of those who were and those who will, for there is no third?”
Apparently this hill or barrow has served more than once as a burial ground for various peoples, and many souls have moved from it to heaven. But this time they didn’t take Sasha: a severe headache passed, he found half-rotted logs, branches under his feet and got out of the pit. An hour later, along the channel of the stream, I went to the cordon of the forestry. True, at the exit from the forest a sticky fear again seized him at the sight of two luminous eyes. He hit them with a stick, and when she broke, the hair on his head stood on end! But the next moment he realized that it was fireflies on a stump, smiled, and consciousness and mood returned to him completely. True, he felt a deep wound in the back of his head, and his shirt was wet with blood. A helicopter was called to the cordon and Sasha was taken to the regional hospital, where he lay for more than a month. But he was glad that now his son came to him every day.
 The next time he returned to the mound in the afternoon. Everything looked different: a forest stream flowed into a rivulet that went around a hill, a hilly steppe with copses rubbed in one direction, and the sun rose over the autumn, quietened earth, and a blessed haze melted in the hollow near the hill. He took with him a rope ladder, along which he went down into the pit. The central burial site has long been sacked. But if you sift it, you can still find something there, but for now it has leveled a rectangular, apparently, burial ground. Gathering the debris and debris against the wall, he crouched on them, recalling a nightmare. The mine was deep, so the stars appeared in the blue window of the sky.
    A flickering stream of light from the souls of departed civilizations revolved between galactic spirals, directing rays to the planets where life was.
THEY saw how the Earth was covered with water with the primary broth of organic matter. Their ray awakened life programming:
- 1) some associations of molecules absorb light, grow and multiply,
- 2) other structures absorb the former and, due to the energy absorbed by them, grow and multiply,
- 3) the third could live off the second and, as an exception, their own kind,
 The third program significantly accelerated evolution, providing for the struggle of species or opposites, but carried the element of self-destruction of life on the planet, regardless of external conditions.
Until late autumn and snow, Sasha came to the top of the hill and went down to the burial ground (an expedition was supposed in the spring). At night, he was afraid of meeting the stars. Birds and animals did not visit the mound, and only crows - black messengers of oblivion lived on trees around the sacred hill. They croaked in alarm as he descended into the grave.
     The second time a ray of eternal light came to Earth when life just came out of the water. (440 million years ago). Puffer fish crawled out in shallow water. They grabbed arthropods, also striving for land, and the first conquerors of hymenoptera (dragonflies) starting from the water. The star ray, like the hand of God touched the waters, and one-legged mollusks evolved into octopuses - primates of the sea, similar to extraterrestrial creatures.
       In late autumn, going down the hill, Sasha looked at the snow-covered anthill, where it was quiet, but life went on, and thought: “How intelligently this many-thousand city is arranged.” In winter, Alexander constantly lived in the city. He lived alone. In his apartment, one of the walls was from aquariums and terrariums, and the windowsills were covered with flowers. He looked at the aquariums, where there was a continuous struggle for existence in the name of procreation. Large fish ate small ones, and those on occasion ate the eggs of large fish. Higher plants struggled with algae for limited nutrients and living space.
        Sasha, as he could, maintained biological balance in his vessels: he was engaged in fish breeding and plant hybridization, i.e. slightly controlled the evolution of species. But the whole world, created by him in one room, could quickly perish if there was no one to turn on additional lighting for aquariums. In relation to his apartment world, he was God and without him this world would collapse and perish, because he closed the armored door from the inside.
  Starlight once again returned to Earth in the Cretaceous period, when the era of dinosaurs was drawing to a close. Some dinosaurs had their forelimbs freed, but they seemed not to know what to do with them. But in small dinosaurs, the forelimbs, and then the whole body, were covered with feathers (colder) and they became birds. Among the dinosaurs, small hairy animals running like rats ran. When they ate, they held food with their front legs. Perhaps the asha, as he could, maintained biological balance in his vessels: he was engaged in fish breeding and plant hybridization, i.e. slightly controlled the evolution of species. But the whole world, created by him in one room, could quickly perish if there was no one to turn on additional lighting for aquariums. In relation to his apartment world, he was God and without him this world would collapse and perish, because he closed the armored door from the inside.
  Starlight once again returned to Earth in the Cretaceous period, when the era of dinosaurs was drawing to a close. Some dinosaurs had their forelimbs freed, but they seemed not to know what to do with them. But in small dinosaurs, the forelimbs, and then the whole body, were covered with feathers (colder) and they became birds. Among the dinosaurs, small hairy animals running like rats ran. When they ate, they held food with their front legs. Perhaps the ray touched these legs, and after 50 million years primates were already roaming the Earth, and in the "legs" they ray touched these legs, and after 50 million years primates were already roaming the Earth, and in the "legs" they,  held sticks and stones. They, like other animals, gathered in flocks with a hierarchical distribution of the roles of individual individuals. They observed mutual assistance, guarding their territory and even pity for the dead or dying members of their community (like elephants, dolphins). And the birds became smart ravens.
 The last time a ray of starlight, which gave people fire, remained above the Earth.
 The time has come for the living being to realize himself, his place in nature and reflect the world in his memory.
    Later, people who thickened starlight in the sky were mistaken for a UFO.
        Alexander was not young, but with age, thoughts about the essence of being, about the meaning and fortune of a lived past are not left for long. With his departure, life in aquariums will cease. The same thing will happen on Earth if the light of the Sun disappears. Life will perish, but the positive experience achieved over millions of years of evolution, its peak - the mind, like a mirror of the universe, will remain in eternal life.
 “But what about him, his EGO and memory, his emotions, love. Will they disappear at the time of brain destruction? ”
 Some part of his experience he also passed on to his sons, and they will pass on to his own, but he will no longer be like him or ... he will be aware of himself in the new matrix, and his world will continue. Or it will be another world, and the degree of self-awareness in it depends on the degree of self-awareness in the first.
     Alexander read on the Internet that over the course of twenty-five years of research, Professor Stevenson has collected more than 2,000 cases "indicating the existence of such a phenomenon as reincarnation." Hundreds of children told him about the events that occurred before they were born, and the people who died before their birth.
 The data collected by Stevenson says that for the most part, the lives of the people that the children recalled broke off prematurely or violently. Of course, this does not mean that only those who die by violent death are reborn, but people who die a natural death at an advanced age cannot bear vivid living memories from one life to another.
Moreover, sometimes violent death left traces not only in the soul, but also on the body after reincarnation - usually exactly where the mortal wounds that cut off his previous life fell.
   Perhaps in the event of an accidental interruption of life, the Evolution Program continues the experiment in newborns.
   In the spring, when Sasha arrived at the mound, an expedition was already working and excavations were being conducted. At the bottom of the pit, into which he failed last summer, a manhole was discovered, and a burial log crypt of the Scythian leader was buried there for another 6 m. The burial site, despite 2500 years, was well preserved, and was little robbed. The bodies of the leader and his horses were mummified. On the back of the head of the Scythian, a breach from a blow with a battle ax was discovered, from which he died.  Many ceramics and bronze objects were found in the excavation, a large felt carpet with floral and animal ornaments was preserved, but gold and silver jewelry were missing, probably carried away by ancient thieves who made a manhole.
 “Here's another window, this time from a past life, I managed to look into,” thought Sasha. He once read a statement by Leonardo da Vinci that human life from birth resembles flying in a dark tube in which there are windows and you should strive to look into more windows. And at the end of the pipe (as at the beginning) a blinding light awaits everyone, this is confirmed by people who have experienced clinical death.
“Here's another window, this time from a past life, I managed to look into,” thought Sasha. He once read a statement by Leonardo da Vinci that human life from birth resembles flying in a dark tube in which there are windows and you should strive to look into more windows. And at the end of the pipe (as at the beginning) a blinding light awaits everyone, this is confirmed by people who have experienced clinical death.
  Sitting on the edge of the pit, Sasha looked at the stars: there was a confrontation between Mars and he, like a small moon, shone in the east of the horizon.  Sasha felt severe pain in the back of his head, and everything was flooded with bright white light, and Mars (the previous confrontation) turned bright yellow in the sky. For a moment, Sasha saw the funeral of the leader of the Scythians. Two warriors led his horse, followed by a leader on a woven stretcher, women cried, shouting "Iskander, Iskander" *. Further ranks of warriors with the earth in shields to fill the mound and crows flied from everywhere .... The picture was deleted, Sasha’s soul rushed in the starlight to his brothers in reason, about whom he had dreamed all his life.
* Iskander in ancient Turkic dialects means Alexander.
