Mind Transformation 393

Biology 19
d – 10
I’ve noticed that when it comes to writing about something I have little comprehension of, I repeat this unproductive pattern over and over; I just endeavor to retell the content, whether it’s a book, lecture, or movie in a chronological way and point out as many details as I can. I wouldn’t say that it’s unproductive all the time, though mostly it gives me no real knowledge about the subject. Moreover, it’s usually so annoying that I may give up even before I actually make the first step. Again, all this refers to the content which is not attractive, but needs to be understood anyway. For example, these lectures by Sapolsky are quite useful thing to know, though it’s always hard to start writing about them. But what if I start from the question like this, “Why am I watching these lectures”? Only this one question may fill the entire page with lots of thoughts which would help me to be more attentive while watching this course. I also can ask: Why do people learn biology in general? What was the most important knowledge I got from the course? How can I use it in my life? What have I not figured out? Why? etc, etc.

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2019/08/18/1459
