The Sketch How to help Science?

The Sketch How to help Science?

Sergei Sergeyevich felt a doubt.

What a demonstration of an opposition mind? It's not constructive! A show of loyalty is necessary.

As part of a demonstration of loyalty, it would be good to help science.

For example, there are experts on a water problems.

They exist.

Let's say two or three years ago, or - after the Crimean flood of 2012 (Krasnodar Krai), they (experts on water problems) write a program to solve future water problems in the Far East…

What problems do they see in the future?

For example, they predict the flooding in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur…

What are they offering?

They offer a system of measures. The changing urban planning norms and regulations. The changing urban planning policy. The program of a counter-flood investments. The modification and development of a  constructions for a counter-flood, program of typical evacuation and other standard counter-flood organizational measures ...

It is clear …

How else to help?

Sergei Sergeyevich decided to find some official archive and in any way to place, to put in this archive his proposals. That is, he knows that these are his proposals. But other people don 't know about that. That 's the way out of the situation.

Sergei Sergeyevich will present everything he has developed, thought up, on paper, and will sign: "a team of specialists on water problems."

All is easy, then.

In addition to experts on water problems, there are "experts-historians". They will study the archives and will find suggestions by a water problem experts.

It will be the delight for all intelligent people! Science doesn 't sleep. She predicts, thinks and warns in advance. Moreover, she sets out everything in writing and sends her proposals to the right place.

So … well …

But here comes the unpleasant question: who is to blame for the fact that the proposals of science got into the archive, but were not accepted for implementation?

This is an unpleasant turn of events…

But nothing bad - soon the artificial intelligence will come to the help of science...

However, this is not an enough effective statement of the question - a science eats too much money (in any case, too much for the modern historical period).

The innovative proposal is to replace science with the artificial intelligence…

And what if a next flood will occur? Again?

Well …

Well, I will help artificial intelligence…

Sergei Sergeyevich sighed in relief…

September 10, 2019 19:20

Translation from Russian into English: September 10, 2019 22:01.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Скетч Как помочь науке?”.
