These falling down into Black Hole presidents

(or Dispute of our lieders about gold in a timeless continuum)

Excerpt from the drama "The Golden Gate of Kumtor"

The first, second, third, fourth and fifth presidents of the country, falling down into the Black hole of the Kumtor gold mining company, argued fiercely with each other about what should be the head of the country and how properly dispose of the gold resources of the republic?
They knew perfectly that it was not good to steal gold and that if the golden producing works on Kumtor site was organized properly, competently and corruption was not allowed, then in the end all citizens of this small state would become very wealthy - each family would be almost a millionaire and it would be a remarkable outcome for future of this state and nation.

But, alas, it was very difficult for the presidents of Kyrgyzstan and their close circles to agree with this - they wanted to pick up a little more gold for themselves and their families than it possible for the rest.
And presidents falling into Black Hole could not come to a consensus about how much gold presidents can and should take with them?
The first president (proving to others the own point of view, tumbling and flying through interstellar space):
- Comrades, I was the first to start this project, so it’s right that at the end of my term, as president, I took a couple of tons of gold in my property. This is not so much, considering that Kumtor has more than 1000 tons of gold. And the fact that late the Kumtor site was being stolen completely, that almost nothing remained for the people it is not my fault ... If I ruled the country alone all these years, then it would be a different matter...
The second president (approaching the event horizon, had a slightly different opinion):
- It seems to me immoral and wrong to appropriate a ton or even two tons of gold to own family when the average Kyrgyz family receives, at best, speaking hypothetically, 5 kilograms of gold.
So presidents must find other ways to enrich themselves. In general, I suggest taking no more than 200 kilograms of gold per brother. This is 40 times more than every family in the country can get through fair distribution if it happen to be. The rest of money for hotels, yachts and so on can be gained up by other ways, you know... The usual thing.
The third president (picking up speed and rotating in different planes and axes, which was especially interesting for a huge mass of outside observers, since this was a woman):
- Of course, stealing gold in too large volumes when it comes to a ton or even two tons is not good. But after the first two unfortunate presidents in our country there is little left that could be taken over. Therefore, I propose that the president have the right to such an amount of gold from Kumtor so that he can buy himself a decent mansion in London. The president still has to be a wealthy person.
Fourth president (tumbling and spinning in space cooler than others):
“I surpassed all of you, comrades ex-presidents, and at the same time did not steal a penny from the pocket of my people.” It is necessary to do business, diversifying it as much as possible, so that not only Kumtor’s gold, but also pure golds from Energy sectors, Kyrgyzgaz, from membership to  Custom Union and play for the side of lieder of Kremlin, airports, international trade, international projects - everything might be tumbling properly in hefty and dexterous hands and generating unbounded incomes. Therefore, today I am the coolest among you and richest although I did not pinch off as much from Kumtor as some.

Fifth president (at the beginning of the fall point into Black Hole):
-Comrades, I suggest that the head of the country at the end of his presidential term could count on one or two million dollars, but no more.
This will be fair, and everything else that was taken over by the leaders will be correct to return the state to the treasury - including factories, hotels, yachts and mansions abroad. And then the people will not notice this loss and the respect for power will return ...
But none of the other presidents agreed with him and categorically objected to him - one or two stolen millions dollars only from state property seemed to them as quite unacceptably and derogatory amount.
So the presidents flew into the Black Hole and it seems many others too   will sucked down here after them.
They were not afraid that all of them would soon be cursed by the people of the country, that the Black Hole was opening the gates of hell in front of them and their loved ones, and that the whole world would watch everything happening in the smallest detail - and even a gram of stolen gold could not be concealed ...
But presidents and their loved ones really wanted to become millionaires, and even better, billionaires at the expense of the people. They did not believe in God or the devil, but worst of all - they did not know the laws of modern physics and did not understand that any object captured by the Black Hole would no longer be free from its shackles and would be completely stripped and turned inside out in front of the whole world and Eternity.
