Life is like a zebra striped

Life is like a zebra: striped
— Boris Kovalerchik

         Today my youngest grandson asked me: "Grandmother, does life go fast?"
I answered that not only does life go fast, but it flies by! So quickly and imperceptibly that you don’t even have time to notice. Indeed, in our hearts we are still the same girls and boys as we were 50 years ago!
I got to thinking and remembered the saying, “life is striped like a zebra.” And indeed, a lot has happened to my family and me over many years of life.
I attribute childhood and youth to the white stripe. I had a warm and loving family and wonderful friends at school; we all lived in about the same conditions, there was no envy and vanity. Youth is always beautiful!
Marriage, children, my favorite work—this stripe is clearly white.
Diseases, operations, and long and difficult recoveries are a black stripe.
Students, notebooks, teachers meetings. A school administration that supports and praises you. You sit up late, reading assignments and re-reading about teaching methodologies. This stripe was clearly white.
After a group of young Nazis started marching down the main square with fascist swastikas, my family started talking about leaving the country, selling our furniture and things, and learning English. A black stripe. I even started keeping a calendar to mark down the days before we left.
Fast forward to our first few months in America. A three-month-old grandson in our arms, a daughter-in-law who is very anxious from being so far away from her parents. We speak nary a word of English—we understand nothing from our conversations with Americans. Our beloved dog, who we had brought across the ocean, is dying. The temperature regularly hits 40; C, and the asphalt melts. I would go to the store on foot, clutching bags of groceries, cursing this happy life in the land of opportunity. I started studying English at a special school for immigrants. This stripe is clearly black.
Life went on. My English became a little better, and I began to look for work. I got a job as a kindergarten teacher and was glad that I got to work with children again—and glad that I again got to be called a teacher. I enjoy the job, even though they pay pennies. I brought over my sister from Ukraine and got her a job at my school. We work together, although the director of the kindergarten divided my tiny salary among the two of us. I think that this was a white stripe.
I put my professional skills to work. I teach Russian at home to an American student. He slowly improves and begins grasping the language. It felt very nice! I managed to get a job teaching Russian over the phone. The stripe is clearly white.
An American friend convinced me that I could work in an American school and teach Russian. I got an interview at the school district. The trouble was that in our city there was only one school where Russian was taught. After two unsuccessful attempts at getting the position, I waited until the position had opened up. Luckily, a new principal had taken over and decided to take me in. For ten years I worked in this school and two more. There were a lot of difficulties, but I retired with a good salary and benefits. This stripe is clearly white.
Again, a period of illness, surgery, pain, and recovery. A black stripe.
Our children settled into their new lives nicely. Our grandchildren grew up and studied very well. Our middle and youngest grandsons play instruments beautifully, and both often win prestigious contests. Our youngest son’s wife is a classical guitar teacher. Both sons bought homes for themselves. We also live in our own house. Everyone has cars. We have a small pension for a decent life. The stripe is clearly white.
Age makes itself known: diseases, broken and fractured bones, and the burials of relatives. The stripe is clearly black.
Dreams do come true. Our children moved into better homes. Our older grandchildren graduated from university and got jobs. Our youngest finished 8th grade with all A’s. We’re happy—life is good. This stripe is clearly white!
They’re right when they say that the white stripes are longer than the black!
