The Strange-3, a blue and an yellow circles - 1

The Photo 8-11-2019 by me, a selfi here Alien or Photo or somethings strange or a time traveler or somethings

The Strange, The Ghost or The Alien , a photo


The Strange, The Ghost or The Alien - 1

* the photo 1
* a selfi home photo
* 8th November 2019
* from England, UK, Great Britain, one British town
* from Nottinghamshire, UK

The Strange, The Ghost or The Alien - 2

* the extraction from photo 1

I add still 1 my photo from 8th November 2019
You may see
**  some blue and yellow oval, circles  **
**  around my the top of head  **

*** a blue and an yellow colours are into
a flag of Ukraine  ***

i was writing my article about Ukraine/The East Ukraine/Crimea
on that day
Links (continue)

The Strange-3, a blue and an yellow circles - 1

* the original selfi
* 08.11.2019

The Strange - 4, a blue and an yellow circles - 2

* to see the photo 3 via filters contrast-brightness
a blue and an yellow colour of flag of Ukraine, i was writing my article about Ukraine/The East Ukraine/Crimea

The Strange - 5, selfi in more darker filter

* my selfi photo 3 via another more dark filter
* you may still see the yellow oval and a part of a blue oval

I have not a clue what it was and why and how.

On Russian
Странное на фото селфи от 8-11-2019
* Не знаю, что это я сняла

Странное, привидение, инопланетянин - 1

* фото 1, попытка снять селфи
* 8.11.2019
* Ноттингемшире, Англия, Великобритания
* обычная английская частная квартира
* обычная английская тихая улочка
* обычный английский британский городок
* домашнее фото, селфи
* фотограф не видела глазами снимаемый объект

Странное, привидение, инопланетянин - 2
* срезка с фото 1
* фото 8.11.2019 с Англии
