040 390 rus. фестский диск промежуточный a result

АХХ! ВИРАМА YOU, ВИРАМА - ARE GOOD, NOT ПИЛОРАМА_The machine tool to saw a tree.!
- Кол! On колу мочало- begin сначало! A children считалка__A joke a rapid speech.
Between Стоунхенджем and  by a disk of Fest? Probably in both the function of the Zodiac is incorporated.
Certainly! Above Фестский a disk, it(him) Сторона_ Side _А! Is also Turnaround Сторона_ Side Б! Below schematic, and on that the Understandable drawing, plan famous Стоунхенджа in England near to anybody now not known as though городишком  little sity- Солсбери!
It is possible to tell most simple, that about Стоунхендже, this that that Each year are going there about all to light интузязисты- аккурат_ in time on June 22! It is day Years(summer) Солнцестояния_! Is spring - March 22, autumn and winter, that - December 22 numbers happen. What to tell, how Meet Восход_ Sun rais_ on June 22 in Солсбери on Стоунхендже it is necessary will explain one Пикантность__ feature__ in Восходах__ Sunrays_ of the Sun!
ВОСХОДЫ! Sunrays_ of the Sun!
The sun - Взошло in East!
This Colorful, but NOT the EXACT statement! And WHERE the SUN ASCENDS! This figure all will show.

IS GREY__ Ser! PROTECT ПЯТКИ__ Back part of a foot on a leg.
P/s. One of Basic stones, from Which conduct supervision figure refers to as " пяточный__ ПЯТКИ__ Back part of a foot on a leg.__ a stone " will explain. It so a high stone of meters in 6 heights! Also is in Hundreds meters from basic Стоунхенджа. It визир--- Sight a front sight on a gun   a front sight on охотничему__ Will say hunters!
Very originally, but it is extreme simple, not considering that the monoliths, Manually so tons on Forty are precisely established! But at first I shall finish the story about Восходах __Sunrays of the Sun. To the simplified Sun Ascends in East part Небосклона__ he sky, but is not exact in a point – восток__ West Compass --- on . On Horizon the Sun moves кажется__ must be___ and 30 degrees for one year! That is each Day восход will take place More to the right of the Previous day! Only in June 22 in the morning the Sun will be on an axis Пяточный a stone, and the axis that comes to an end символом_ Simbol_Солнце__ the Sun __С the sun! Визиры! Actually only not the Sun, and bright Feature, as in Перекрестье of the field-glass or telescope is visible to June 22! For this purpose the special mechanism визирования! Between stones, that Beside( and are covered with the Third stone, distance of 30 centimeters, and read on 041/ 391 ---
