Destroy the USA. Comment by the author

This is a fantasy of the gradual collapse of the United States into several states during 2005 - 2030. Allegedly, a group of employees of the FSB of Russia with the involvement of residents and recruited Americans is gradually provoking various officials and public figures to commit acts that contribute to the confrontation of individual states, military and groups of citizens. One of the members of the group enters the airbase, where nuclear weapons are stored, and secretly takes out three charges in 2028. At this time, the need for their application is no longer, since the United States has already collapsed. But Islamic terrorists take possession of one of them and destroy New York. The second charge, at the request of the initiator of the entire operation against the United States - the Serb, in which in 1999 the Americans destroyed his entire family in Belgrade - explodes in Washington. And the thief himself takes the third charge by sea to Israel and destroys Jerusalem to begin the eradication of religious wars.
The main outline of events from 2005 to 2028 is contained in the chapter "Catherine Johnson's Diary", which dies on December 19, 2028 in New York. Another two years 2029-30 is the investigation and death of the main members of the group.
I wrote all this from March to July 2016. Real events - until May 2016, the rest is my fantasy.

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