Hobbes, Locke and the principle of separation of p

Hobbes, Locke and the principle of separation of powers

When Thomas Hobbes and John Locke were developing the theory of separation of powers, they could not assume that the document "Constitution of December 12, 1993" will appear.

Thomas Hobbes in 1651 published his voluminous work “Leviathan, or the Matter, Forme, and Power of a Commonwealth, Ecclesiasticall and Civil".

John Locke approximately in 1667 participated in the drafting of the Constitution for the province of Carolina in North America ("Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina»)

But if they had the happiness to get acquainted with the news on December 12, 2019, they would have on the morning of this day could once again could learn that the head of the Accounts chamber (the head of the control body of the representative and legislative branch of state) "reported" to the President ... (and other phrases).

Hobbes and Locke would have looked at each other and said nothing…

Hobbes and Locke had their own ideas. The “Constitution of December 12, 1993" embodied in itself own thoughts…

December 12, 2019 08:21

Translation from Russian into English: December 12, 2019 09:02.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Гоббс, Локк и принцип разделения властей”.
