Again Together 1

"From Eternal Point of View" novel

Pair Reznikov-Kholmogorov went down in the dark. A few steps from the cave where, according to the base, was Mayorov’s group, Eugene Kholmogorov stopped and listened.

- Oh, yes, they smoke there is a yoke, or is it noisy in my head?

- Then in mine, too, - said Vasily.

- Are they having fun there? Maybe we are greeted as heroes?

Eugene first got into the cave and his admiration bass came out:

- Wow! Garden of flowers! Or am I dreaming?

Basil, who had previously guessed what was going on, stopped for a few seconds at the entrance, closed his eyes as if jumping in a pool with his head, and went inside.

At the same moment  something blue, like lightning, darted in front of him, and he heard a voice next to:

- Well, here you are. Hello! How glad I am!

- And I am so happy, Marina-jan! – cried Eugene sweeping her into his arms as a child.

- Basil, well, why are you standing like a statue? Come in, come on! - Welcomed him Mayorov.

Women have bother heroes from all sides:
- Just in two days? Wow! Unbelievable!

- Calm down, girls! This information is harmful to us. We have our own task.

Finally, the noise of first welcome subsided a little, all went and took their seats ...

There was the first moment of the meeting after a long separation.

He was just blinded. He never thought Marina was beautiful - no, such a little sparrow with a boyishly short haircut. Now a petite woman stood there in front of him, all is perfection. Thin arms and neck, as if carved from ivory, looked out of thick, fluffy sweater. Long dark hair in soft waves came down on her shoulders, framing the beautiful soulful face with large expressive eyes and a clear-cut small mouth.

Basil was like thunderstruck: it was an incredible transformation from a small duckling into a beautiful swan. In the corners of her lips and in the depths of her eyes sadness was hidden and something else, as if a deep knowledge...

It seems that this woman has some secret which she confided to no one. Smiling to her new look, he suddenly thought, "If you were such a beauty before I would not even dare to fall in love with you ... so where is my little Boy?"

But the longer he gazed at this new face, the clearer it became: little Boy was still here, just hides himself, and now cautiously looks out.

You've always been a coward!

It seemed like all people around lowered their voices to hear what these two would say to each other.

From Eternal Point of View
