Zolochev 1

Actually, I'm tired today, so I'll write quite a bit. We spend all day outdoor, I run, jump, they call me Nahaljonok but I eat like an elephant. I really like this business trip. Today we shot again in Pidgirtsy, locals  already used to us, they are waiting for shooting daily, and today we shot the last time, and they said goodbye to us in so touching way.

From a letter to parents

Zolochev turned out to be a nice western Ukrainian town, clean, comfortable, with many churches, chapels and a Catholic cathedral.

Private business here was already booming, and there were several private cafes with a peculiar interior and excellent cuisine.With one of these cafes situated next to the neat two-story hotel in which the group stayed, Marta fell in love especially.

If they returned to dinner, she would certainly run there and take herself Ukrainian borsch, a salad with cheese, a portion of barbecue and something to drink.

In the evenings, walking along the clean central streets, she often went into the tea room to enjoy fresh pastries, sweets and a cup of hot fresh tea. Going to the shops also gave her pleasure, despite the fact that the shelves in some of them were half-empty. But, while serving, they would certainly ask her: “What’s does PANI like?” For the sake of this “PANI” it was worth buying at least something.

They shot on the territory of an ancient fortress near Zolochev and in the old Olesky castle, where a tuberculosis sanatorium was now located. The fortress stood on a high mountain, surrounded by a thick wall. The courtyard of the fortress was paved with cobblestones. Finding herself in this paved courtyard, Marta looked around and for the umpteenth time was surprised at the accuracy of her night visions. It was the same courtyard from her dream, where the black horse was dumping her, its rider ...

They settled in a double room with dresser Tatyana, a full, cheerful girl who spent all her free time in the evenings chasing guys, so she didn’t bother Marta at all — they rarely saw each other and mostly only at work. One evening Tatyana showed up not alone, but with two friends - Yura sound-engineer and illuminator Volodya.
