6-011 486 rus. дешифровка фестского диска. подведе

В какую то Концепцию, Предположение, или Теорию, это слово наиболее подходит к тому, что я хочу тебе рассказать, о Фестском диске может входить многое!
Как не странно- это Негатив рисунка, просто рисунок черным на белом листе смотрелся не так понятно! По крайней мере - мне.
..как НЕ СТРАННО, но Такие Построения были сделаны, считается, что диск нашли во дворце Критского Царя Меноса в Слое примерно Минус 1600 года.
Спор об диске идет примерно с 1910, когда Артур Еванс выпустил свою Первую книгу об раскопках на Крите. Это просто Невероятно красиво Иллюстрированные издания наверно с парой рисунков на странице, а всего их, рисунков Тысячи, и можно найти не только Ответы, но и некие подсказки!
 FURTHER translation this file!.
.......In what that the Concept, Assumption, or Theory, this word most approaches that I want to you to tell, about  a disk of Fest much can enter!
As not strange it is a Negative of figure, figure black on a white sheet is simple was looked not so understandably! At least - me.
MOST LIKELY, IT IS the FIRST PAGE, _Text have more then  a PAIR of SHEETS.
.. As IT IS NOT STRANGE, but Such Constructions were made, it is considered, that a disk have found in of King Меноса Palace in a Layer about a Minus of 1600. = - 1600 ears before New Times.
The dispute on a disk goes approximately with 1910, when Артур Еванс has issued the First book about excavation on  Crete. It also is possible to find the simply Incredibly Beautifully illustrated editions likely with pair of figures on page, and all them, figures of Thousand, not only Answers, but also certain helps!
As you understand, if palace is destroyed about 1400 up to Р.Х, and by all then Strongly burned, much Has fallen by floors below! This was promoted by a Design palace! As against Any then complex, whether temple, for example, in Ancient Egypt - most important: the overlappings(blocking) were from a wooden bar. As in the wooden house now! That has not burned down, or is not stale on construction in nearest village, for 4000 years owed Will be destroyed, but nevertheless much was kept! So many Capacities as jugs clay, that were, present, in Height there are less than 2 meters were kept, at all not having split! Probably, it is the ambassador, as the ancient historians of Fall Crete write, the complex of buildings was used still long. The complexities of excavation were anticipated also by(with) that circumstance, that of Premises(rooms) in territory 300 Х 300 approximately of meters was not less than 1000. So the plan palace was drawn by(with) the professional architect, which has involved(attracted) Sir Evans!
Еванс_ Arthur Evans_ in the series of the books not less to than six - resulted frequently photos, and on them was Дорисовка__to draw on a photo__. Present, it(he) Has cleared away with what that a hall, and has made black a white photo! Itself, or the photographer in staff(state) of expedition(dispatch) here on Photographic paper did(made) дорисовку, that Is possible, it was necessary to deduce(remove)! Around Palace Menos of Crere_  now likely Thousand blocks from walls Building__, and they in height approximately till a belt(zone)! It including were the fragments of columns! On photos of a column were of meters up to 10 height and were going from Several parts. On a photo, for example, Basis sometimes of tens columns in what that a hall palace, and they Evans  to draw on a photo is visible.
To reduction to the Drawing on a photo. All as entered талдычили_ to be mistaken__ and it Repeated from the book in the book as Foreign, sometimes именитыми_ famous_ scientific, and ours, Russian!
But it so was latent, what even I yet did not begin simply To put a ruler to figure DID NOT UNDERSTAND! But basically and in a photo it, and still, that I already Assume, it was possible to make and per 1900! That is Intuition, and in general(common), at this stage I began To reflect:
Whether -а can that that on a disk to be Multilevel, and example, at least, MUSCOVITES see пере by themselves being lowered in the UNDERGROUND! That that, and still is tens lines, that I am easy also you can here Draw, it is a Grid of direct lines, that Will connect фигурки as in a WEB. NOW EXPLANATORY To THIS FIGURE.
- This page was written for one Principle, without which TO NOT CONSTRUCT TWO
- Business that the Surface of a disk is broken on Three sectors - corners Equally on 120
градусов_ Three sectors of a circle till 120 degrees__! It is important, as three on 120 = 360, and are Ancient 360 DAY - YEAR!. All Calendars: ancient Egypt, Майя_Maja had year per 360 days! Only in Ancient Rome, by Zero years the year became per 365 days! It Is correct on movement of the Earth, but it is difficult in Accounts! You will recollect Now? Not having looked in календарик_ calendar: How many days in one month now: 28, February 29, 30- 31 others! From here, and Бардак__ The complete disorder in all around__.
P/s. In Ancient Egypt the month had 20 days, and them was 18! Worked and lived by Decades per ten days! Was Размеренность__ Constancy in temporary pieces into 10 days__ and soon намЪ_his again бухати_ drinking of vines_ of days 13, in January, and actually Month drops out!
I have broken a disk on 3 sectors for 120 days, they have different Зубчики_ Ledges on an outside circle__. The division of a Circle into Three Sectors till 120 Degrees - days is possible? Not casually! / in Old years though on Руси_ Oldest Russia_ up to Петра First / char Peter- 1/ there were Three seasons! Without Autumn.
It not Figure, and is a Copy through a transfer Paper, that I have made for ten minutes. She(it) Is exact, and it is possible to see, and what you see? The understanding will come then, when draw a line a spiral, which is not present on a disk! But her(it) Drew, or drew!
.. Figure can much clear! Look after on figure. Find Two Boards On the right and Above it is the Painted over Specially Circles! That is Two Identical symbols it as a matter of fact two Points on a Piece of an arch of Certain radius! The explanatory is important
Above concept " a Circle - Circle " thousand years of thousand the man are beaten! Let's not recollect about Пи = 3.14 she(it), or it(he) here is not used! In Construction of the DRAWING of a disk there are No accounts! I read about Construction of a spiral at Афанасьева- author a book! The carvers, certainly, have this book " House a Groove ", and in its(her) end is resulted....
Now for 2019 it so_такЪЪЪ!
As I remember, Initial radius undertakes and under a certain formula the points are calculated, on which there will pass a spiral line, and put them on a direct line. Through them the spiral line should pass. It if of a spiral such as " a wire – a wother a hose "! It is more complex(difficult) to draw a spiral, at which the spiral Extends on the certain size, and there in the book Афанасьева the construction of spirals on domes of churches is given.
That by me is constructed on the certain Technique, about what I now tell and is not a Spiral, and it " Математически_ Under the formulas of mathematics__ is exact, these Dependences I only vaguely understand, but it is an Infinite line, and on it(her) it is possible to go indefinitely! Lead(carry out) by a pencil on figure!
 P/s. It understand, Itself Having constructed a Shaped line, that IS NOT PRESENT ON a DISK! Also what to you to not get confused In MOVEMENT in точке_a points__2, where the lines are crossed, I have given a direction by Arrows(pointers).
Tens, if the drawing provides not Drawing constructions, and it is What plan that of a underground structure. A certain explanatory.
As to me is remembered the highest buildings have up to 4 floors, and Like the first floor, if especially it(he) is constructed on a fragment, Basis by older, 500 - years(summer) sometimes of construction, it likely Layer in ten or tens meters from: are simple of Dust, that has remained after Destruction, or from old age, or fire, or Simply decayed building have disassembled, груды_ Layer of a dust and fragments of old construction__ of dust have leveled and have built that that again!
Variant as with Вирамами_ a lines Around of symbols some __ here is possible(probable)! Like now and that only is clear to me, and you, that вирама- the feature is simple, the mark through коею_ it is necessary and Carried out(spent) lines! Provided that the prints put in Points, that Have calculated, or stamped on a Cliche with Apertures on a Contour фигурок_ symbols_ cut out! Then on a disk of 5- 10 minutes! On Punching through a cliche 10- 30 let of minutes for подмастерья_ The schoolboy of the foreman working with clay __- of the slave from Ryazan of Kazan! And if manufacture of Subjects such as " Фестский a disk " went with the Plan - Догнат and Пергнат Трою! / Joke Д-И-П- Догнат и Перегнат Америка to catch up and to overtake America, that is Trojan - city / Пятилетку _ Joke! Work for 5 years to execute for two days! __- per two days! The lock I reign for one month?
Not шутю_loke- Parody. A local dialect of language! Now on Mass manufacture not less than year it is necessary! But after installation of product lines, press, stamps and training of the personnel could stamp хуть it so of Toothbrushes of millions, and in MANUAL for one year did(made) ten two: I reign, empress, main визирю_a shah, prince_ and, on pair Корневу and Смелостеву. It – сарказм_joke!
What I want to tell? In all  the books about Фестский a disk, as to Дворца Меноса write: " Эванс to 1910, or hardly OF the ROCKY BASIS the ROCKY BASIS of the ROCKY BASIS of the ROCKY the BASES of the . It of the is necessary to understand so: there was by 2000- 3000 years up to Р.Х that is 4000- 5000 years back island Crete! I shall become farther стиховать_ tell poew, as on Misunderstanding the Poem is necessary, certainly!
Был однако- островъ КритЪ! Енто знаить ерудит!
То, который все гундитъ:
- мол, под сем дворцомъ тада не то, что талая вода,
дажа мыша не скакала- ин, да не было Подвала!
али скажем ледника, где бы молоко схранилось,
что б не скислось, не пролилось!
-Что за- чушь кажу друзья, что за этака, бадья?
Как же так! Дворец большой- вон, блицует  красотой!
И гостей, как мух в навозе! Кто пешком, кто на извозе-
Прибывали во дворец, дай мол князе- леденец!
И нам мясо, нам лучок на закуску! Чесночок-
Тожа  шел как за полушку на развеселую пирушку!
но шли года! За годом- годы! По велению природы:
все обязано ветшать! Путь сей славный завершать!
Знать, аль – Хвараон в темницу, по простецки, так
Гробницу уходил, что б тама сгинуть! От людев сей мир покинуть!
А дворец!? Как человек- мог иметь длиннющий век!
А мог- краткий, тут как встать, как татаров, значит рать,
Подойдя под сень столицы, и не слуша небылицы
Те строенья разрушала, и ни чо не возраждала!
вот и мог дворец тот рухнуть, погреба с вином ОБРУХНУТЬ,
запечатать, завалить, а потом пойдет творить,
разгрбя углей завалы, ради шуточки, забавы
вновь построит, что разрушить, мог и тот
не мог кто слушать, мамок, бабок, сыновей!
Лихоимец и злодей! Энтот замок разрушали,
Разрушенье довершали!
Скажем - был там Лабиринт! Для храненья сладких вин,
Что из Греции, Афин мог ценитель тонких вин
Менос - царь, ладьи снабжая, и приказом подкрепляя:
- Мол, везите до меня, зело / много/ крепкого зелья,
Ну, хмельного изобилье! Не везли- так в рыло били!
Или тюкали в пятак, коль не вез купец табак!
Но стал Менос замечать, стал запасец Исчезать!
И вино то Утекало! Нейзвестно из подвала, а куды тякло оно,
Заграничное пойло по Рупь Пять / 1.05 рубля/ что продовали,
“ бормотухой ” называли! Воровали! Мать ети, и что б
винный склад спасти, и построил Лабиринт, и замок на
НЕМ ВИСИТ! Если глыбь метры откопая, околь конюшенна сарая,
Али там, где двор Мощен в пять рядов, да из колонн,
что сей двор и окружают,
И всем взоры умиляют!
ну, короче! Верю я- слыхом полнится земля!
Как надйется в ладиринт: Вход, хотя бы и един,
То по СХЕМЕ СЕЙ сверяя, и все глыбше углубляясь.
Ствя вешки иль засечки- доберешься до уздечки,
Или панциря, аль шпаги, до Могилы бедолаги,
Ведь весь Мир - ах удивлен:
- А, игде Менос погребен? Прах его был захоронен,
- И где царь был успокоен. В Ладиринте- схему я,
 как сумел, представил Вам
- Так немножечко соврав, ничего не перепутав, сетку линий проводя
- Ну, по – кедов, а! Друзья.

Was however островхъ КритЪ! Енто знаить ерудит!
That, который all гундитъ:
- Pier, under сем дворцомъ тада not that thawed water,
дажа мыша – mous_do not skip ин, yes there was No cellar!
али we shall tell of a glacier, where milk сханилось,
That would not be turned sour, has not spilled!
That for bosh какжу the friends, what for этака, бадья?
As so! Дворец large(more), блицует by beauty!
And visitors, as flies in навозе! Who on foot, who on извозе-
Arrived in дворец, give a pier prince a candy!
And us meat, us лучок on hors d'oevres! Чесночок-
Тожа went as for полушку on развеселую пирушку!
....................................... But went of year! After one year years! On велению of a nature:
All is obliged to decay! A way this famous to finish!
To know, аль - Хвараон in темницу, on простецки, so
Гробницу left, what тама сгинуть! From людев this world to leave(abandon)!
And дворец!? As the man could have длиннющий century!
And can brief, here how to rise, as татаров, means рать,
Подойдя under сень of capital, and not слуша небылицы
Those строенья destroyed, and чо not возраждала!
....................................... Also could дворец that fail, cellar with вином ОБРУХНУТЬ,
To seal, to fill up, and then will go to create,
разгрбя углей blockages, for the sake of шуточки, entertainment
Again will construct what to destroy, that could also
Could not who listen, мамок, бабок of the sons!
Лихоимец and villain! Энтот the lock destroyed,
Разрушенье completed!
Let's tell there was there Labyrinth! For храненья of sweet faults,
That from Greece, Athenes the judge of thin faults could
Менос king, ладьи supplying and order supporting:
- A pier, carry up to me, зело strong зелья,
Well, intoxicated изобилье! Do not carry so in dug beat!
Or тюкали in пятак, коль the merchant tobacco did not carry!
But began Менос to notice, began запасец To disappear!
And вино that Flowed away! Нейзвестно from a cellar, and куды тякло it,
Foreign пойло on Рупь Five / 1.05 roubles /  that продовали,
"бормотухой" named! Stole! The mother ети, also what
Wine warehouse to rescue and has constructed Labyrinth, and lock on
IT(HIM) HANGS! If глыбь meters откопая, околь конюшенна of a shed,
Али there, where the court yard Is powerful in five numbers(lines) лн from columns,
That this court yard also surround,
And all looks умиляют!
....................................... ....................................................
Well, is shorter! I believe слыхом полнится ground!
As надйется in ладиринт: the input(entrance), even also is uniform,
That under the CIRCUIT THIS verifying, and all глыбше going deep.
Ствя вешки иль засечки- up to a bridle will reach,
Or панциря, аль of a sword, up to a Tomb бедолаги,
You see all World - ах is surprised:
- And, игде Менос погребен? Ashes it(him) was buried,
- And where king was calmed. In Ладиринте- the circuit I,
 As has managed has presented you
- So немножечко соврав, nothing having mixed, grid of lines проводя
- Well, on – кедов- Good bay, and! The friends.
--А, мне понравилось! Автор.
 P/s. It as leading of an intermediate result! That that has cleared up, and on this circuit is not present while radial lines, as then the drawing was incredibly complicated! And, what to understand the Concept, it is necessary still порисовать on this party. For now We connect by an adhesive Tape figure, and through копирку we shall do(make) figures the drawings, that about essence same! It is possible, so ON – СЛОЙНО- In some kinds on the drawing__ and the drawing on Фестский a disk, and not only on him(it) was made! Basically - set of directions, that gives CONSTRUCTION, maybe, will open also secret Ancient Зодиаков_ Zodiac. About Дендерский __Dender sity in next Ancient Egypt the Zodiac I wrote, but there all on Emotions, at least, in the Internet is shown! There are No details of accounts and on work Джеральда Хокинса_ Jegerald Hokins_astronom_, that IBM- first компутер involving(attracting) has counted Directions on Points Восхода_ Sunrise_ and Call shined for example soon on December 22!
P/s/ It is necessary on December 22 of this year to put two Ориентира_ Sight
__, though Two палки in snow having thrust, and to look, to which Point the Winter Sun ascends?!
I it that in the book same Хокинса " a Riddle Стоунхенджа " am written so, that the line Stone-1 and Stone -35 with what or gives a Direction on what that star in the Sky! Interestingly but not at once will check up! Here if, we shall tell Fest disk than that same is, I have given more than enough constructions!
P/s/ Present I know that As expect the same calendar and Phases of all planets on the computer, but it is an Amusing case, and it(he) should be resulted, that you not шарахались_ To do(make) an incorrect conclusion of what that
__ would be frightened, when speak.
Yes, I Constantly apply the computer, but you likely did not see, and in it there is no necessity to write Длиннющие__ weary long_ of the program in the book by the size, read further.
Having bought first inexpensive First Pentium, I was shaken by his(its) opportunities. Both it was possible to look games, and music and at all too  cinema, and animated cartoon, so Not difficultly, it is simple . And me began to come across the programs. In one book, for Институтского Institute of community issued, were small программки_ little computer programm_, lines in ten two, that could simplify Rather complex(difficult) Manual calculations in High schools! Having rejoiced, and having believed in могуцество "компутера" I as that was travel in Ryazan! And there then were as though - Shop of old things
, and there surrendered much!  it was Book shop, but the beginning businessmen, in parallel in show-windows have spread out what that a triviality! More shortly I have bought a games hookup of the daughter, such as -  " the Cook and Eggs " that with пиканьем валились дуром __ It was necessary in the tiny game panel to catch eggs, and they needed to be caught, not having given them to be broken! Already leaving, it is necessary her(it) to look for houses, I have seen on Вирине the book, that that like " Account of an orbit of planets on the computer "! And I have left home! At home "has thought again" and in couple of days внове_ go to has appeared _ еще раз приехал специально я__ before clear очи Ошарашенной_ Strongly surprised
_ a saleswoman!
- I want, That book from a show-window! That she(it) has thought, opening show-window she(it) left on
The window street, also is necessary rather long to be carried, отмыкая_ unlock_ what that крючочки_windows_, and Exulting I have opened the book, and in five minutes her(it) again has closed, as NOTHING HAS UNDERSTOOD! The book of pages on 100 up to the end was the text компьютерны[ of the programs, fragments, formulas, figures.
Most likely is not written anew! And it is Blocks, that you Slightly Changing подгоняешь_ to insert into the program_ under first, and 100-th, or thousand program.
ДВИЖОК__ Buttons in game In the PROGRAM.
It is the block, чт responds for Movement, dynamics(changes) of game! Is not casually spoken that "движок___ Buttons "
From words: to move, to rearrange, to run and to shoot as undertakes from the Previous version of game! Can, even and not changing this piece of the program.
Now, for example in games of a type Strategy, same as in Пакмане_ game Pakman- 1982 ears- ! Here, then was set first of all Джойстик, that Moved an Arrow(pointer), machine, plane, tank. Understandably that a Series of commands, on simple, Line, only from the English letters both words and figures was and now Is similar. More shortly, it was necessary to write Hundreds such slices, up to the end of the mentioned book! I have deserted her(it)! That for the fans(amateurs) of astronomy each year were issued:
Astronomical Calendar of the Fan(amateur) for 199хх with what that year! There I could learn(find out) under the diagram in What order concerning Jove his(its) companions 199887 years settled down, for example on December 48!
P/s/ Кррассиво beauty sound! Ио, Каллисто, Ганимед, Europe! Are the companions of Jove, at what most Шустрый_The companion- satellite_ of Jupiter that goes most quickly_ does(makes) a revolution for it seems of 10- 12 hours. That is on Twisting lines for the mentioned companions I from a Calendar could know that 29 hours 48 minutes 01 seconds Europe was To the left of Jove, and then have flown by Plates! A joke! But, for example, the Comet in this zone could pass, and it is possible on a photo define(determine) an Arrangement of the companions this day! Same it was approximately possible to calculate under this book from a show-window!
I it that offer to us a complex(difficult) way, when it(he) is completely not necessary! Certainly, now It is possible загнать_ To place, to enter into the computer program_ Model of a disk in the computer and TO COUNT ФЕСТСКИЙ a DISK even on a subject: directions that that in the sky! I have come to the that moment, when Хокинс, that on the computer Has confirmed directions in Стоунхенжде, but like it(he) would tell two men, that have brought a photo Фестского of a disk:
- I could Read, Count a disk, but at me anything is not present! The formulas, Arguments, Functions and Variable. IN THESE FIGURES THERE IS THAT THEN WAS NOT At ХОКИНСА! Lines, Radiuses, direction, and SIZES in millimeters! If this clay кругляк_ circles Subject - disk from Fect_ __ has though the Slightest Attitude(relation) that I here наплел_in joke speaking, well on - dreamt!
IT At the best 10 % THAT CAN IT IS a DISK,.
And to what still it is necessary To pay attention!?
1. Стороны_Sides_А and _Б_Связаны_To have that that general(common)__? For example, as pages of this book, or it Rather isolated concepts, that that! Let's tell simply Constructions! An infinite spiral, look and read a beginning of this file, or they Are necessary for understanding of a Complete picture That such Фестский a disk. I shall explain! You see, look figures to Стороне_Side_А, that I have given earlier it Сложнейшее_ ery complex(difficult), confusing, and not understandable_ a combination of Radiuses, circles, lines, that can be though a Multilevel cellar under Palace King Menos__, or in the other place. Yes on depth of ten, Two tens meters / as the Underground! / there can be That that similar, as it was simple in 1910 Dangerously further to dig, in sense it was possible To bring down Four этажные_дворец of king had up to 4 floors__ of a wall, that as a matter of fact have lost durability, and stood on " a honour word " and Эванс and his workers could and not decide to remove(take off) a ground Further. You see is "МОЩЕНЫЙ__To have a stone covering of an internal court yard, area __" a court Yard inside a complex, meters so approximately 50 Х 50! If Palase burned, that Еванс more than once mentions in the books, These moments I Have transferred(translated) thoroughly, as could be Мощеный_ stones_ a court yard Blocks in a floor - meter NOT HAVING ANYTHING UNDER ITSELF! That is such "Illogical" conclusions! On the one hand I bring under the Original " up to the Rocky basis of a hill " and is cleared away, here - not less than 3- 4 times " -------- on a Place of Old constructions was under construction new building! ".
2. Subtlety!
??????????? So the quantity(amount) of the Contradictions, and Нестыковок_ mistakes_ in a case with Фестским by a disk Grows! Me first of all Irritated, so I shall tell a symbol NN_ 21. It that that like Bilaterial Rakers, and with заковыкой_ mistakes_ in the middle! It is possible to count as a Collector for water, where one pipe submits water to pool and he(it) is left by(with) 8 pipes, that go further! So, on the Drawing on it(her) on an axis of Symmetry, and this Заковыку_ big mistakes_ pass Lines of construction, look figures Стороны_А. Proceeding from this фигура_ Ладья_a Ship symbol_, the boat can be, but has precisely Three points, through which pass lines already for the drawing Side_Б-B! That is, the Right help with number NN 21, has given Understanding for number__NN 25.
7. That it is possible to check up in this figure! Look where there passes a line from a Nose of the ship and that that like The field-glass__ of a pipe on his(its) Forage?
8. And, the Shaped Circles pass Through Гребца_ a men_ in middle of a boat! But here figure, Print, the seal "was subordinated" to the certain Plan of the Drawing! It was in a basis! Through Symmetric фигурку, such as Стрела_Молот_Arrow__NN 10, 23 lines will pass on the Centre!
9. Through a Breast, Eye on prints, and all First number(line) of marks is simple that КРУГЛОЕ_Circle on figures_NN 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,, and so же_17, 18, 22, PASSES ЧЕРЕ THAT THAT ROUND ON a PRINT.
10. skin _- NN 27- here Is crossed on Two axes, and rest is visible from the drawing
I not сумлеваюсь ужо! And you, most a little!? That is the Riddle, Intrigue has appeared! Not a Disk and with what that is direct, and direct " an Island  of Treasures ". But what up to what it is necessary Completely to understand that to get to the bottom, " WHAT IS DRAWN ON ЕМ In 1636 up to Р.Х? = 4000 ears before New Time Has not confused-- ----- 6- 12/ Yes!! /487.
