V7-004 492 ingl. decoding фестского of a disk. on

 + 7-004/ 492- figures Side_ А.
We take this figure Correctly it(him) we unpack(print out)! As I never before worked in "size", I a little have got confused in the sense that the correctly printed snapshots of the parties of a disk gave Result, but did not enable to work SYNCHRONOUSLY.
That is the disk should Leave on a Contour, as it is necessary to remove(take off) with Anyone сторонв further tracing-paper, and I have removed(taken off) her(it) with Стороны_Б. and then to compare Structure of a disk, and To reveal, and they are - General(common) moments for both parties! But, All as загипнотизированные Accepted that the disk as the Text, that is word and, Is possible the offers!
.. With what deal, as soon as not "would translate" like the text on a disk. It began especially roughly from 1909! The disk is found a little bit earlier, in 1906! But by 1909, CENTURY from that moment JUST HAS PASSED, as Arthur Evans has issued first of 7- 8 books, and it was Скрипта Миноа 1. That is "Минойская" __Minoan letters. As a matter of fact - First письменнось__The letter__ of the European type! All languages, that now are Have General(common) with a disk roots, that is found on Crete!
Disk? Who will tell you? Last book I have read Карла Деккера_Karl Dekker__! How has read, if she(it) in German, and I at all Have overlooked(forgotten) it(him)?! Карл Деккер has applied, акрофонический a method, it when Compare by the form Print on a disk, and that that On начертанию is in the Letter _Б, that is read and is deciphered till 1960! As at me is of 4- 5 Perusals of a disk, I was not surprised, that the text Карла Деккера almost DOES NOT CORRESPOND(MEET) same, but at other authors, under the books of the same year of the edition!?
Still Чедуик_Cheduik_, that by 1960 Has resulted Marks with approximately, 3- 4000 thousand табличек in the Letter _Б, and it(he) wrote, that the disk CANNOT BE READ! The explanatory simple! On a disk there are Plants, and it Number_ 13, and with 35- 39. Let's decide(solve) a Comic task! Below than Break in a rim, it(he) at the left on the centre is two символа_35- Below Socket, and ниже_39, which almost all authors consider(count) Крокусом or Шафраном. This plant, from which received a Purple paint for raincoats of kings and военачальников. And if it, as I Assume - Tip of an Arrow_10, that behind a Joke an arrow and, without a tip! That that is the Teenager on a disk Рисунки_1, 4, 5 to me Logically not do it that a pier, to it(him) on малолетству have given a toy onions(bow) without a tip!
More convincing example, print Number__35, on a detailed portrayal is as Ветка__branch_ with 3 листочками_lists_ at the left and two on the right. Some consider(count), that It is a Raceme of a grapes! Symbol_37- Цветок Лотоса__papirus_, and __ 36 is obvious branch with two thin прутиками_little branch_! What it? Not long thinking, why - that have decided(solved), that it - Олива, time in that area the Olive oil was known, and his(its) Account is reflected on clay табличках! But why – Olive?, instead of Gooseberry, Cherry, Currant and other berry bushes.
Everyone, who before Translated a disk, Decided(solved) Independently, what for a Bush, Plant, Subjects THOSE? From the Linear letter like would follow that the letters have taken place from the first letter that that is represented sometimes Symbolically.
So the Axe had a syllable so! And. How to act(arrive) with a Portrait, есть_ the Man with Гривой__Hair__2. Them there are less than two tens! To it(him) the Syllable is necessary! A question to whom? Зевсу_Zeus_, Mars, itself Меносу, it(him) воину, Old to the Greek hero Гераклу_Greeks Gerkleus, and Артемида same had a helmet with Плюмажем__hair into Helmet_. On this the mark Falls, and write THAT ? And, who? You see it nevertheless Letter! And when All marks like are known, for example there is complete Кошек__Kets__29-ma, that is мя-e! But, when on each mark it is possible to give up to 5 letters without effort, Different completely translations turned out! Besides it is necessary to decide(solve): in a word from 4- 5 letters, that a Basis: a root and Флексии_ The terminations(ending) of words_, that is Termination(ending), prefix, and the Pretexts frequently wrote in an antiquity Together with словом_ NOT NECESSARY, have written бы_ UNNECESSARY! And, now in Russian: NOT the NECESSARY THING, and UNNECESSARY man is Different parts of speech!
That Constantly give result! I have understood, that in a disk the drawing Is placed, and I go in this direction, and always that that new opens. ПООТКРЫВАЕМ__ to See it!?
And still reason, how a disk study at насЪ and at them! As the Sky and Earth difference!
Carefully, and much it is possible to understand, and on the Contradictions, and Нестыковках it is possible to receive interesting result. I already write it is necessary to pay attention to Logic discrepancy! Let's an effectve before you figure of a disk! After I исчеркал_ painting_ wrote it(him) both parties, I about it one constant Argument seem to me not only Unacceptable, and as though for уши __To make an inexact conclusion from егото obvious _drawn.
Now understanding that " gradually has come as have made a disk "! All that I heard and has read in our editions, this moment in the books of the foreign researchers I was not resulted! Now it seems uninteresting! I already wrote, that the Features at ten marks are Points, through which pass lines of Construction on two parties of a disk. What me guarded? As argument if at Слоговом Consisting from the Public and agreeable letterthe letter, and who asserts(approves), that the letter Слоговое__Consisting from the Public and agreeable letter_: -ni- mi-to-so? That reason, that in Слоговом _Consisting from the Public and agreeable letter_Б for syllables respond up to 70 badges, and about one hundred it is simple as Figure on bank of canned food! For convenience of a Perusal: the horses, ослы, мечи- axes, the pots and oil and вино had on табличках the mark, that Is not read. Then it turns out in the sum, that for Слогового of the letter applied on Крите not less than 200 symbols! But Actually of letters was about 70- 80! Well also what? The variant Глаголицы_oldest Russian languages_ on Руси had not less than 50 letters, at what then all was reduced up to habitual намЪ__hee_ - 32 letters. Basically disk could be писан and separate letters: -a-b-c-d,! But Assumption that Слоговое the letter on a disk gave that the term Вирамы_, RISKS.
__, that is risk at marks has appeared!
EXAMPLE ON ВИРАМСТВО_To do(make) an emphasis in dispute on what that__!
We take a word where Some public letters, as an example from Russian: A. And, About, Е, At! Though I letter_Е_ would not consider(count) Public as Sounding its(her) pronunciation Two sounds: е-э-э! Then in Russian public should be буква_Э, instead of буква_Е!
Word: УДОБОУСВОЯЕМОЕ BACON of the RABBITS! From numbers on a platform, we shall spread out on syllables: U- do -O- bo-O- U- so- vo-O- ja- E-mo-O-E. Public Capital letters, and agreeable small! But after up to About, бо-about, in - about, that is in succession go in Pair буквы_ About в our case, then in such word, let and Greek, and it a Word, but not the Spelling Same as Russian, and there of Repetitions public will be the sea! Then the disk would be in Risks at marks, WHERE ONE PUBLIC IS LOWERED(OMITTED), In MINE EXAMPLES_О, would be as a hedgehog in иголках__Needles!
And in the Russian editions constantly also was importunately mentioned: " - here, where the feature - is lowered(omitted) one Public, but I have not met any example, and it on conscience Confused: - so this! This Вирама so, in Индийсой письменности__Indian letters__! And, any example! It was simple to the Authors easier to repeat небылицы about Вирамы of years 50, it is not less! Certainly, looking on a disk will not tell then: - yes, it(he) under the drawing is made, and then my opinion follows..
1. I would make the First pattern with Прорезями __The cut out lines_for lines of a Spiral and Features of separators between words! But at the First stage, All prints are not put yet, and are possible(probable) of Editing, simply marked risks by a Fine flute, Deepening her(it) on final operation! Most likely, here special case of CONSTRUCTIONS, and yet drawing! A certain explanatory! Is in Russian groove Розетка_Солнце_Soon simbol_, it(he) to me met in oldest прялках! About 12 centuries, and there Sockets, Вертушки, Солярные__as Soon_ and Complex(difficult), that Grasping hundreds elements reached the  edge(territory) of boards! But they Are not drawn, and the principle was applied, when циркуля ножку, rearranging on a circle the Solar socket turned out! But this Property of a Circle, and this reception to me have shown at school! This Construction likely did not take place in what that the engine, or site of machines! Here I have met construction on Стороне_Б of an infinite line, that in the beginning has thought, that it is a Tape Мебиуса! With Infinite two витковой of a line I would begin manufacturing the Party _Б!
2. There comes understanding that the foreman before eyes should have figure where put prints.
3. And third reason! I would make a disk and Cut out in it(him) Apertures! I shall explain! All prints Are on a web of lines, and how to act(arrive) with different on the Size by prints?.
The cat the smallest mark about 5- 7 millimeters, her(it) мордочка is not read on a photo and I considered(counted) in the beginning - that it roughly оттиснутый a square! And, longest not less than 15 millimeters the Ship, and all of them have in Design a Point, that owes is on a Line! Например_ of an Eye the cat! But this symbol within the limits of a spiral is possible to lower(omit) on centimeter, and these Cats almost ten!
4. Then is necessary Having dug, as a Key, that Synchronizes, Correctly Focuss a disk during manufacturing! Then the disk as that Fastened to a table гончара!
5. I have thought, that if prints to put under the Modern drawing, in it(him) will be as much of lines! So smile, if read it:- on an eye, without sectoring оттиснули, and тру- ля-ля_!: - Ля-ля! The lightness was, that confused.... ------ 7-005/493 ---------
