The Planet of Tears 1

I’m searching in this world a combination
Of fine and eternal …

– What a night! As a song in silent night. Look at the sky. I'm speaking with verses, look!

– I’m looking.

– What do you see there?

– Stars.

– Yes, stars … In such a night I always believe someone must be there. Do you   understand?

– Yes-yes! I would like to believe it, too! We are so lonely. It is terrible if we can’t understand …

– Understand what?

– Seems we are so similar to little kids to whom some strange toy had being given, and they, wishing to know, how it works, have not found the best solution as to break it into pieces to have a look inside. The toy is our planet. Understand me now?

– Yeah, I do.

– Ah, if there was a clever and patient adult who would explain to them everything! Then everything would go differently, right?

– Maybe … Such a night, Martha! Mar-tha! When I say your name as I’m doing now and look into your eyes, it seems I already saw you somewhere before. Do you remember?

– No, Sergey, I’m sorry.

– Try, Martha, try to remember! Please!

– Oh, I did! – Martha exclaimed suddenly, – It’s time to go home! Oh, poor me! Sorry, honey, I have to run …

Girl’s heels knocked on asphalt. The easy shade of her figure went through the road and slipped in a dark yard. The entrance door plaintively squeaked.
Sergey throw a coin...

Stars crowded over the earth …
