The Planet of Tears 9

Suddenly some dark figures jumped in front of her, and at the very same moment Martha felt a lethal blow. She silently fell on the road, having clamped a wound, hot from blood, with a hand. She felt, how hasty hands were taking away her jewelries, but she could not neither  shout, nor move any more. With widely open eyes Martha peered at robbers, catching last impressions of this world and suddenly precisely bright flash lighted up all around:
– It's YOU!

Robbers stopped, and their ataman, her murderer, as knocked down, fell to her feet.

– Martha! – He moaned. – Martha! I was searching for you everywhere, I was trying so hard to find you! So hard! Where had you gone, my love!? Where have you been???

She tried to smile. His face, still handsome, was deformed by grimace of pain, tears ran from eyes and, wiping them with hands empurpled by her blood, he whispered:

– Martha, I have found you. Don’t you leave me again, please, don’t leave me ever! Only for your sake I had come to this world. Oh this treacherous planet of tears! I have forgotten everything! But now..! Martha, do you hear me?! Do you love me? Do you remember?

– Yes, I do, – she exhaled, directing a look to heavens, there, where her soul departed...

Waves fought about rocks, colorful beams silently slid on them. Three gloomy living shades, having hidden in cracks of rocks, with intense surprise listened to speech of the ataman. «Since when murderers mourn killed by them? And why does he talk to her in some unknown language?»

He still shouted:

– Forgive! Forgive! Forgive me! Don't leave me alone!

But the one who could understand him, did not hear him anymore, and those who heard, could not understand.

The small stone hit the glass.
Martha opened her eyes.

A dream? Is it just a dream?!? Without daring to believe yet, she jumped up to a window. In the familiar yard filled with the sunlight  under a window Sergey stood and cheerfully smiled to her.
