A reforming the judicial system in the Russia. A b

A reforming the judicial system in the Russia. A brief historical essay.

One of the most famous judicial reforms in Russia is the reform of Alexander the Second (1864). In Russia appeared (gradually) jury courts.

After 1917 and until about 1989, in Russia (USSR) there was no widely known judicial reforms (in the usual sense of the word).

Since 1989, attempts have been made to develop the jury court widely and to introduce the principle of the independence of the judiciary.

The initiators of these changes in the state system tried to ensure the independence of judges by a number of measures, including the introduction of a rule under which only bodies created from representatives of the judicial community (from among the judges) could dismiss judges.

After 1993, the jury courts, although not completely disappeared, but turned from a real, widely operated system into something, that left over from previous times.

There was a tendency to roll back to the times that existed before Alexander the Second.

But there, still, remained those mechanisms that were designed to ensure the independence of the the judiciary. Judges were dismissed only by bodies of the judicial community.

If to see on the movement that began in January 2020, a new stage of reform of the judicial system has begun.

Not only the system of jury courts, but also the mechanisms established to ensure the independence of judges and the judicial system are subject to gradual restriction, or even abolition.

The rollback begins in the times preceding Alexander the Second. That is - in the epoch of Nicholas the First.

If this process to put in a row with the rollback of the electoral system – at first behind 1905 (under Gorbachev) - and, then, later, even further into a history (to find analogies to the formation of the modern Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to think long and hard), the prospects of development of the state structure of the Russian Federation - the most impressive.

January 22, 2020 17:28

Translation from Russian into English: January 22, 2020 17:53.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Реформирование судебной системы в России. Краткий исторический очерк”.
