Vanya Zhukov, bats and dedollarization

Vanya Zhukov, bats and dedollarization

Vanya Zhukov developed a new idea.

He was walking cheerfully, planning to pay a visit to the Great Diplomat.

The idea was for bat cultivation to be included in the list of agricultural activities.

'I 'm expecting with this, a new, idea a huge benefits! '

In front of the office of the Great Diplomat, Vanya checked pocket. He discovered a coin of 5 rubles.

"Now I will come. He: money are? And I - money onto a table! And right away - to a business!"

But events did not develop at all as Vanya intended.

There was a medical mask on the face of the Great Diplomat. In front of him on the table there was a sign: "Break for 5 years." The eyes of the Great Diplomat were closed, as if he had fallen into a deep dream.

"Very bad ...,” - Vanya thought disappointedly.

He shook his eyes on the shelves, remembering the famous caskets of the Great Diplomat.

At this moment Vanya suddenly noticed that the eyelids of the Great Diplomat were slightly raised, and, through the eyelashes, the Great Diplomat directed his eye pupils onto Vanya.

“You can’t deceive him!” - Thought Vanya with satisfaction. - “Dedollarization! Not a single dollar can be handed, or be thrown under! Calculations in national currencies only! " "Of course, there no need to fuss. But vigilance is required maximum - not in dollars, but in the national currency! "

Vanya carefully closed the door behind himself and went outside.

Ahead was a stall with fast food.

Vanya turned his head, with a disillusion, aside off the stall. If bats are cooked and in sold, then he 's late with his idea again. Vanya even suspected that the Great Diplomat could read his thoughts - and why did he sit as if in a dream and with his eyes closed?

And if something else is prepared in the stall, so he, Vanya, could not hand over his idea to the Great Diplomat and monetize it, therefore, he, Vanya, have no means to pay for the products of the stall.

Vanya proudly passed by the stall and walked down the street: "The main thing - not to fuss!" "Cleverly he with this... with the dedollarization!"

January 26, 2020 19:51

Translation from Russian into English: January 26, 2020 20:27.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Ваня Жуков, летучие мыши и дедолларизация”.
