Russial banking genius has beaten the Eastern epid

Russial banking genius has beaten the Eastern epidemic. A financial etude.

The banking genius of Russia began today in a good mood.

Events develop dynamically.

A month ago, concern for the development of artificial intelligence gave, at last, a result.

Artificial intelligence gave a recommendation to sell a huge number of eastern shares with the condition of transferring shares to buyers in 10 days.

The recommendation was implemented.

In 7 days on the Huge Eastern Exchange there was a collapse of prices for eastern shares. The necessary shares, previously sold at good prices, were purchased at a cheap cost after the price crash, and handed over to buyers.

After such a deal, trillions of trillions have cleared!

Banking genius followed the recommendations of artificial intelligence. We are respectable people! We do not collect a sour cream onto a spittled sidewalks.

The vast Eastern Power was asked to accept the money received. We are - people with reputation and - a big friends.

The huge Eastern Power sent generally positive signals.

But it's not so easy to transfer a money. It is necessary to settle, settle a lot of formalities. It will take years and centuries, and if the partner acts energetically and pragmatically.

All the time, in those days, the "new" money was spinning.

They brought a new money. A recommendations of artificial intelligence!

A month ago, everything was just beginning. And already 15 days ago, all state vaults were full of a cash currency and a gold bullion. Money nowhere to put!

It took five days to reflect and prepare new solutions.

Ten days ago, the "GET" - "gold electronic time" - was proclaimed.

Five days ago, the policy of GET produced a result - Russia built a digital economy.

Now the entire population of Russia has moved up to computers. Everyone knocks onto a keys, moves a mices, solves various useful problems from garbage collection to the development of the space industry.

Ministers of all levels come to work and without a pause press the Enter key! Not a second should be lost. Time is running in a new way!

And every resident of Russia receives one million US dollars a month (from dedollarization it is better to stay away). Plus-minus …

Finally, the problem with the lack of space in the state repositories of currency and precious metals has settled!

But not these pleasant events pleased the banking genius.

He is a modest man. He is far from extremes - whether it be a Downshifting, or - the desire for glory.

He - as the song sings - is a simple Soviet guy, a simple Soviet bureaucrat - 3 billion 100 US dollars salary.

It 's nice to get paid for a job well done.

Today is the day of receiving wages (him personally)! And in the country declared a new holiday - the day of victory of the policy of Gold Electronic Time!

"The sun paints a gentle digits onto the walls of the ancient Kremlin...," -  a banking genius was purring, was humming, anticipating a new digital developments.

February 6, 2020 11:16

Translation from Russian into English: February 6, 2020 12:08.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Банковский гений России обыграл восточную эпидемию. Финансовый этюд”.
