Essence of political economy

When I was a schoolgirl I was told that socialism is good and capitalism is bad for people. They also said that intelligent persons can easily success in both formations. As for ignorant and lazy ones, they always lose and may only rely on mercy and charity of a society. Somehow I believe in this statement and becoming a grownup I have found a lot of proofs. There is a simple summary giving the essence of the university course of the discipline described as Political Economy. Look, the more intelligent and prosperous persons has the society the more social protection can it give to its less lucky members. It is true for the former Soviet Union, where only disabled (by health, by age, by mentality) people were donated and the majority worked and had everything for free: free medicine from birth to death; free education from kindergartens through postgraduates; free dwelling for living in and land plots for growing fresh food stuff; free services from any kind of authorities and etc. And all that prosperity was based on the totally nationalized fixed assets of production and fossils. Now, compare to capitalism. A small in number group of persons owns almost everything in a capitalistic state, the rest of society works for them. The richest members are the smartest: they may not work because they get everything due to the ownership by birth. Are they elite? Probably, if they manage to persuade a whole nation work for them, they are. Then how shall we consider the majority? Are they stupid, lazy or crazy? Perhaps, if they let the minority to parasitize on people’s poverty, they are.
