
   Gathering in a small cafe in the middle of the day, we didn’t realize that our conversation so easily reached a stalemate. This small, but nice place was not far from the city center. This meant that during lunchtime, it would be full of the lucky ones who in time, would take up all the empty seats. Lots of people liked enjoying the brand name aromatic coffee and fresh shortcakes. The main reason why I so highly regarded it, that is because it was on my way home. It was close to the subway too, which could bring you to any place in the city. We arranged to meet at 12 o’clock precisely, but not every one was on time. It was approaching 3 o’clock. I was talking to John, when Judith got up and left the table. She seemed very angry. We knew that she wanted to carry everything out as planned, but this time it was impossible. She refused to meet my gaze, then she went out onto the congested streets. I wanted to be consistent, but probably not now. 

   Time went by slowly today… I nearly imagined small grains of sand unwillingly falling to the bottom of my imaginary hourglass. The sound emitted by these grains could attract more attention than this conversation… This morning when I woke up at the crack of dawn, I reviewed some more advertisements, had a plain breakfast and made three phone calls. All three answers were more demotivating than I could have ever anticipated.
“I don’t have any ideas in my head!” Sam exclaimed. He was really upset.
“How could you? How could you look into my eyes and lie?” the woman screamed at the other end of the caf;. A slap in the face of the man who accompanied her followed after her words. Once more, I tried to concentrate and focus solely on John’s voice.
“Hm… Was it a good idea?” he continued.
“I don’t know! I finished work at about 8 p.m., and I had a meeting with his business partner at 8.30. I thought I would be on time.”

   It started raining. The sky turned dark. That was the third rainfall this week.
“Can you reschedule for a time that is more convenient for you?” the woman sitting at the next table asked.
“Well, never mind… Nope, don’t mention it! Thanks for the tea, by the way,” John replied as kindly as he could in that kind of situation.
Twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three… I counted to myself while lying in bed in the middle of the night trying to fall asleep.
“If you go there one day, you will not find it,” I muttered as I finally fell asleep.      

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