Senya and lollipops. A story

Senya and lollipops. A story.

Several times, the inhabitants of the house called the hotline and complained that a company was gathering in the yard on the bench and violating quarantine conditions.

At last, the bench was temporarily dismantled.

Senya and friends were not confused.

They moved to the sports ground. Sports equipment is located at a distance from each other. You can sit on some sports equipment, or lean on others. And to calmly communicate.

Friends told the news.

Many entertainment organizations have temporarily closed. And some of the adults decided to please the kids.

In one of the neighboring yards the children got a torte (each).

In another nearby yard, the kids got a box of sweets (the each of kids).

After hearing such news from friends, Senya, when the kids went out for a walk, took a bag of lollipops from one of the friends and handed the kids a lollipop (to each). Then the bag of lollipops returned to the company.

It turned out well.

It’s important for children to have attention.

There are uneasy, restless people. But problems are solved as necessary...

Kids read books more time, they walk in the fresh air - and all is well...

Under any events and circumstances, the right decisions exist ...

March 25, 2020 21:27

Translation from Russian into English: March 25, 2020 21:56.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Сеня и леденцы. Рассказ”.
