Funerals -1. 2

      The offering of food in these places at funerals can be called as traditional as the burial itself. In peacetime, the entire funeral ritual, in addition to ablution, includes the burial itself and the offering of food to the general public, which in its essence an form differs from other dinners.
Of course, first the master of ceremony, and with his permission, the others reminisce about the deceased with a kind word, relentlessly enumerating all his good and noble deeds, in short, about all the good that binds them, memories of a past life.
Involuntarily, one has to recognize the exceptional serenity of a past life. The worst and most tragic thing that accompanies a person from time immemorial, for all the time of his mortal existence, is death. Somehow, conversations and reflections on death are not common here. Everyone has their own secret thoughts and ideas about it. Perhaps this is because there is little clarity in this issue. And indeed, who will take the liberty of clearly and convincingly explaining to the end the essence of death after life. Perhaps the prevailing view of their separate existence is "when we are alive, there is no death, and when it comes, we are no more." Or maybe people have hope in their hearts and confidence in the continuation of life after life? The right to speak and think aloud about belongs exclusively to the people with a lot of life wisdom.
Like God's Providence, very few people are given the opportunity to share their knowledge of life and death with their relatives as they grow older. But, if death is usually thought aloud very little, then all the words remain in order to sanctify all the good that binds these people. Even some mutual resentment that emerges from memories is presented as some positive and bright component of happiness.

Deep down, the death of any of them brings an irreplaceable void, which is increasingly expanding with the increase of the deaths of the loved ones and friends, throughout the life of each of them, finally filling the emptiness of their soul by the end of their own temporal existence. Thus, everyone from the moment of birth and during their life together becomes a part of everyone. Yes, everyone is a part of everyone's life. And this is the main meaning and purpose of their mortal existence. And this can determine the unifying concept of happiness, which gives the main meaning to their lives, for each of them.Therefore, with the passing of someone, everyone comes into contact with the concept and feeling of happiness, because everyone consciously or unconsciously comes into contact with a state that can be described unambiguously as unhappiness. Yes, people come into contact with the concept of happiness, because unhappiness comes up…

        Now, grandfather Arakel remembers how he taught Yervand the woodcraft, how he taught him to get a shirep, a honchu, a trough, all kinds of bowls and other household utensils, so necessary in everyone's household, from a gnarled and unruly beech, hornbeam or oak stock, by removing the unnecessary. And, probably, each of the villagers, and perhaps not only them, present here or not, have something created by the master Yervand, in which he had invested a part of his soul, for in all the human creations, made by hands or mind, have a particle of his soul. And so, scattering the particles of his soul, a person runs out at the end of life, having given the last particle of his soul to the Lord God. Or perhaps the soul is like the tail of a lizard that regenerates in place of the one dropped in danger? It is better if the soul dries up gradually, with the passage of time allotted to man before his natural extinction, having had enough of the earth life itself, and not so tragically and prematurely, as now happened to Yervand. Of course, Yervand did not have time to do much. He didn't carve out a life for his daughters. The son, whose shoulders shall now take the unbearable burden, was left without a father. His father, who carried him in his arms and adored him, sometimes scolded and even gave the stick. Zinavor would have been happy if he had been able to give his father the opportunity to slap him a lot more, but to keep him alive. However, today it all seems like a dream, he wants it to be a dream, a nightmare, which for some reason for the second day does not pass. How many times has it happened before - you see a dream, a terrible dream, you wake up and suddenly, with an incredible happy insight, you realize that all it was just a dream. And then you want to enjoy life, people, pets and birds, everyone without exception, friends, neighbors, relatives and strangers. You want to loudly convey to everyone around you how beautiful life is. Of course, Yervand was a happy man. He loved and was loved, and he felt no rejection of anything that he had to deal with every day. Yervand with tender resignation and love did everything, whether it was a work gardening, harvesting, hunting or fishing, caring for the household or providing all possible assistance to someone. Perhaps some people envied him. Here, his cousin Atanes, who has lived a lifetime, but few people will say a good word about him. Although, of course, if he died today, many, if not all, with regret, shaking heads, would try to remember something at least a little bit light and significant in his life. They'll probably remember something. If they do not remember, they will try to invent it, because Atanes lived among them, was a part of them, a part of the world in which they lived. They would have pitied his widow and two children. Although his children never returned home after graduating as apprentices from the city of Ganja...

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Григорий Аванесов   28.03.2020 22:34     Заявить о нарушении