Coronavirus, Preobrazhensky, Sharikov and scientif

Coronavirus, Preobrazhensky, Sharikov and scientific optimism. Scientific and historical anecdote.

1. General conditions for the development of science.

Can a primitive society generate scientific inventions?

You can think about this issue ...

And what are the general prerequisites, the general conditions for scientific development?

We list some of them (according to our subjective opinion):

1.1. Excellent (or good) education system,

1.2. A powerful history of the development of science,

1.3. Historical continuity, allowing to transfer the advanced culture of the scientific movement from previous generations to the next,

1.4. Favorable conditions for the development of science in the present,

1.5. Excellent (or good) material - (financial), experimental base,

1.6. Comfortable social conditions for the development of capable people, inclined to scientific research, in general - to creativity. The presence of traditions, rules and mechanisms of social pressure on the carriers of primitive cultural features (unnecessarily criminal, aggressive, greedy, asocial, etc. - According to Bulgakov, even the vulnerable professor Preobrazhensky managed to cope with the Sharikovs, at least temporarily),

1.7. An effective system of scientific planning and forecasting,

The system of favorable conditions for scientific development does not arise and does not disappear simultaneously, but is in a state of dynamic development.

In the normal version, when it comes to a great scientific power (country), the system of scientific knowledge is developing progressively, dynamically and more or less evenly (in a complex).

2. Russia and scientific potential.

If we accept the theses on the determinism of the scientific movement by scientific potential and on the inertia of scientific potential, then we should shift our attention to reports of colossal scientific breakthroughs in Russia in the field of military equipment.

As you know, Russia (USSR) tried to catch up, get ahead others. Now they 're trying to catch up, get ahead of Russia.

3. The scientific potential of Russia and a colossal optimism.

Timid voices are already heard. They are informing of the decisive achievements of different countries in the fight against coronavirus.

And from China, some journalists braverly report a gradual cessation of the pandemic and the resumption of mass visits to the Great Wall of China, as well as the resumption of the wildlife markets (which were a subject of some journalistic suspicions about the outbreak of the coronavirus).

Is China on the verge of ending the epidemic? And is he ready to resume normal economic life?

But allow!

Now the other countries are trying to catch up, get ahead of Russia.

Allow me to make the assumption that Russia will overtake China in the speed of completion of the pandemic!

Russian science is worth a lot. And in the coming days we will wake up - and the pandemic in Russia - has ended, already. (The exact date is not known).

Let us recall how the USSR resolutely stopped the spread of many infectious diseases (Was the USSR catching up with other countries, or were other countries catching up with the USSR? ...)

Timid references to certain disadvantages in the field of infectious diseases (already in the 21st century) appeared in the press. But these references cannot to make a confusing. "Us" ("them") they 're trying to get ahead !

Let me be a limitless optimist and believe that Russia will be the first country where the coronavirus pandemic ends.

Science in modern Russia is set well, and develops - even better... Optimism in this state of affairs - the mood is completely natural.

April 2, 2020 18:52

Translation from Russian into English: April 2, 2020 19:51.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Коронавирус, Преображенский, Шариков и научный оптимизм. Научно-исторический анекдот”.
