The Code Of Exodus. Etude 6. Key For Era of Eden

The Code Of Exodus. Etude 6. Key For Era of Eden

My articles and books are little-known that allows me to quote them a lot.

"Acquiring immense opportunities, people spend its on strengthening their power and adding wealth, so that they can use it again to increase their mighties.
In this vicious circle, justice is trampled on, good is not increased, and love is not multiplied.
Becoming almighty, modern humans are still far from omniscience and goodwill.

In the growing superiority of a force over a mind of human hides the mortal sin of mankind. For this discord moves us to wrong thoughts and actions, the price of which has recently increased immeasurably.

It is time to understand that human who has conquered the cosmic heights and penetrated the mysteries of matter has lost the right to make a mistake.
Even a small human misstep, multiplied by the monstrous power he has gained, threatens a global catastrophe.

The age of "homo sapiens" reached only a few tens of thousands of years - a moment by cosmic standards. But during this time, human has repeatedly put our world on the verge of life and death. 
In the Era of high technology, Freedom should not be ahead of Reason and above morality.

The increased influence of human on the course of history makes him a co-worker of Nature and God.
It is vital for a person to understand and accept the Universal Laws of The Universe, to act in accordance with them."
"Transfiguration of the World: from the willfulness of Power to the supremacy of Spirit", G. Yu. Zherebilov, Lipetsk, 2003).

People who trust in God, when building an earthly community, are guided by the ideal of Paradise.
People who believe that there is no God (because it is almost impossible to prove this scientifically, as well as the opposite) are building Communism...
But one way or another, people have always dreamed of a society in which all people and everyone will live with dignity and wealth.

My proposed concept of "All-inclusive society and economy" is based on the principle of "cooperation of all with all", which in the near future will inevitably and finally defeat the principle of "struggle of all against all". (This concept has been developed in detail in my articles and books, and was presented as the thesises at the UN Global Goals Festival in may 2019 in Bonn).

The implementation of the "All-inclusive society & Economy" concept will ensure the transition of the Earth's civilization from the principles of the "wild forest", "jungle", where dominate natural forces and an endless struggle for survival, to the principles of the "garden", in which the Creator and co-workers are co-working at preserving and truly flourishing the spiritual and natural forces of each creation.

This is why I named this global project as "the Era of RAJ" in Russian, or in English - "the Era of Eden".

Nowdays science and technology have achieved the ability of provide people with everything necessary for a life of prosperity.

Therefore, the most feasible part of "The Era of RAJ / The Era of Eden" project is a socio-economic model based on the good principle of cooperation, which has successfully passed the test of time.

It will remind to the Jews about kibbutzim, to the French about communes, to the British about pioneers of Rochdale, to the Germans, Austrians about Raiffeisen's co-operatives, to the Russians about artels, etc.

The largest co-operatives are successfully operating in many countries of the world today.

Philosophy teaches us that quantity overgrows into quality.

So, size matters.
In the book "Transfiguration of the World. Fundamentals of Good will and Sharing" in 2003, I proposed the principles of "sharing", i.e. a sharing economy based on Global or National People's Corporations, in which every citizen of the world or the state owns an equal share for all life ("Honeycomb Property") and receives dividends ("Human income" - Hi"). This idea was developed by me in articles in English   ).

I declare that the form of Super co-operatives or Grand artels, which are owned by the entire population, namely - in equal shares every citizen of the country or the world, is optimal for the coming Era of RA (the Era of Robotics and AI), since any co-owner of the co-operative can work the Super-Co-Ops etc. in the appropriate specialty during the period till the artels will go to full automation and unmanned technologies.

The creation of Global and National Super Co-Ops became possible with the emergence of big data, blockchain, supercomputers, AI, and cryptocurrency, i.e. thanks to scientific and technological progress. The time has come to accelerate social progress.
People can work in the People's Corporations etc. for some part of their lives, but they will own their share for all life.

Not lifetime employment and working age from birth to death, but lifetime and non-inherited ownership of an equal share in National or Global Grand Artels together with all other citizens of the country or the world.
This will create an inexhaustible source of "human income" (which may be the main income) for each person, form the "basic class" as the basis of democracy, give everyone equal starting opportunities, and create equality of opportunities for everyone go ahead to heights of Humaneness. No one will leave behind.

Very important are the ideological, sociological and psychological aspects of the activities of the Grand artels and the receipt by each person of "Hi = human income".

An every person should understand that global and national wealth are created by God, Nature, and humans and they belong to every person, whose ancestors and he himself preserved and created these global and national wealth. People are co-holders of the World.

Therefore, the dividends of the Grand artels received by each citizen as "human income" are a well-deserved reward for the result of the combined activities of all previous generations, and not the charity from the state, organizations or VIPs...

And, of course, "human income" is not "a helicopter money".

Mass paying capacity demand will creates favorable conditions for the development of society and the economy. 
The mass paying capacity demand of the older generation will create favorable conditions for the rapid development of gerontology, as well as the industry of goods and services for the elderly.

Inevitably, the coming automation will become a period of unrest in the current socio-economic model: as the workforce without work becomes the force of revolutions and protests.
And promises to create a lot of new jobs are either electoral lies of politicians, or a lack of understanding of the possibility of developing and self-learning robotics and AI, but at any case it is a mad attempt to stop the development of world civilization.

The great and natural process of emancipating humanity from labor as we know it has begun.
Does the Pope pray or work?
Does Messi play or work?

Thanks to the Grand artels, the process of releasing labor force redirects this energy of people in the arts, science, sports, crafts, etc. - and this is the best solution for people of any age, race, gender...

Thanks to worldwide and/or nationwide super-cooperative-corporate networks:

1. The economy will become a "full-circular economy" - that is, a "circular economy" in which not only raw materials, waste and energy circulate, but, very importantly, financial resources circulate.
After all, the registers of owners of shares of production and trade, credit and consumer "super-co-ops" will largely coincide with the lists of buyers of their goods and services, which will ensure a constant circulation of money of every citizen "from my pocket to my pocket".

2. In the same way, the sharing-economy will not become one-sided (only share consumption), but "complex sharing" of consumption, production, services...

3. In the distribution of income, along with the current system of "trickle down" will operate a system of income (I propose to call it) "drip irrigation", in which "a drop", or share of income will constantly come to every citizen of the country and/or the world in the form of "Human income"("Hi").

Moreover, to harmonize the "human income" with the profits of the super-co-op it is necessary to apply the principle of "flood-tide".
Because the profits will increase with the growth of productivity not owing of the intensive work of people but thanks to an increase the degree of robotics and automation.
Therefore: an upcoming Era of Robotics & AI (ERARA) isn't a threat for Humanity but a hope on an Era of Eden (ERARAJ).

The rising tide raises all the boats, but the tide raises the small boats first, then the small ships, and finally - the big ships.
In accordance with the principle of "rising tide", the boats of the poorest should be raised first, and the yachts of the billionairs will be raised the last.

That is, with the low profitability of super-cooperatives, dividends can be received only by those members of the cooperative whose total income from all sources is lower than the statistical level of "decent life".

Citizens receive from reserve funds "basic income" as the floor income while "low-tide" period, i.e. during of low profit period of super cooperatives.
The circle of recipients of dividends expands up to a maximum while profits increase ("high-tide" period).

4. It will be launched and gain power so to speak, "the economy of abundance" i.e. "the economy of Eden"/ "Eden-Econ"/ "eden-econ", in which the continuity of the cycles of solvent demand and their respective proposals will turn into an endless "Mobius tape".
While until now, the "economy of abundance" was in principle impossible because of the regular "overproduction crises" caused by the low incomes of the masses of "Their Majesties the End Consumers".

5. The problem of mass unemployment due to robotics and automation will be "passed over".

6. Private and public interests will be harmonized, which will help to solve social, environmental, political and other problems, will open the way to continuous improvement of human, humanity and the world.

7.  And so on...
The peak of profitability of "super-cooperatives" in the form of "people's corporations" will come with a high degree of automation and robotization of human activity (i.e., in the heyday of the EraRA - Era of Robotics and Automation as a result of the 4th industrial revolution).
However, "the obvious is often unnoticeable".

To protest against the process of emancipating a person from forced labor and replacing it with the free activity of a free person is just as nonsense as to protest against the abolition of slavery by slaves.

Along with robotics and AI, only geniuses, virtuosos, and "golden fingers" will be engaged in creating all sorts of worldly goods, as well as workaholics in specially saved jobs for them.

That is right: to be "job free" is better than to be jobless.
Those who believe that there will be an endless carnival for people who are free from work are not right. Of course, the sphere of recreation and entertainment will increase significantly, and spiritual and physical culture will flourish.

Scientific and sports olympics, competitions and art festivals will motivate people to reach new heights of humaneness.

"We are not "left" or "right", we go ahead to the heights of humanism".

People will strive to become perfect through all round personal development and the disclosure of talents and abilities. Perfect people will create a perfect all-inclusive society, and a perfect society will create perfect people.

For this we need to solve complicated, but entirely feasible task - without losses and catastrophes to move from the old world picture and outdated model of civilization, which came to the edge of its limits of growth and in which most of the actual problems (and especially future problems) is unsolvable, to a new world picture, a new worldview, a new model of civilization, to new meanings of life...

In the early 1990s, I worked on a philosophical dissertation "the Harmonization of the spiritual and material in human, in society and in the universe". At that time, I refused to present my thesis because of the moral and socio-economic crisis in Russia, but it became the basis for my book "the Justification of Human", published in 1995, two copies of which I gave to the Library of Congress in Washington in 1996.
The book was quite highly regarded in scientific circles.

Unfortunately, the author's original ideas, hypotheses, judgments and conclusions are still not widely known owing to the complexity of the topics raised and the interdisciplinary approach to solving problems, but their relevance and significance are highly likely to grow.
So here are some of them.

"A self-organizing system becomes ready to cognize only when at least two hierarchical levels are created in this system. And the earth's self-organizing system gradually prepares the appearance of the human mind.

Primates are one of the first living creatures through which animal wholeness was destroyed.
After all, it was as a result of the evolution of the Primate nervous system that human appeared - a creature with weak instincts, a flawed being from point of view of the standards of the animal world.

From there, from the welfare of the animal Paradise, he looks like a degenerate animal. But on the other hand, human is the crown of evolution.

The stages of human evolution:
weak instincts (loss of animal wholeness) - ultra-compensative development of the brain, allowing a person to successfully adapt to the environment - (elite brain cells start to rise from subordinate "position of servants" in the system of the body - the emergence of religious and philosophical beliefs that divide human into the immortal soul and mortal body - metamorphosis of consciousness in which the elite brain cells as if alienated from the rest of the cells of the body, the brain becomes "master" of the body.

Thus, philosophical and, above all, religious views that recognize the division of human into an immortal soul and a perishable body played an important role in the development from natural human to spiritual person.

Especially those ideas that interpreted the body as a temple of the soul, not a prison for the soul.

So, alienation of consciousness created Homo Sapiens.

At the same time, thanks to this "gap", the alienated individual consciousness becomes capable of objectivity, which, in turn, is manifested in the "openness of human to the world" and is recognized by many researchers as an essential characteristic of the human being.

Therefore, a human can be characterized as a being that has its roots in the microcosm (body is form, content are cells, substantial agents, "They"), but thinks in terms and images of the macrocosm (personality, Ego , Super-Ego) and enters the higher system of the mega world (Extra-Ego, spiritual substantial agent), and also seeks to know all the worlds in their unity."
(G. Yu. Zherebilov, "Justification of human", 1995).

The Mind Exodus Pyramid is a visualization of the universal principle "Mind Exodus", first formulated by #GennadyZherebilov in the book "Justification of Human", 1995.

Now, in 2020 I would probably add two higher levels:
6. Self-transcedence;
7. Transfiguration...

As you know, a good question eventually becomes a great answer.
I hope this is what happened with my question in this book (p. 86):

"In addition, it is probably possible to raise the question of a certain universal process, which consists in the fact that during the origin and development of a self-organizing cognitive system, a "thinking" core (subsystem) appears in it, which, depending on the level of development of the system, can go through the following stages of relations with the system:

1) a complete dependence on the system, on its lower levels;

2) a certain degree of autonomy;

3) an alienation from the system, from its lower levels;

4) a highest degree of possible independence from the system is a state of non-participating objectivity;

5) an understanding, inclusive, intelligence objectivism - a reasonable base of love the almighty "thinking core" to the system, to internal and external worlds."

This is universal process for macrocosm and microcosm: the evolution of the "thinking core" represents a process like stairs where every next step is a raising to a qualitatively new level of development.

Figuratively speaking, this can be called an "Exodus of the Mind", which "passes over" the barriers between qualitative stages, receiving new degrees of freedom at a new level of development and gaining at the highest stage a quality of "intelligent love", "wise love".

In the light of the biblical Exodus, the action "pass over" gets us the new accent of meaning, namely, "pass over the barrier", i.e. go up to a new stage of quality. Thus The Almighty divided the waters of the sea by stopped the stream of times, the flow of History. The Almighty allowed Moses and chosen people to "pass over" the sea and they came to the other side no longer as slaves…

This universal process in the system of a human being is reflected in its own way in the Maslow Pyramid as a hierarchy of human needs.

We are now in the zone of the stage "alienation from the system, from its lower levels" or at the stage "the highest degree of possible independence from the system - a state of non-participating objectivity".

In my opinion, this can be seen with the naked eye in the relations between rulers, elites and peoples, as well as between the current civilization and nature, the world.

At the same time, there is a growing understanding that the Kingdom of Nature and Global Society is a whole living organism that reacts, sometimes sharply and painfully, to the rapidly increased role of human activity in the Anthropocene.

If human at the sunrise of humanity, by the standards of the animal world, looked like a degenerate animal, a flawed creation, doomed to destruction in the interspecies struggle, then now, in order not to launch a self-fulfilling forecast of the inevitable sunset of humanity, we should not become hostages of views from the coming Era of Robotics & AI on human as an uncompleted robot, who is doomed to becomes "a looser" if he will be not stuffed with microchips, because natural human is not able to compete with robotics and AI.

In this regard, the need to form and spread a new view on "an above price human", a new worldview that includes the ideals of world religions and a new scientific picture of the world, which will become the basis for the harmonious development of human, the global community and the world in the transition from the world as we know it to the world we dream of.

The phrase of some economists that the thesis of the pricelessness of human life was invented by those who do not want to pay proper price for human lives is similar to the belief of a gigolo that those who do not want to pay for intimacy talk about love.

To pass to a qualitatively new level of human development, it is necessary to cultivate a culture of "wise love".

Thus, having previously recognized as an essential characteristic of modern humans the presence of a certain degree of alienation of consciousness, we can now recognize that the essential characteristic of the human of the future will be the presence of a "wisely loving", truly free consciousness.

And since this process is universal, both in societies and in the states, it is necessary to replace the alienated consciousness of the ruling elites with a "wise love" for the people, and of human civilization - for the world.

In other words, in the relations between humanity and nature, as well as in the relations between government and people, we need to develop to the stage of understanding, participating objectivism, to the wise love of the "thinking core" for the inner and outer worlds.

The state should be a "hieroglyph of reason", as the philosopher Hegel taught, but not a stupid machine for suppressing the people, as has often happened in history.

The Logic of Love leads us to understand that the spirit of Savior has to reborn in each of us. That is, each person must take on the sins (the consequences of erroneous actions and thoughts) of all who have ever lived on the planet Earth.

More precisely, each of us is doomed to bear the full weight of our own and others' sins (mistakes), because they are either in us (i.e. transmitted to us through genes as inherited diseases), or around us (i.e. the consequences of the wrong actions of previous generations in the Earth System). And by and large, it can be argued that Salvation consists in the Atonement of all earthly sins, that is, in the correction of all errors.

A Homo Sapiens has to become a Saviour!  And as human is the subject of (at least) three levels of the Universe he will have to carry out his saving mission in the micro-, macro - and mega world...

Including using the latest achievements of science and technology to constantly monitor possible threats to humanity, the planet Earth and near-earth space from human activities and processes in the microcosm (viruses, bacteria), in the mega world (comets, meteorites), etc., trying to avoid the development of adverse trends and their consequences in advance.

And since the universal essential characteristic of the human individual is the ability of neuro-dynamic systems of the personal level of human brain self-organization to advance development, this opens up the widest opportunities for creativity and self-improvement.

In other words, the comprehensive and harmonious development of the every person can become the meaning of life. Human should never again be valued only as a "workforce".

The life of a Human Creator is above any price. After all, the most valuable thing is what is not for sale.

Therefore, gets the way of acquiring perfection, changing himself and changing the environment for the better, a person will significantly affect the change for the better of his future, will be able to "pass over" the barriers to raise at a qualitatively new level of development for each and everyone.

In the sphere of world order and state building, such a harmonizing concept could be my idea of a world based on the coexistence of parts as a whole on the universal principle of "unmixed and indivisible", but not a "hot mixing pot".

In the socio-economic sphere such harmonizing idea could be the concept of "The All-Inclusive Society and Economy", built on the principles of full inclusion and cooperation of all with all for the prosperity of each person in the New Gardens of Eden that described by me in articles and the book "Transfiguration of the World. Bases of Good Will and Sharism"

The Code is the Key.

Unfortunately, madmen dream to privatize the "Gardens of Eden" and radically solve the problem of "useless people", which, as madmen think, have become too much on the Earth –  on a small planet with limited resources.
The essence of these virulent misanthropic ideas can be described with great certainty in the form of a perverted "Paradigm of the Paradise" :

EraRAMS = EraRA + MS, where MS is abbreviated the Misanthropic Society.

The Society without a healthy human morality will enters into "the era of rams", when the "unkind shepherds" lead to the slaughter the "herd of rams"… This is the wrong code. This is the fake key...

Humans need a true Key.

This symbolic key to the gates of the New Eden, or the code that opens information access to the project "The Era of RAJ / Era of Eden", could be represented as the so-called "Paradigm of Paradise", i.e. a new paradigm of spiritual and socio-economic development of humanity in the 21st century:

EraRAJ = EraRA + J ,

Hi-tech + Hi .

EraRAJ (in slavonian) is the Era of PARADISE, or the Era of Eden;

EraRA is the Era of Robotics & AI, the Era of Robotics and Automation. In a broad sense, EraRA includes 4IR, Society5.0, etc.;

J is Joy & Justice, Moral Imperatives, Absolute;

Hi is "Human Income" / dividends from cellular Honeycomb Property / HoPe.

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Etudes were created on the basis of articles and books by G. Yu. Zherebilov (philosophical monograph) "Justification of Human", Lipetsk, 1995, "Transfiguration of the World", Lipetsk, 2003, using information from Wikipedia, encyclopedias and dictionaries, and translated by assistance Yandex and Google.
