Tulips, birds, syringa. A post-Easter story

Tulips, birds, syringa. A post-Easter story.

It was cool on Easter.

Tulips haven 't blossomed yet. And the grass only started to break through.

The birds sang, but not much fun.

And the lilac has not yet begun to bloom.

The Easter story was not compiled. It remained in intentions.

But the time has come, and the tulips have blossomed.

To make their beauty sparkling, lush greenery has grown.

A birds started singing cheerfully.

The lilac blossomed, at last, handing out a wonderful aroma around.

It all came together, united. And a post-Easter story came up.

April 29, 2020 17:55

Translation from Russian into English: April 30, 2020 08:55.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Тюльпаны, птицы, сирень. Пост-пасхальный рассказ”.
