
Sitting on a branch of the dark forest
Watched with keen eye into the night
The Owl searching food for the newborns.

No sound will be heard in falling leaves
Still … a tiny noise is to be head
As a shadow … the Owl will dive

Wings, built to carry him smoothly and softly
A tail of feathers, steering him through the trees
Fast and soundless, the Owl grape his prey.

Always patient, on the lookout
Hidden, not seen in the background
He still, always will be there.

Raised the young ones in the dark
Taught them how to survive, to dive
Silent, fast, swiftly always there.

The young once learned to fly
Like there parents showered them
Softly, fast, smoothly and silent.

So, They forfill their duty
Cleaning the woods
Of those, not always needed.

