Леонид Валентинович Блаватник

Леонид Валентинович Блаватник на русско -английской  википедии 

Дата рождения 14;июня 1957 (62 года)
Место рождения Одесса, Украинская;ССР, СССР

Род деятельности финансист, председатель, кинопродюсер
Дети Laila;Blavatnik[d]
Награды и премии
Knight Bachelor ribbon.svg Кавалер ордена Почётного легиона
Сайт accessindustries.com
Commons-logo.svg Медиафайлы;на;Викискладе

Leonard Blavatnik
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Sir Leonard Blavatnik
Leonard Blavatnik, February 2018 (4568) (cropped).jpg
Born June 14, 1957 (age 62)
Odessa, Ukrainian SSR, Soviet Union
Citizenship United Kingdom-United States[1]
Education Moscow State University of Railway Engineering
Columbia University (M.S.)
Harvard Business School (M.B.A.)
Occupation Founder of Access Industries
Net worth US$21.2 billion (2017)[2]
Spouse(s) Emily Appelson
Children 4
Sir Leonard Blavatnik (Ukrainian: Леонід Валентинович Блаватнік, Russian: Леонид Валентинович Блаватник, Leonid Valentinovich Blavatnik; born June 14, 1957) is a British-American businessman, investor , and philanthropist. He made his fortune through business via diversified investments in myriad companies through his conglomerate company, Access Industries.

As of May 2018, Blavatnik was the 3rd wealthiest man in the United Kingdom.[3] In February 2020, Forbes listed Blavatnik as the 27th wealthiest person in the world, with a net worth of US$19.5 billion.[4] In 2017, Blavatnik received a knighthood for services to philanthropy.[5]
Блаватник, Леонид Валентинович
Из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Блаватник Леонид Валентинович
укр. Леонід Валентинович Блаватнік
Leonard Blavatnik, February 2018 (4568) (cropped).jpg
Дата рождения 14;июня 1957 (62 года)
Место рождения Одесса, Украинская;ССР, СССР

Род деятельности финансист, председатель, кинопродюсер
Дети Laila;Blavatnik[d]
Награды и премии
Knight Bachelor ribbon.svg Кавалер ордена Почётного легиона
Сайт accessindustries.com
Commons-logo.svg Медиафайлы;на;Викискладе
Лео­нид Ва­лен­ти­но­вич Блаватник (Сэр Лео­нард Блаватник; англ. Sir Leonard Blavatnik или Len Blavatnik; род. 14;июня 1957, Одес­са) — аме­ри­кан­ский и бри­тан­ский пред­при­ни­ма­тель и про­мыш­лен­ник ев­рей­ско­го происхождения. В 2015 году воз­гла­вил спи­сок бо­га­тей­ших людей Ве­ли­ко­бри­та­нии по вер­сии Sunday;Times.

Ро­дил­ся в Одес­се. В 1974 году за­кон­чил яро­слав­скую фи­зи­ко-ма­те­ма­ти­че­скую школу № 33 с зо­ло­той ме­да­лью. По окон­ча­нии школы пы­тал­ся по­сту­пить в МГУ на ме­ха­ни­ко-ма­те­ма­ти­че­ский фа­куль­тет, но, несмот­ря на вы­со­чай­шие ака­де­ми­че­ские успе­хи, при­нят не был. После этого по­сту­пил в Мос­ков­ский;ин­сти­тут;ин­же­не­ров;транс­пор­та на фа­куль­тет ав­то­ма­ти­ки и вы­чис­ли­тель­ной тех­ни­ки (спе­ци­аль­ность «Ав­то­ма­ти­зи­ро­ван­ные си­сте­мы управ­ле­ния»), но вуз не окон­чил (ушёл из него после чет­вёр­то­го курса). Со­курс­ни­ком Бла­ват­ни­ка был Вик­тор;Век­сель­берг.

В 1978;году эми­гри­ро­вал вме­сте с се­мьей из СССР в США. Имеет уче­ные сте­пе­ни Ко­лум­бий­ско­го;уни­вер­си­те­та (ма­гистр;наук) и Гар­вард­ской;школы;биз­не­са (МВА).

Член со­ве­та ди­рек­то­ров управ­ля­ю­щей ком­па­нии «СУ­АЛ-Хол­динг», Член со­ве­та ди­рек­то­ров ОАО «Си­бир­ско-ураль­ская;алю­ми­ни­е­вая;ком­па­ния».

В 1986;году ос­но­вал ком­па­нию «Access Industries», осу­ществ­ля­ю­щ­юю ин­ве­сти­ции в раз­лич­ные виды ин­ду­стрии.

С 1991;года один из ос­но­ва­те­лей и парт­нёр Рос­сий­ско-аме­ри­кан­ско­го сов­мест­но­го ин­ве­сти­ци­он­но­го пред­при­я­тия «Ре­но­ва».

В раз­ные годы за­ни­мал клю­че­вые по­зи­ции в ком­па­ни­ях «Arthur Andersen & Co.», «Macy’s Department Stores», «General Atlantic Partners», ТНК, «Deeside Aluminum», «Access Industries (Eurasia)», «EnergiBolaget i Sverige AB».

Под­дер­жи­ва­ет кон­так­ты с по­ли­ти­че­ской эли­той Рос­сии, в част­но­сти, с Ана­то­ли­ем;Чу­бай­сом и Сер­ге­ем;Сте­па­ши­ным. В 1999;году спон­си­ро­вал визит Сте­па­ши­на в Ва­шинг­тон, устро­ил в его честь обед, на ко­то­ром при­сут­ство­ва­ли ва­шинг­тон­ские по­ли­ти­ки.

Осу­ществ­ля­ет зна­чи­тель­ные по­жерт­во­ва­ния в из­би­ра­тель­ные фонды кон­гресс­ме­нов Рес­пуб­ли­кан­ской;пар­тии от штата Нью-Йорк (го­лов­ной офис фирмы Бла­ват­ни­ка на­хо­дит­ся в Нью-Йорке)[источник;не;указан;3252;дня].

С 1998;года Бла­ват­ник ак­ти­ви­зи­ро­вал свою де­я­тель­ность в Рос­сии, в част­но­сти, го­то­вил ва­ри­ан­ты стра­те­ги­че­ско­го парт­нер­ства между «Access Industries» и РАО;«ЕЭС». В 1999;году Ана­то­лий Чу­байс, бу­дучи в Ка­зах­стане, за­явил о воз­мож­ном со­зда­нии в Пав­ло­дар­ской;об­ла­сти топ­лив­но-энер­ге­ти­че­ской ком­па­нии с уча­сти­ем трех элек­тро­стан­ций, РАО «ЕЭС» и «Access Industries».

Ос­нов­ной доход Бла­ват­ни­ку при­нес­ла по­куп­ка 50% акций ТНК по­по­лам с Век­сель­бер­гом. В 2003;году от про­да­жи доли ТНК бри­тан­ской BP каж­дый из них за­ра­бо­тал почти по 2 млрд дол­ла­ров. По неофи­ци­аль­ным дан­ным доля Бла­ват­ни­ка в «Ре­но­ве» со­став­ля­ла около 30 %, он про­дал свою долю в обмен на долю в сов­мест­ных с Век­сель­бер­гом активах.

В 2007;году «Forbes;400» по­ме­стил его под но­ме­ром 45 в своём спис­ке бо­га­тей­ших аме­ри­кан­цев, оце­нив его со­сто­я­ние в 7,2 млрд дол­ла­ров.

В 2009 году «Access Industries» ку­пи­ла бри­тан­ское под­раз­де­ле­ние про­кат­ной ком­па­нии Мела;Гиб­со­на «Icon» и ки­но­те­ку из более чем 500 филь­мов, среди ко­то­рых «Шофёр;мисс;Дэйзи», «Танцы;с;вол­ка­ми», «Сти­лет» и «Стра­сти;Хри­сто­вы».

В мае 2011;года «Access Industries» при­об­релa зву­ко­за­пи­сы­ва­ю­щую ком­па­нию «Warner;Music;Group» за 3,3 млрд долларов.

По ито­гам 2014 года «The;Sunday;Times» оце­ни­ла со­сто­я­ние Лео­ни­да Бла­ват­ни­ка в 13,17 млрд фун­тов (20 млрд дол­ла­ров) и на­зва­ла его самым бо­га­тым бри­тан­цем, хотя на тот мо­мент он не имел бри­тан­ско­го под­дан­ства.

В 2015 году ан­ти­мо­но­поль­ное под­раз­де­ле­ние ми­ни­стер­ства юс­ти­ции США об­ви­ня­ло Бла­ват­ни­ка в на­ру­ше­нии тре­бо­ва­ний ан­ти­мо­но­поль­но­го за­ко­но­да­тель­ства Шта­тов. Биз­не­смен со­гла­сил­ся опла­тить граж­дан­ско-пра­во­вую санк­цию в раз­ме­ре 656 тысяч дол­ла­ров за ре­ше­ние во­про­са в до­су­деб­ном по­ряд­ке. Иск был подан в окруж­ной суд Ва­шинг­то­на (округ Колумбия).

Член пре­зи­ди­у­ма Рос­сий­ско­го ев­рей­ско­го кон­грес­са.

Женат на аме­ри­кан­ке Эмили Эпел­сон (англ. Emily Appelson), от ко­то­рой у него чет­ве­ро детей. По­сто­ян­но про­жи­ва­ет в Лон­доне.

Из­ве­стен как щед­рый бла­го­тво­ри­тель и ме­це­нат. В 2011 г. вы­де­лил ;260 млн на стро­и­тель­ство новой га­ле­реи музея Tate;Modern в Лон­доне. Взнос был «почти бес­пре­це­дент­ным» в ис­то­рии круп­ней­ше­го цен­тра со­вре­мен­ных ис­кусств Великобритании.

Звание рыцаря-бакалавра с титулом «сэр» (Великобритания, 17 июня 2017) — «за заслуги в филантропии».
Орден;Почётного;легиона степени кавалера (Франция, 27 сентября 2013).
См. также



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Где приставы выставляют имущество?
; 1 2 Internet;Broadway;Database — 2000.
; 1 2 ; Andrew Lynch. Sent to the stands. — The Sunday Business Post, 21.06.2009
; James Doran. NYC;Billionaire,;Ignoring;Recession,;Shops;for;Bargains. — The;New;York;Post, 22.02.2009
; Блаватник;Леонид;Валентинович (недоступная ссылка). Дата обращения 18 декабря 2008. Архивировано 28 декабря 2008 года.
; (англ.). Forbes.ru (26 April 2015). Дата обращения 28 декабря 2018.
; Forbes. ; Блаватник,;Леонард. Lenta.ru. Дата обращения 28 декабря 2018.
; The;400;Richest;Americans Forbes.com 20;сентября 2007 г.
; Блаватник;купил;у;Мэла;Гибсона;права;на;показ;500;фильмов. Gazeta.ru. Дата обращения 28 декабря 2018.
; Леонард;Блаватник;купил;Warner;Music;за;3,3;млрд;долл. (недоступная ссылка). РБК. Дата обращения 28 декабря 2018. Архивировано 30 апреля 2015 года.
; Минюст;США:;Блаватник;заплатит;$656;тысяч;за;нарушение;закона. РИА;Новости (20151006T1930+0300Z). Дата обращения 28 декабря 2018.
; Tate;Modern;переименовала;свое;новое;здание;в честь;Леонарда;Блаватника, РБК. Дата обращения 8 октября 2017.
; Supplement;61962,;page;B2. The;London;Gazette (16 июня 2017). Дата обращения 24 октября 2017.
; Leonard;Blavatnik;insignia;award;ceremony;(speech). Посольство Франции в Великобритании[en] (27 сентября 2013). Дата обращения 16 декабря 2019.

1 Early life and education
2 Career
2.1 Petrochemicals and oil
2.2 Finance
2.3 Entertainment
2.4 Board membership
3 Philanthropy
4 Political donations
5 Wealth
6 Personal life
7 Honours
8 See also
9 References
10 External links
Early life and education
Blavatnik was born in Odessa, Soviet Ukraine, to a Jewish family.[6][7] He attended Moscow State University of Railway Engineering, but did not complete his coursework due to the family's request for emigration visas. His family emigrated from the Soviet Union to the United States of America in 1978, and he received a masters in computer science from Columbia University and an MBA from Harvard Business School in 1989.[8][6]

In 1986, Blavatnik founded Access Industries, an international conglomerate company located in New York, of which he is chairman and president. Access has long-term holdings in Europe and North and South America. Initially, he moved into Russian investments, just after the fall of communism. He and a friend from university, Viktor Vekselberg, formed the Renova investment vehicle, and then the two joined with Mikhail Fridman's Alfa Group to form the AAR venture.[9] Access has since diversified its portfolio to include investments in industries such as oil, entertainment, coal, aluminum, petrochemicals and plastics, telecommunications, media, and real estate.[citation needed]

Petrochemicals and oil
In August 2005, Access Industries bought petrochemicals and plastics manufacturer Basell Polyolefins from Royal Dutch Shell and BASF for $5.7 billion. On December 20, 2007, Basell completed its acquisition of the Lyondell Chemical Company for an enterprise value of approximately $19 billion. The resulting company, LyondellBasell Industries then became the world's eighth largest chemical company based on net sales.[10] On January 6, 2009, the U.S. operations of LyondellBasell Industries filed for bankruptcy.[11]

On April 30, 2010, LyondellBasell emerged from Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in a significantly improved financial position. As part of its exit financing, LyondellBasell raised $3.25 billion of first priority debt as well as $2.8 billion through the rights offering jointly underwritten by Access Industries, Apollo Management, and Ares Management.[12] LyondellBasell stock has increased 103% in value since April 2010. Access currently owns approximately 14% of LyondellBasell.

AAR gained a controlling stake in Russian oil company TNK through privatization auctions, then in 2003 sold a 50% stake to British Petroleum to form TNK-BP, one of Russia's largest oil companies, where Blavatnik served on the board of directors. On March 21, 2013, Rosneft completed its $55 billion acquisition of TNK-BP. Blavatnik also has interests in UC Rusal, the world's largest aluminum producer, where he sits on the board. On May 6, 2011, Warner Music Group announced its sale to Access for US$3.3 billion.[13]

In 2010, Blavatnik sued JPMorgan Chase after losing $100 million by allegedly following Morgan's advice three years earlier to buy mortgage securities with AAA credit ratings.[14] JPMorgan Chase was ordered to pay $50 million to Blavatnik on August 27, 2013.[15]

In early 2010, Access Industries was reported as one of the handful of bidders for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.[16]

On July 20, 2011, an Access affiliate acquired Warner Music Group for $3.3 billion.[17][18]

In 2016, Blavatnik launched Access Entertainment, which bought James Packer's stake in RatPac Entertainment and a 24.9% stake in Bad Wolf in 2017.[19][20]

In April 2018, it was reported that Blavatnik was a front runner in the bidding to purchase Britain’s third oldest theatre, the Theatre Royal Haymarket. Sources report that the bid is around ;40 million[21]

Blavatnik also owns AI Film, the independent film and production company which backed Lee Daniels’ film The Butler and the summer 2015 release Mr. Holmes.[22] He was an early investor in Rocket Internet and Beats Music, helped finance fashion designer Tory Burch, and in 2013 paid $115 million for wireless spectrum in Norway.[23]

Board membership
Blavatnik is a member of the Global Advisory Board of the Centre for International Business and Management at Cambridge University, a member of the board of Dean's Advisors at the Harvard Business School, a member of the Harvard Medical School Board of Fellows,[24] and a member of the academic board at Tel Aviv University.[25]


Blavatnik and Israeli President Reuven Rivlin with young scientists who have been awarded the Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists, February 2018

Blavatnik School of Government
Blavatnik, the Blavatnik Family Foundation and Access companies have supported many cultural and philanthropic institutions over the past 15 years, including serving as the primary benefactors for numerous major art and cultural exhibitions, including the British Museum, Tate Modern (which named a new wing the "Blavatnik Building" in 2017[26]), Royal Opera House, National Portrait Gallery and Museum of Modern Art. Since 2007, the Blavatnik Family Foundation together with the New York Academy of Sciences has supported the Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists. The annual award recognizes the accomplishments of outstanding young scientists in life sciences, physical sciences and engineering and provides all finalists with a significant cash prize.[27]

Blavatnik sponsors a Colel Chabad 20,000-square-foot (1,900 m2) food bank and warehouse in Kiryat Malakhi, Israel, which sends monthly food shipments to 5,000 poor families in 25 Israeli cities, and before Jewish holidays to 30,000 families in 73 Israeli cities, towns and villages.[28]

In 2010, it was announced that Blavatnik and the Blavatnik Family Foundation would donate ;75 million to the University of Oxford to establish a new school of government.[29] The gift is one of the largest philanthropic gifts in the university's 900-year history. Blavatnik also indicated the possibility of increasing his benefaction up to ;100 million over time. The Blavatnik School of Government began accepting students in September 2012, and the new permanent home of the school was constructed on the Radcliffe Observatory Quarter. The building, which was finished in summer 2015, was designed by the Swiss architects Herzog & de Meuron. The first dean of the school is professor Ngaire Woods.

In 2013, Harvard University announced a $50 million donation from Blavatnik's foundation to sponsor life sciences entrepreneurship at the university[30] and named the first five HBS graduates to receive the Blavatnik Fellowship in Life Science Entrepreneurship.[31] In 2018, Harvard Medical School announced a $200 million donation from Blavatnik's foundation to sponsor research, investments in data science, and the creation of subsidized lab space for biotech startups.[32]

Political donations
In 2011, Blavatnik donated to both President Barack Obama and his GOP rival, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney.[33]

Blavatnik is a supporter of the US Republican Party, and in 2015–2016 donated a total of $7.35 million to six Republican political candidates, including South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, Florida Senator Marco Rubio and Arizona Senator John McCain.[34] In February 2016, Blavatnik donated over $1 million to an anti-Donald Trump GOP group.[35] He also donated $1 million to the committee for the inauguration of Donald Trump.[34] In August 2017, political scientist Bo Rothstein resigned from the Blavatnik School of Government out of opposition to Blavatnik's politics.[36]

Blavatnik and his American wife, Emily, also donated to Democratic Party candidates Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer, and Hillary Clinton.[37]

In 2017, after two senior Trump administration officials went on record as being lobbyists for Blavatnik’s Access Industries,[38] Blavatnik was mentioned in investigations led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller into Russian donations to the administration.[39] Since April 2016 Blavatnik contributed $383,000 to the Republican National Committee and $1 million to Trump’s inauguration fund. However, he did not give directly to the Trump campaign.[40] Between 2015 and 2017, Blavatnik contributed $3.5 million to Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell's super PAC.[41]

Blavatnik has donated $5,200 to the Pete Buttigieg 2020 presidential campaign and $5,600 to the Joe Biden 2020 presidential campaign.[42]

In the Sunday Times Rich List 2015, Blavatnik was listed as the UK's richest person,[43] with a fortune of ;16.9 billion. Forbes ranks Blavatnik as the 59th richest in the world as of November 2019. As of 2019, Len Blavatnik was ranked 27th in the Forbes 400 list.[44]

Personal life
Blavatnik is married to Emily Appelson Blavatnik.[45] The couple have four children, including daughter Laila.[46][47]

He owns a grade II listed building in Kensington Palace Gardens which is valued at ;200 million [48] as well as a residence in Manhattan valued at more that $250 million. [49]

Blavatnik is a friend of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.[50]

Blavatnik is also a longtime friend and business partner of Ukrainian-born Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg,[9] one of Russia's richest men, who is close to Russian President Vladimir Putin.[34]

In 2013 Blavatnik was made chevalier of the French Legion d'Honneur.[51] He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in the 2017 Birthday Honours for services to philanthropy.[52]

See also
Kensington Palace Gardens
Sunday Times Rich List 2017
 "Len Blavatnik". forbes.com. Retrieved 17 January 2017.
accessed April 3, 2019.
 "These are the 19 richest people in Britain". =Business Insider. May 13, 2018. Retrieved February 23, 2020.
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 "Music boss Len Blavatnik named as Britain's richest man". BBC News. April 26, 2015.
 "Len Blavatnik". Forbes.
 "Filipino housekeeper claims Leonard Blavatnik won't hire her because of her ethnicity - Virginia Lim files discrimination suit in U.S.", nydailynews.com, November 21, 2011.
 Colacello, Bob. "Inside Paris's 25th Annual le Bal des D;butantes". Vanity Fair.
 "Elizabeth Starling Louis, Julia McCaw et Laila Blavatnik". www.journaldesfemmes.fr (in French). Retrieved 2019-11-23.
 Clementine, Katherine. " Rich List 2015: Kensington property owner Len Blavatnik top with ;13.17 BILLION fortune ", Get West London, 1 May 2015. Accessed 28 May 2015
 "The Meteoric Rise of Billionaire Len Blavatnik". Bloomberg.
 "Kremlin-linked Billionaire, Netanyahu Friend Donated to Trump's Private Legal Fund". Haaretz. September 25, 2017.
 "Blavatnik Internship Program". Council on Foreign Relations. Retrieved 2019-10-04.
 "No. 61962". The London Gazette (Supplement). 17 June 2017. p. B2.
External links
The New York Academy of Sciences' Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists
LyondellBasell Corporate Website
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