
I added some honey and nuts to some cereal, leaving a bowl of milk on the table. Trying to pass the time by watching a morning TV show, I was just stirring my lukewarm coffee, when the phone rang. It was Myriam and she, without any kind of greeting, started to talk nervously. Anyway, no greeting was necessary. I knew her voice better than anyone else’s: 
“I have heard about your reservation… I feel so sorry for you!”
Even though I had no desire to have a talk about this topic, it was quite nice to have a chat with her. 
 “Oh, yes… They suggested I book beforehand… and in spite of the fact that I did it and they received my payment on time, they just cancelled my booking after approximately 2 months!”
I heard Myriam sigh heavily. Then she announced downcast: “Unbelievable! Did they explain it at all?”
At one point I answered: “No! They just said that they had very bad news for me and that sometimes it just happens, but very rarely. They advised me to stay a bit longer at my current location till they find an appropriate alternative.”
“Oh, Gosh! All your plans are ruined! What a complete and utter disaster! How could they? Only three days left before you depart… and you had planned everything two months ago. What will you do?”
I did calm down then for a while answered slowly but resolutely: “In their last message, they assured me that this is good time in the market, but I have no intention of waiting! I am so upset… I am going to ask for a full refund!”      
I knew that I needed some more time just to think things over. When I finally put down the phone, I finished off the remains of my nearly cold cup of coffee and turned on the laptop laying right in the corner of the table where I had left it last night.
At times, I checked my watch as I was receiving more and more emails. I knew roughly what was written in them and who had written them, but I hadn’t the slightest desire to open them.   

My blog:
