The Head of the Beast

    Chapter 1.   Tribe of Am Tzvior
Dressed in light silver robe Tu-val was standing under a huge dead tree on the brim of a small mountain plateau. He was watching a narrow road crossing the plain at the foot of the mountains. He could see distinctly every detail of the gray dull landscape. When he was a kid, his father, the chieftain of the tribe, told him a legend about devastating war that happened at least twenty generations ago. People of that time lived on the surface of the planet. They had high-rise buildings, fast moving vehicles and metal birds that could take them everywhere round the planet. And they possessed deadly weapons that could destroy any object on the surface and even under it. And what happened was that some of them did not want to share the only almighty God, saying that the others were not as righteous as they were. Then the war started, and it was a pitiless war. Most of the population was killed. Only those who managed to hide themselves deep in the caves and bunkers survived. Not too many. Because the soil was poisoned by chemical and nuclear weapons people were made to grow crops and breed home animals and poultry in the caves. All of them abandoned cities and villages which turned into ruins with time. Birds and wild animals found shelter there. Now people got used to it. They lived in the caves and made them their homes for many years. No wars happened since then. People even changed their names and time concept in order to cut all ties with the past of mankind.   
As a matter of fact, his ancestors signed a convention that nobody would produce new weapons and use them against any human being. The old weapons that were left after the war were buried in the earth. Instead of developing war technologies they decided to reveal and develop man’s potential, physical abilities and turn them into his  superiority over other biological species. And indeed Tu-val and his peers could now smell threat from the long distance like wild animal and not only smell but also distinguish who were their opponents. Now people of his tribe could hop twice as high as their height and see smallest things far away. Am Tzvior was one of the seventeen tribes in the region. People of all tribes helped each other and exchanged their achievements with others. They did not count who did what for others and they did not sell or buy anything. Greed and envy were unknown to them.
Those terrible days in the past affected all living creatures on the Earth. Heinous beasts – mutants – reigned on the surface of the planet. People avoided to confront them, but if it happened they became winners in most of the cases. Were they afraid of these creatures? Maybe, but they also knew that they could fight them and even kill.
Suddenly Tu-val felt that somebody was approaching him from behind. He knew it was his close friend Kos and turned around.
-I told you I want to be alone. Why have you come? Anything happened? – he reproached hin -You look anxious. What is it?
-Your mother wants to see you immediately. – Kos put his hand on Tu-val’s shoulder
-Mother? – asked Tu-val astonished. He talked to her only an hour ago. – Is she in a good health?
-It is not her. It is your uncle. His health is deteriorating and may be tonight he will leave this world.
Tu-val’s uncle Ern-or was the second powerful person in their tribe. A week ago he and one of his aides went to visit their neighbors that lived on the other side of the plateau. It was dark. They were walking slowly with precaution. They were in the middle of their way when a herd of mountain frogs – toom-tooms – appeared from the West. Usually these species did not attack people but this time they were too hungry.  Both men mobilized their bioenergy but it could not work too long. Though the bioenergetic barrier was pretty strong the toom-tooms pressed it and made both travelers slowly retreat. Ern-or did not notice a deep narrow old well behind him and suddenly fell into it. His aide continued confronting hungry frogs. When he saw his superior got into trouble, he sent mentally a message-signal to his tribe. Soon a group of ten men –rescuers- reached the place, scared away the loathsome creatures and lifted Ern-or onto the surface. He broke his spine and could not move.  Two of the rescuers created horizontal bioenergetic support stretchers and slowly carried him to the cave. The best quacks were invited to cure Ern-or. Unfortunately, all their efforts were in vain. And his health status worsened every day.
On his way to his uncle section Tu-val tried to guess, what could be the reason of this urgent call. He found Ern-or lying on tough elongated armchair. His face was pale, his eyes looked weary, wide flaxen bands tightened his torso.
-Glad to see you, uncle, – pronounced Tu-val and bowed.
-Take a sit, my boy. We have to talk.
Ern-or made a weak gesture with his left hand thus showing others who were standing in the room to leave.
-I asked your mother to find you as I feel I can die any day. I want to tell you something important.
Tu-val looked at his uncle with curiosity.
Ern-or was silent for a couple of minutes as if gathering his strength.
-I chose you because I am sure you are the one who can accomplish this difficult task. Your father is not aware of  my secret. I did not tell him. We have different vision on the future of our people. Therefore, I was not inclined to share with him the information I possessed.
He slowly stretched out his hand towards the night table made of pink monazite and took an oval case with mystical signs engraved on the top.
-This case was found in one of the passages of the dead volcano crater approximately three days walk from here. Your great-grandfather discovered a roll of an unknown soft material inside. It is interesting that neither water, nor fire or any acid that we use could destroy the case. This thing does not belong to the Earth. I can only guess where it came from to our planet. And look there are distinct symbols. I could not get head or tail of all this. Does each symbol correspond to a letter, or may be to a word, or even a phrase? Nobody in our tribe was able to decipher those scripts. And lower you can find a drawing. I assume it is kind of a map. I asked myself many times– is it a casual finding or some human creatures from outer space left this gift for us deliberately trying to convey a very important message?
Ern-or stopped for a moment. It was not easy for him to give a long speech. Then he proceeded.
-What is the future for our people? To live in the caves forever? It is a good way to turn them into the earth worms. Do you want that for your family, friends, or next generations of your tribe? I am sure you do not. Unfortunately, now we cannot live on the surface. It is poisoned and dangerous. If we do so we will mutate as it happened with other biological species. We will be more vulnerable to dozens of new illnesses. We do not have enough knowledge and means to fight them. Also, you cannot predict to what results mutation can bring us. May be loss of ability to reproduce and then people will disappear from this planet. Can we go anywhere else besides our planet? Maybe we can but we do not have vehicles that will take us to other worlds. Hundreds and hundreds of time circles should pass until we will be ready to build a spaceship or something like this. I heard our ancestors had very primitive spaceships and even reached the Moon and few nearest planets. But they were not good enough for human life. So, boy, I want you to work on this message and try to decipher it. I hope it will help us to find the right way. I am dying but I will leave this world calm and in peace once I know you have agreed to fulfill this incredible task.   
Tu-val was puzzled. If he says “yes” he is responsible for dealing with this mysterious message. What will happen if he fails? 
Chapter 2 The cave
Tu-val took the case in silence and being    absorbed in his thoughts left his uncle’s room. He directed his steps to a far end of the cave where he used to sit and relax when he needed to be alone. The cave was more than one thousand six hundred feet long with few side passages. There was time when underground waters had exit to the plateau through this cave. But earthquakes and other natural disasters made the water to find alternative way out. Since then there lived animals and later people found their shelter here.  People built a very cozy home for themselves. Frequently placed along the passage blue and yellow electric lanterns were giving a steady light and every corner, every spot of the long cave was illuminated. Thin ceramic pipes were attached to stone walls. A warm air was going through the ceramic pipes to make atmosphere inside the cave the most comfortable for the people. Side passages led to small factories where clothes, footwear, home furniture, kitchen utilities and other necessary for everyday needs things were produced. In few cavities on both sides of the main passage lovely parkettes with armchairs were designed. Grass and flowers were planted along the main corridor and strong gas lamps substituting sun rays were bringing light and warmth to them. Every hundred steps ventilation holes with filters were made in the ceiling of the passage and all factories, kitchens and other facilities.
On the lower level which was shorter but wider than the main corridor, where one could get by using elevator or steep stairs of a stone staircase, several pools and gymnastic facilities were located. Water for the pools was taken from underground springs.
Here on the lower level Tu-val had his small chamber with round table, sofa, armchair and bookshelves-it was his study. Yellow and pale green arms of canary creeper were climbing up the walls producing illusion of summerhouse. No sound came from outside. It was a great place to work or rest.  He made few steps to the pool, took off his clothes and swam for half an hour in the cool water. Then he dried himself with a soft towel, tried a glass of herbal cocktail and relaxed on the armchair. From time to time he thrust glances onto the mysterious case on the table.
Would it help his people to return to a normal life that his ancestors led generations ago? Would be he able to decipher unknown symbols? He never did it before. It felt like he was standing on the porch of some dwelling and was afraid to push the door leading to the future.
“I will try my best”– he finally decided. – I will go now and tell my uncle that I accept his challenge and assure him that I am taking his request seriously”.
When he reached Ern-or’s chamber he heard somebody crying inside. Tu-val moved sliding doors aside and entered the chamber. Weak lights were flickering high on the ceiling. Two women were standing on their knees near the narrow couch. One of them was his mother.
“He has lost his ability to speak” – she pronounced through tears.
Tu-val looked into his uncle’s eyes, concentrated and sent to his fading mind a message that he accepted the challenge. Ern-or made an effort to smile. Then he closed his eyes. Few moments later it became clear that he died. He left this world peacefully.
A single tear rolled down Tu-val’s cheek. It happened first time in his life. He never cried, even when he was a kid.
“Find my father and ask him to come here”, - he whispered not turning his head to the officer who stood behind the door.
Burial took place the same day. The body of Ern-or was laid down into a niche near the cave entrance. They covered it with a dry very hot sand and then sealed the niche with a tuff panel. The first letter of his name was curved on the tuff. No words were pronounced. People of the tribe stood silently. They never said “he or she was dead or passed away” about the deceased. They simply said: “he or she is not with us anymore”. They did not know what could occur with those who had died but they believed in the power of Universal intellect and that every soul merged with it eventually.
After the burial Tu-val’s father, Gord Ket-val (Gord was the title of the tribe’s chieftain) approached his son:
-He helped me a lot to govern our people. I used to seek for his advice in complicated matters -he said thoughtfully - But you know he had a romantic personality and sometimes he went too far in his fantasies. I loved him very much and therefore did not oppose his fantasies – they were harmless for our life.
Ket-val hid his face in his palms.
-And dear son now I want you to take part of my burden as a governor. I ask you to take care for our contacts with neighbors, and for water resources too. Don’t you think you are a grown-up man and capable for this job?
-It is an honor for me to do this job, father. Though I have one question and expect you to answer it honestly. It is very important for me now.
-Go ahead.
-What do you think about the future of our people? The tribe is growing and soon we won’t have enough space for everybody, and is it our destiny to live in the caves forever?
-Your question is not simple. One thing you have to know – the Earth is not an appropriate place now for human being to live. But I do not see any solution. I feel that you expect me suggest you some alternatives. No, I can’t. And I do not know any other world near the sun where the natural conditions may be good for living. Besides, we do not have any means to fly in the Universe. We lost all secrets of our ancestors how to launch rockets to outer space. We do not possess any space maps and knowledge how to navigate the spaceships.
Ket-val squeezed his whiskers with palms.
-Why do you think we lost those secrets? Has anybody tried to find old books or manuscripts about such vehicles, how to build them and how to navigate?
-Well, even if we found anything how could we have used this information? We do not have enough knowledge in the technologies of those times. And we do not have equipment to manufacture parts of the vehicles at least at present.
Tu-val rose soundlessly, hugged his father and went out. He slowly walked along the passage and automatically stopped in front of the door of the school. He graduated the school only two years ago and felt sorrow that he was not its student anymore. It was good time, but also it was hard work to master all necessary knowledges.  May be here in the school he can find the answer what to do with the manuscript.
Chapter 3. Scholars
The school was a multi-level educational and scientific center in which children and young people received both physical and mental training. On certain level they were involved into scientific research. The accent in fundamental studies was put on biology, physics, chemistry, geology and math. Prominent scholars with long time experience in research taught students in eight specialized laboratories.  For physical training students went to a big chamber which had various equipment in order to develop different physical skills.
Tu-val opened the doors and stepped into a spacious hall. Classes and laboratories were placed along the hall in narrow pencil-like box rooms with comfortable benches and individual tables. All the rooms were handmade hollows with sliding doors. Pictures on the walls depicted specific research activities – in chemistry, physics, geometry, physical training and biology. Major charts and diagrams were displayed on the crystal screens.  One could find needed chart or diagram by simply pressing a small handle on the side of the screen. The teaching process was not complicated. It was based on the principle – “Follow me”.  The lecturer was writing on the flat smooth stone surface with a phosphoric pencil how to solve a problem explaining the students why he does it this way and not the other. The students copied his explanation. The lecturer repeated the same procedure using a dozen of similar examples and then gave assignment to everyone to do it without his help. Once they finished their work, he asked them to take time and think about alternative way of solving the same problem if any existed. He did not give any mark to his students, but he encouraged them to work in groups while searching for any alternative solution.
Tu-val walked from one classroom to another. He was looking for Len-tin – a scholar and lecturer who taught semiotics and language as well as psychology and basics of bioenergetics including telepathy. For long time Len-tin had been exploring different ways of communication between tribes that lived in their vicinity. 
The scholar was sitting alone in his classroom. He was a tall and slender man with an oblong face. His grey eyes were slightly squinted when he was reading. Thick eyebrows were bristling giving his face a look of a sudden surprise. He wore a warm jacket with embroidery depicting fantastic birds. He was absorbed in reading some manuscript with yellowish pages. From time to time he made remarks in his notebook.  Though he was aware of someone of his people approaching the classroom where he was working, he did not want to tear himself off the manuscript.
Tu-val hesitated for a few seconds and stepped into the room. Len-tin raised his eyes.
-Good day, Tu-val, – uttered the scholar greeting, his voice vibrated a little – that was his manner of speaking. – You are a rare guest here for last dozen nights. So, I assume something very important brought you to our school.
-Good day, my teacher. As always you are right. I have some issues that I wish to discuss with you and get your advice. They are very important for our tribe and  other people on our planet.
-I would be happy to help you. What do you want us to discuss?
-You know, my teacher, my uncle Ern-or is not with us anymore. I had seen him and talked to him before he left us. He gave me one thing that neither he nor I could explain its origin. I believe it is a message for all of us. I want this conversation to be kept in secret for a while until  we guess the riddle.
Tu-val slowly passed the case with symbols to Len-tin. The scholar twirled the case in his hands with curiosity, took lenses from the shelf and examined each side carefully.
-Yes, this thing could not be manufactured by our people. The technique is sophisticated enough. Please, dear Tu-val, tell me the story about it.
Tu-val repeated word by word what he heard from his uncle. Len-tin opened the lid of the case – a dark purple roll was in it. Somebody tightly engraved in gold dozens of symbols – concentric circles, wavy intertwining lines, or petals of different sizes belonging to an unknown flower. The lines of engraved signs were of various depth. Lin-tin was silent for few minutes.  Tu-val could see different emotions changing one another on his face. Then he spoke:
-It is unbelievable. I am completely sure it is a message. From whom? To whom? Was it created by somebody on our planet? I doubt. It was created by some highly intellectual humans who do not belong to Earth. Aliens?  I cannot give you the right answer. But wait, – he lingered a moment - you should go to Ir-Ruah - underground city. You know where it is. You should find a prominent scholar Har-mayan by name there. He is older than I am and more experienced in sciences about Universe. He worked on ancient documents and artifacts all his life. Besides they have an instrument with very strong lenses which they use to watch outer space. I hope he will be able to give us a hint. Do you mind if I go with you?
-Oh, I will be happy if you accompany me. Tomorrow early in the morning I will be waiting for you at the entrance. Take care.
Chapter 4. Ir-Ruah
Next morning Lin-Tin came out of the cave before Tu-val got up. Skies were unusually blue – no clouds could be seen in any part of it. Remnants of the moon were melting in the first golden rays of the morning. Few birds were quarrelling on the steps leading down the hill. Lin-tin put a dust protection mask on his face. Now he could breathe deeply. At that moment Tu-val appeared from the arch of the cave. He greeted Lin-tin with an elegant bow.
-I bet you did not sleep this night, – said Lin-tin – You were thinking about the mysterious box. I am sure we will find the answer soon.
-I doubt about it. Scholars in any of the settlements in our region do not have research instruments to disclose what is inside this case. But let’s try. Put on spring-shoes. It may help us to save time.
Two men took spring-shoes out from the backpacks and fastened them to the legs. Very soon they were at the foot of the hill. Spring-shoes made their jumps over the land much longer with less efforts.
 - Keep close to the center of the path, – cried out Lin-tin– Do you see this low shrubbery on both sides of the path? At this time of the warm season they are poisonous – not berries but thorns on the new offshoots.
- Yes, I remember that, – answered Tu-Val. – We had special lecture on safety and danger of some plants and insects. Never mind. We must hurry. We should arrive there before dusk.
A long line of caterpillars was crossing the path. They were pretty big and with bright colors of their short hair – one strip purple, the other – greenish, and the third – white. Were they product of butterflies, moths or other insects? Lin-tin took one and put it on an open palm.
-What remarkable species, – he said – I want to take it for my collection.
They accelerated their tempo. There were more than 25 miles between two settlements. The sun rays were so intensive that day that they felt as if their skin was burnt through travel clothes. Thanks to their ability to change slightly heat of their bodies     they obtained bearable temperature. By late afternoon the travellers saw the high mountain in the distance -it was a dead volcano which did not erupt flames and lava for a very long time. Ir-Ruah was built inside the upper passages of the volcano. Deep dark grey wrinkles of the mountain and narrow water streams between them produced the image of weeping old man. In an hour when they approached the mountain, they noticed the wide path winding like a snake through stones and tongues of lava up the steep slope. There was a security post at the very beginning of the path. Three guards armed with lances strode around the post. They held long lances with obsidian sharp tops on the end. The guards did not communicate with each other. Maybe it was one of requirements of their service.
When travellers were about one mile from the mountain the guards noticed the guests. The senior guard sent tele message to them demanding to stop and inform him who they were and what was the purpose of the visit.
-We are from Am Tzvior tribe, your neighbors, – replied Lin-tin. – We would like to talk to Har-mayan – the greatest scholar of Ir-Ruah.
-Come closer, we want to be sure that your visit is a peaceful one.
Tu-val and Lin-tin moved half a mile closer to the post. Few moments they were staying still while guards checked their belongings from the distance and inquired the chieftain who stood on the top of the mountain whether the guests could come and meet Har-Mayan.
People of Ir-Ruah spoke almost the same language as people of Am Tzivior. Meanwhile Tu-val looked around - the scenery did not impress him. Low tough grey grass covered the slope of the mountain almost up to the middle. No flying birds or even insects could be seen in the air. “What a sad place” - thought Tu-val.
Finally, guards gave them permission to ascend the path to the city of Ir-Ruah. A small metal cart made of unknown alloy with 4 seats was waiting for them several feet up the road. One of the guards pushed the cart forward using his bioenergy and the cart moved along the path. The only thing our travelers had to do was to pilot the cart using levers. The powerful magnet installed on the top of the mountain pulled the cart up he slope. The speed could be regulated by one of the levers. A group of people was waiting for them on a large stony platform covered with fleecy material. They were dressed in similar brown shirts and long transparent cloaks above the shirts. One of the group turned his face to the newcomers and raised his both hands to the sky – it was a usual warm greeting between people in different settlements. Tu-val and Lin-tin bowed to the hosts and also raised their hands to the sky. Tu-val observed people who were meeting them. Tall and well-build men and one woman. She attracted his attention. She was dressed in the same garments as men were, but her head was embellished with a dark silver hoop. Long curly hair fell on her shoulders and framed her slightly prolonged face with big grey eyes. One of the men approached Lin-tin and said:
-I heard you made this trip to meet Har-mayan. Har-mayan is my name. And this is my assistant, - He nodded towards the woman. – Darin-hon is her name. She will stay with us and assist during our meeting. Are you hungry? A dinner is ready. Let us show you our city and then we will go to the dining hall.
Lin-tin expressed his consent and they followed Har-mayan and others down along a gently sloping road that in form of descending loops led to the crater. From the top of the mountains it looked like a thread of gigantic nut. On the left side of the road a polished rectangle stones were laid to protect people to fall into the precipice. Each stone had its number and symbol engraved on the inner surface. Creeping up lianas with white and purple flowers completely covered surface of the wall on right hand side.   
The group was descending for some time when open hallways appeared on the right side. 
“Here is the museum of our people, – said Har-Mayan pointing to the first cave. We collected artefacts of four-five generations. Our artists painted exhibition rooms with fantastic images. When you enter the museum, you get into different world. If we have time, we will visit this cave”. 
They proceeded down the road and from that moment nobody talked while walking.  Har-mayan was going in vanguard and stopped only at the sixth hallway. The stony entrance was curved with interweaving lines of different width and length.
“Does it mean anything?” – asked Tu-val himself. He threw glances at Darin-hon from time to time. She responded the same way. “She is so attractive. It will be nice if she comes one day to our settlement.”
Har-mayan led the group into the hallway and along a short corridor decorated with blue and pink squares and circles. Thanks to the colors the corridor did not look dark and gloomy. The corridor ended with a round room with a dozen of chairs along the walls and a long oval table in the center.
“You can take a sit anywhere you like. Soon the dinner will be served. – Har-mayan addressed his words to the  guests accompanying his words with a smile.
Tu-val and Lin-tin sat near each other. The chairs were very comfortable. It seemed that they embraced each cell of the body. The man who was sitting on the right from Tu-val asked him about their trip. Tu-val shortly described him what they saw on their way to Ir-Ruah. Dinner was delicious. Everything was served in crystal bowls. Three spoons of different size were given to each person. Various herbs (some of them Tu-val and Lin-tin saw first time) were mounted on a high clay dish in the center of the table.
Darin-hon ate a bit and then said that she would go and prepare a room for their business meeting.  A bit later she returned and gave a sign to Har-mayan that everything was ready.

Chapter 5. The message
Four people were sitting in a long rectangular room. Some apparatuses not familiar to the guests were positioned in three points of the room – two near the entrance and one on the opposite side from the entrance. Lin-tin looked inquiringly at Har-mayan.
-We use them to purify air and to absorb sounds. So, while talking in this room you may hear at your choice only the voice of your partner who sits next to you or a person in the far point of the room. You can regulate the distance to which your voice can reach the addressee by using these apparatuses. It is done for security reasons.
And now let’s talk business. I have already got some idea why you are here today by means of telepathy. While you were on your way to Ir-Ruah Darin-hon was working in our archives looking for any hint of the same finding as you have in your case.
-And…? – Tu-val interrupted impatiently.
Har-mayan smiled.
-No, we did not find anything. I want to see the case with the message.
Tu-val took out the case very carefully and handed it to Har-mayan. Har-mayan stretched his hand towards one of the shelves inbuilt in the wall. Both guests saw a thing looked like a magnifying glass but made in the form of laboratory spectacles. Har-mayan put this on his face and started examining the scroll. Then he showed it to Darin-hon. The latter looked at it for some time. The impression on her face was very strained as if she was trying to remember something. Then she pronounced slowly with doubt in her voice:
-I do not think the signs in the scroll mean anything to us. It is not a map either. And it is not an ornament. There should be an unusual clue how to read it.
She unrolled the document and looked at it against the light.
-No, there should be more complicated means how to read it if it is a message from the outer world. I believe it is. Let’s think of all possible ways how to open the message.   
And she looked inquiringly at her company.
-There are few methods how to read secret letters: to put the documents above the flame, or to plunge them into water, or to wipe the surface with a weak acid. Though I fear these methods can not be used. We do not know the material on which the message is written. I mean there is a chance that the scroll can be destroyed. – said Lin-tin.
Har-mayan touched his temples and rubbed them.
- There is one more method – bioenergetic waves of the body. Each man has unique bioenergetic character of waves. We can try this method.
- How does it work? – asked Tu-val
- It is simple. You put your palms over the text, and letters or pictures appear on the surface. Only specific person with a certain length of wave and image of his palms can read the text which is addressed only to him.
- Would you mind trying this method? – Tu-val asked Har-mayan.
- Sure. – Har-mayan unrolled the scroll, attached the edges to the table, looked at his guests and slowly opened his palms over the signs. Weak fluorescence appeared on the surface of the document and died.
Har-mayan kept his palm over the scroll for few minutes and then said:
- It is not me who can open the contents of this message. Let’s try one by one. Darin-hon, it is your turn. Please do it.
Darin-hon stretched her hands over the scroll. Her fingers were long and lovely. Tu-val admired them. He watched how her face was concentrating on the procedure. They saw the same effect as it had been with Har-mayan.
-Well, dear Tu-val try yourself. Who knows may be you will succeed, – said Darin-hon with a smile on her face.
Tu-val felt that his palms sweetened. He reached a towel and dried them. Then he took a scroll. All eyes were on his hands. Few moments later they saw that fluorescence went stronger and stronger, but no symbols or picture appeared on the scroll. Meanwhile they found that Tu-val closed his eyes, his palms were tense, and it seemed that he was absorbing some information. There was absolute silence in the room. Everybody understood that Tu-val was the one to whom the message was sent. It was sundown when Tu-val took off his hands from the scroll. The fluorescence on the scroll sank. Tu-val rose and solemnly addressed the others:
-The message is verbal. Those who transmitted the message spoke our dialect – dialect of Am Tzvior. It was a very important information and I would like to share it with all chiefs and senior members of councils. I believe the best thing is to gather all of them in our settlement. We should discuss some serious and vital issues for all of us. I got it through my bioenergetic field. It was like a dream. I even saw the blurred    images of unknown human beings from another planet. I could not distinguish any of them because images changed rapidly one after another, And I heard distinctly only the voice. It was very clear and sounded like a mechanical. In my opinion nobody among living being on the Earth could have pronounced the words in such a way. The person if it were a person not a machine spoke slowly. Maybe he wanted me to hear each word. The message gave me directions how to go to one of the mountains in neighborhood. It is more than    two days trip from our settlement. The name of the mountain is Head of the Beast. Have you ever heard about it?
- Once I was there with a party of seven miners – we were looking for silver mine galleries. We found few. We use silver to produce cutlery. – says Har-mayan. It is not easy to reach the foot of the mountain – it is surrounded by small mountains and hills and waterfalls of mountain rivers you can find on the eastern slope. In any case I have a map with detailed description of all roads and paths. Though it was drawn long ago I hope it may help us to find the place.
-Fine. – said Tu-val – We will be waiting for you in three moons. Meanwhile I want to ask you to send messengers to the nearest settlements and we in turn do the same from our place.
All four were intrigued by the scroll message and anticipated unusual adventures.
Darin-hon approached Tu-val and asked:
-Do you want to see our collection of crystals?
Tu-val smiled and said:  -With pleasure. I am sure Lin-tin will join us.
They went up the passage to the second tier and entered the cave in the middle of it. A narrow hall led to a semi-oval room with colorful illumination on the ceiling. Crystals of different forms and sizes were exhibited along the walls and in the centre of the room. Some were not processed, the others had ornaments carved by man’s hand.
-Magnificent – pronounced Lin-tin. – I have never seen such a big collection.
-My people have been collecting crystals for few generations, – answered Har-mayan. – We use crystals for everyday life – such as dispersion of light in public places,  festivals, laboratories,  women’s decorations, people with bad vision when they are reading books and of course as table dishes and glasses.
-I want to see you some time in our settlement. We have a pretty good collection of semi-precious stones and ancient household items that were found in our area. Some of them, I mean household items, do not look familiar and we do not know what they were used for, – said Tu-val. – And now we have to go. Thank you for everything.  I hope we will get news from you soon.
Har-mayan and Darin-hon accompanied their guests down to the feet of the mountain. Darin-hon held out the small wooden box to Tu-val.
-This is our souvenir, – she smiled heartily. – It is one of crystal pieces processed and curved by our masters.
Chapter 6. The expedition to the Head of the Beast
On their return to Am Tzvior settlement Tu-val spoke to his father and the aldermen of the tribe and next day several messengers were sent to other tribes who lived on the north and west sides of the same mountain ridge with invitation to visit Am Tzvior. No further explanation was given.
Seven chieftains came to Am Tzvior settlement next morning. Tu-Val and the council of the tribe met them warmly. The guests were invited to the meeting room where some of Tu-Val assistants told them about history of the tribe. All were waiting some other representatives from the distant settlements. By early evening fourteen out of seventeen representatives arrived. Tu-Val announced the agenda of the meeting. Many of the guests were stunned. They could not expect that this urgent meeting was related to their future life on the Earth. Two of the chieftains stood up and said they are not ready to discuss it now.
    -Don’t be so quick in your decision before you hear from me. It is important for all of us, – calmed them Tu-Val. He stood before an elite of the local tribes a bit confused. “I should tell them everything and then give them time to digest my information.’- he thought.  Then he told them the pre-history of the scroll and stopped for a minute. – Now I want to tell you what message I have got. I am not sure who are those visitors from the Universe, but it is clear, that they know many things that we do not know.   
     -May we trust them? – asked one of the guests.
     -I can not say “yes” or “no”. I do think we have to discuss what they suggest us.
Well, the text I received from aliens is following: “We, inhabitants of one of     the planets in Epsilon Piscium, came to the planet Gamma of the Golden Solar Star family of planets which you call Earth. We know very well what happened on your planet almost 800 years ago. Your future is obscure. Our council made decision to give you a hand. You can find five spaceships in the crater of the old volcano Head of the Beast. They are ready for flight. However, it is your decision to choose between continuing your life on Earth or going to unknown and full of danger Universe. We can not invite you to our planet – though we live in the era of high technologies we are not ready for your arrival – we are different, and you can bring in here bacteria that we do not have immunity from. In the spaceships you may find directions how to pilot ships to the planets from the Earth within 30-40 solar years (it is almost half life of one generation). Those planets are uninhabited by human beings. All instructions how to be prepared for the flight you will find on the boards of the ships. Unfortunately, each ship can take only 50 people. We rely on your wisdom and rational consideration of the situation. To add to this is that our experts evaluated the danger of chemical residues and level of radiation on the planet and concluded that it presents a pretty low danger for people now. You can choose between two options. We wish you all the best in your future life. You do not know our names, you do not know the name of our planet, but you should know that we watch you and try to help you in the days of hardship.
One of the oldest chieftains stood up: “May I say my word?” – he turned his head to right and left as if asking permission from other guests. Some of the company nodded.
-Thank you, - continued the chieftain.
What is his name? – whispered Tu-val addressing Lin-tin who sat next to him.
-He is Uhm-Boo – head of Shir-fay tribe – This tribe is the most numerous among us.
Uhm-Boo made a deep breath and started his short speech:
-Some questions arise from this message of aliens. Although we are really grateful for their intentions to help us, we have to think about all these. My first question is: What would be with people who leave the Earth on the spaceships? And here we have representatives of local tribes, but I am sure there are other tribes on the Earth that live far away. It is practically impossible to transfer all of them to other planets. What may happen to them?
-Your questions are justified, – said Lin-tin. – We have to think about many other things also.
-And what would be if we decline this offer and stay in the caves or make decision to come out on the surface and build our settlements there?
-I am sure we can discuss all the problems and outcomes together. Our meeting is a good opportunity for this. But what I suggest is to go and see the place where the spaceships are hidden, find all documents if there are any and see the maps and the ships themselves. After that we can gather in any place you offer and discuss all issues of our future life on the planet. We have done this for many years. Now it is time again.
Har-mayan who was among the guests stood up and said: “Every tribe and settlement accumulated a good experience in different branches of human life and technologies in accordance with collective consent of our ancestors. Once we get more knowledge about proposal of aliens, we can create our strategy of future life. Let’s go to Head of the Beast.”
-Are we going to the volcano immediately from here, from Am Tzvior settlement or first return to our tribes and prepare groups of trained rock climbers? – asked a young chieftain who represented eastern tribe.
-How long it may take you all to be prepared for the expedition? – raised his voice Gord Ket-val who had not pronounced any word during the discussion. He was a bit upset that his son did not share with him this information.
-Well, I believe two nights will be enough, – replied Uhm-Boo. Others agreed. – And I would like to advice all of you that the ascent will be challenging – no direct path leads to the crater.
-Where do we meet? – asked Tu-val
-I suggest meeting near our settlement. We live in the closest one to Head of the Beast. – said Uhm-Boo.
-Does anybody have objections? – questioned Tu-val his guests.
Har-mayam looked around – No objections. So, it is settled. We are gathering near Uhm-Boo settlement in two nights. We have to bring special equipment for climbing rocks and steep walls, some provision and a lot of water or beverages. We do not know how much time really can take our expedition. We can only guess.
When all guests departed Tu-val asked his father and Lin-tin to stay.
-Gord, – Tu-Val addressed his father officially and ceremonially – This expedition may be dangerous. You have to choose who will go. My candidacy is out of question. I reckon young, physically fit men are good for this trip. And if they are proficient in some technical profession and have knowledge in physics and chemistry it is a bonus.
-How many do you plan to take with you in your team? – asked Lin-tin.
-Three-four may be enough.
-I can suggest my best former students, one of them your close friend Kos.
-Kos is perfect candidacy.
-What are you going to take with you, son? Should I send orders to our executives?
-The list of equipment and provision I can give you this night.
-Fine! I am concerned about one thing I feel uncomfortable when I receive news about your enterprise at the same time as others. I am your father and I am a chieftain of the tribe.
-I am so sorry, I could not disclose my plans unless I was sure that this box and scroll contain some important information for us.
-All right. Let’s forget about it. In this case you can rely on my full support.
Tu-val and his group left their settlement next day at noon. They expected that they would meet other groups on the way to Head of the Beast and stop for a night at Uhm-Boo’s settlement before they would reach the foot of the mountain. The weather was not good for the trip. The skies were covered with thick black clouds, wind though not strong was carrying yellow sand and small pieces of wood hither and thither. Tu-val ordered his companions to put on helmets made of plastic and solid cotton with glass protection for eyes. The way they had chosen was winding between low hills and bogs. Soon they reached a forest of dead trees. Hungry big birds were making rounds above the trees. Termites of the size of a rat left tons of sawdust between the trees. They were moving up and down the dead trunks paying no attention to the party that was passing the forest. One of Tu-val’s fellows suddenly fall in a cavity thickly covered by sawdust. The pit was not deep so Kos and Tu-val threw him two cords with aluminium bars weaved into them. In few minutes the young man appeared on the surface.
-Are you hurt? – asked Tu-val.
-Not much. Just skinned my palms and hit my left knee.
- Are you able to continue the trip?
-I am fine. Do not worry.
The group stayed at the edge of the pit for several instants, bandaged the young man knee, drank herbal beverage from flasks and continued their trip. They arrived at the point of meeting a bit later than other groups.   
7. Call of the Universe
The camp was on the move. One of the groups brought diamond axes which could make cuts in granite and basalt. At the conference of the leaders they elaborated a plan of ascending. Each group got diamond ax and special sleeves on the top of jacket’s sleeves that with a lint covered with special glue could attach arms firmly to the stone walls. Unfortunately, that day was rain early in the morning and the rocks were slippery. The expedition was expected to be over within two nights. Three groups started their ascent afternoon when the sun was above the mountain. Others should wait for a while and follow them up the slope. First three-four hundred feet they passed easily just jumping from one rock to another. Then vertical granite walls began. There were not too many ledges and terraces so each of the members of the expedition had to cut deep slits in the granite to make a stair. By evening almost exhausted they discovered two pretty wide cavities where they could rest and have their meals. First group reached the crater only at night. First climbers put all their burden on the edge of the crater and waited until others would join them.
-We will wait until morning and then go down the crater to find the spaceships– said Tu-val once all participants gathered on the top of the mountain.
It was chilly on the top of the volcano. Wind was blowing all the time. Brains of the climbers sent signals to their body to make internal temperature comfortable – people of the Earth trained to do that for centuries. They made a temporary shelter between the rocks. Short sleep restored their vigour. The early dawn – dark gray above the mountains and slightly pinkish at the horizon – was stunning. Long shadows from the rocks created fantastic figures on the walls of the crater. Groups gathered at the narrow path made by wild animals. The path led down the crater. It was steep and winding.
- Where from we should start our search of the spaceships? – asked Uhm-Boo.
- The crater is very big – I assume the diameter is not less than three miles – We have to divide our expedition into two detachments. The first one starts from here and another goes to the opposite side and starts the search from there – said Har-Mayan. The others agreed.
The air in the crater was humid because of clouds that were withhold by its uneven brims. Everybody of the party put on special protective masks and started their way in search for the ships.
Tu-val, Lin-Tin, Kos and Har-Mayan happened to be in the first group. Their side was full of small craters, caves and thorny bushes some of them were poisonous. Because of humidity rocks were slippery and the group was going down forward very slow. When the sun began to decline Kos paid others attention to the hollow on the left side within few hundred steps down the slope. There were five unknown subjects covered with a thick layer of dust. They had domical shape and slightly towered above the surface.
-May my guess be right – those are spaceships, – uttered Har-Mayan with trembling voice.
-Very likely, – said Lin-tin – We shall see soon.
After some time, they reached the hollow which they noticed from the upper rock. It looked like that a large granite platform has not been visited for a long time. Now the subjects they took for spaceship looked like ordinary boulders.
-Don’t you think we made a mistake? – one of the group addressed his question to other comrades.
-Our first impression was correct, – answered Kos. – We have to look what is hidden under this dust and dirt.
-Should we contact the other group? – asked Tu-val.
-Not now. Let’s look at what we have found, first – answered Har-Mayan.
Kos and the other member of expedition took spade-like instruments and began digging in the thick layer of dust and dirt. Soon their instruments touched something solid and smooth.
- If it is not granite then we have found what we were looking for – said Kos.
Har-Mayan immediately sent a message to the other party asking to stop moving farther and stay at the place they reached for some time until they get news from them. He added that more likely their group found the ships.
Meanwhile Kos cleared a large room on the surface of the object supposed-to-be a spaceship. A silver spot looked like a metal body, but it was not. They continued clearing till supper, then second team changed them. Soon they realized that all these right shape high rocks were ships indeed. Har-mayan summoned the party they sent to the opposite side of the crater. By noon all five spaceships were cleared. Now they needed to get inside one of them and find any further instructions. One can not describe anxiety of each member of the expedition – what they would find could alter all their lives.
Har-mayan and Lin-tin put on protective gowns and gloves with three layers of thin viscose material and began search for the entry hole. No success. Does it mean that again they need help of Tu-val abilities?
- Tu-val, now it is your turn to use your potential to communicate.
Tu-val approached one of the ships and not touching the surface made a gesture as if he was pressing the body of the ship forward. To surprise of all men a small area curved inward, but nothing opened.
-I think you should move your hand in the way we open some doors or shutters in the wardrobes – move your hands to the sides – said Lin-tin.
-Let’s do it, – whispered Tu-val addressing to himself.
He made this gesture and the ship opened its body slowly. They saw a spacious salon without any sign of furniture and control panel to navigate the ship. Only an oval screen on the wall glowed with unobtrusive greenish light.
When they entered the saloon the voice from the screen addressed them in the language  of the Earth understood to everybody and some pictures were displayed on the screen. The voice was speaking slowly and loudly:
“When you hear this voice, it means that you have intentions to leave your planet. You still have your choice – to stay on the Earth or leave for another planet with almost the same conditions of life. We are not inviting you to our planet. We are different and we live in technically advanced world. Instead we offer you one of the planets revolving the star with the name Gamma Serpentis. We chose this planet by three main reasons – it is not that far from your solar system, the star is similar to your sun, and there are good conditions for human life. Once you decide to go to the Universe, we will give you instructions how to navigate the ship. The capacity of each ship is only 50 adult human beings. You can ask us questions and we try to help you with your long trip.”.
Har-Mayan turned head to his comrades.
-We received some useful information. Now we have to go back to our settlements. We can not stay on the surface as you know too long – though the level of radiation is not that high as it was four-five generations ago – we still should not expose ourselves to radiation for a long run - it may have serious consequences. We need time to digest all this information.
-Agree, - exclaimed Lin-tin – we need time. I suggest arranging meeting of our chieftains and prominent scholars in three nights. What we have now is enough to make final decision. And I assume that we all know that it is not only technical aspects of departure from the planet, but also social, psychological and ethical. Who will offer place for meeting?
-We can do it, - replied Har-Mayan – we can also accommodate participants in our best lodgings for several nights because I presume it may take time to find the best solution.
The way back was much easier, and the expedition reached the foot of the Head of the Beast earlier than expected. There the group separated, and each party made for its settlement.
Tu-val as soon as they arrived at Am Tzvior cave had a meeting with his father. This night nobody of elders closed his eyes – they heard the report made by Tu-val, Kos and Lin-tin and discussed what could be consequences of this expedition.

8. We are human
The day of the conference of all representatives of local tribes came. Chieftains and their advisers arrived at Ir-ruah settlement on time. All of them were silent and self-concentrated after long and painful discussions with their people during these three nights. Tu-val was pleased to see Darin-hon again. Darin-hon offered them a light breakfast and herbal beverages. Then all guests moved to a conference hall. Har-mayan started his short speech:
“Dear neighbors and friends, to-day is a very important day for us. We have to find the best solution for our future. Human beings from other planet who are more advanced in science and technologies than we are gave us opportunity to change our lives and transfer our tribes to other world far from here where we can find pure air and water, clean soil free of radiation and deadly chemicals. However, we can not go with all our people and not all tribes because we have only 5 spaceships with limited capacity. It is a tough dilemma for all of you. I know you spend all these nights in debates. There will be no critics of your decisions, but every decision should be well reasoned. So, let’s begin. I want every chieftain talk and Lin-tin, one of the most experienced among us, will summarize all your opinions and after a while give his resume. And we start with the chieftain of the furthest settlement – Shir-fay tribe.”
Uhm-Boo rose, looked around and uttered in a muffled voice: We understand that not everybody can leave the Earth, but my people want to try their destiny. Our high council suggests drawing a lucky ticket. I said.
Then one after another rose the chieftains. Some of them supported Uhm-Boo decision, others said it was not just to leave people here. Finally, Gord Ket-val from Am Tzivor informed the conference that their tribe came to conclusion and would stay on the Earth because it was not fair to leave others in such a bad situation.
Next morning Lin-tin summarized all choices and added his vision of the situation:
-Before we make final decision we have to visit Head of the Beast once again and ask aliens if they can bring more spaceships or if they can give us instruction how to build spaceships on the Earth using all means that we have at our disposal. Also we are only part of the planet population – there are tribes that live on the other side of the mountains and on the seashores of great Ocean. Should we think about them?
For some time members of the conference were silent – words of Lin-tin were sober and weighted.
Tu-val rose and said – Yes, indeed, we have to take into account other tribes with who we do not have any links. And, yes, we should get more information from aliens. Let’s choose representatives for a group that will go to the Head of the Beast. Now we know the route and it will be easier for us to reach the spaceships. It is for you to decide who is going and when. Thank you for your attention. Yes, I want to add that we do not need men from each tribe. I believe six or seven physically strong men is enough and we add to them two scholars and myself. 
By the end of the conference the new expedition was organized.
-We do not need to postpone our mission and start the expedition in two nights. As it was last time, we are gathering near Shir-fay tribe settlement. – concluded Har-mayan.
Two nights passed unnoticed. A group of 10 men made a camp within vicinity of Shir-fay settlement. The weather was not friendly. Though no rain a strong wind from mountains full of dust and dead branches of bushes blew the whole morning. Members of the group chose the same path as they had used first time. Near the slope of the volcano the wind was not felt so strong. Climbers moved slowly one after another in close distance. Suddenly a green and grey serpent appeared from behind a ledge and flung to the first climber. He could not protect himself with bioenergetic shield because it was so sudden and the serpent twisted around the leg. The second climber noticed this threat and made a huge dash and cut the head of the serpent. The serpent’s body became limp and fell on the stones. No other incidents happened on their way to the crater.
The group reached the edge of the crater. The crater was covered with thick fog. Two members of expedition lit gas torches. Finally, emissaries found the hollow with the spaceships. Tu-val approached one of the rockets. He put his palm on the screen and screen lit up this time with yellowish color.
-Our friends from the Universe I wish to ask you some questions. Depending on your answer we can take a right decision.
The voice from the screen was distinct with metal sounds.
-Ask your questions. If we can help you, we will do it without hesitation.
-Well, you probably are aware that population of the Earth is too big for five spaceships you left on the planet. Is there any possibility to build more ships using local materials? If yes, we would like to get step by step instructions how to build the rockets.
There was short silence and then the voice answered
-Unfortunately, there are no such materials on your planet. Those materials are composites of dozens of chemical elements some of them you do not have in the depths of the planet. However, it is not an issue. We will find substitutes that you can use for building the spaceship. But… you do not possess any experience in this field, and you do not have industrial capacities for doing this work. Even if we lead you during the process of production it would take at least few generations, and in this case you should leave your under land settlements and start your life on the surface.
-Thank you. Now we should take final decision. We will return to you with information about our intentions.
The screen extinguished. Tu-val turned his head to his mates.
-You have heard what alien said. We should discuss it at the meeting with heads of the tribes. As I presume the discussion may be tough and difficult.
Strong wind with hail started just at the same moment as soon as the group reached foot of the volcano. Using their bioenergetic field men managed to protect themselves from hailstones each of them had dimensions of an average size pebble. Half an hour later the wind stopped, and members of expedition went to the settlement of Am-Tzvior. They had to report about their mission.
Next day before sunset few dozens of chiefs and their counsellors came to the cave of Am-Tzvior tribe. Many of them felt that the decision what to do with spaceships and how to live in the future would be most difficult and bear some dissent among tribes. One of the chiefs invited representative of the tribe that lived on the other side of the mountain ridge. This tribe was isolated and had only occasional contacts with all the tribes in the valley.
-Who will conduct our conference? – addressed Gord Ket-val the audience.
-Let Har-mayan do it – suggested Lin-tin – He knows everyone of us and has a pretty good experience in resolving different problems.
-Any objections? – Gord Ket-val turned to the participants. – Stand up who does not agree with this candidature.
No one at the conference stood up.
-Fine, – said Gord Ket-val. – Dear Har-mayan you may open our conference.
Har-mayan rose solemnly. He was taller than any of the participants of the conference. He caressed his grey beard and pronounced:
-I realize that we may have different opinions. But I call all delegates – chiefs of the tribes and other representatives – to consider thoroughly the options. So, let’s start. I suggest that everyone expresses his position. We will hear delegates one by one from the right to the left.
A stout delegate with curly black hair who represented a small tribe in the western part of the plain addressed the conference. His voice was pleasant with some vibration. He looked excited:
-Dear chiefs, people of our world – he started – What a great opportunity we have, but can we use it? We have a serious dilemma. We all are here to analyse thoroughly the situation and find the best solution. I am entitled to speak on behave of my tribe and here is my opinion. It is too early for us to take this journey to the Universe – journey with many questions and great uncertainty – where we are going, what may be conditions on the planet that aliens had chosen for us. In any case this journey promise to be dangerous and fatal for some or all of us who is going to fly in the spaceships. We need more time – and may be not us but next generation will have courage to undertake this voyage. Thank you for your attention.
One after another chiefs and scholars spoke. At last Uhm-boo’s turn came.
-Yes, we all realize risks of this trip to the Universe. My position after long discussion with our people is that my tribe or better to say selected members of my tribe can undertake this attempt to find new planet for human beings’ life. There is one thing once we leave the Earth, we won’t be able to communicate with you and let you know about our destiny.
Har-mayan again stood up, he looked a bit confused and alarmed. He summed-up the discussion:
-We heard you our guests and respected leaders of tribes. I am still in doubt myself. We have considered many reasons and factors supporting this or that decision.  I can understand Uhm-boo and his eagerness to leave our Earth. And let him do it. However, by this we lose contact with aliens and won’t be able to get any message about our friends who undertook this dangerous flight. Now, it is time for us to come up on the surface. Yes, there is still unsafe environment, but we must overcome our fears and start a new life. Our caves, our settlements under the surface will be supportive means for building new colonies in vicinity. We have to sign agreement to help each other to build this new life. We may encounter dozens of difficulties, but we are to find the way how to deal with them. Our tribes are growing, our interests go beyond the walls of the caves. May be the day come when we will be able to make spaceships ourselves. Though it does not mean that we will abandon the planet. I encourage you to gather all your resources, cast aside all your doubts and start new life.
At first all members of the conference stayed silent. And then turned their faces to Har-mayan and raised both hands which meant that they agree with his conclusion.
Three nights later message about decision of the tribes’ leaders conference was delivered to aliens and when warm season came, they waved farewell to those courageous men who were leaving the Earth.
